The following is a consolidated list of Useful Resources for Codex players, whether on the forum or in person.
Rules and Cards
- Official Rulebooks: These are nice searchable .pdfs. If you’re having trouble finding a rule, this will probably help you find it faster, and these will be updated to the latest versions.
- Rules Questions Thread: The place to have all your questions answered from the simple to the extreme
- Official Rulings Spreadsheet: The official living document for any errata or clarifications
- Codex Card Database: Card images and rulings summaries synced with the Official Rulings Spreadsheet
- Deck reference website by Offkilter, for looking at all the cards in your deck on one screen
- Unofficial rulebook rewrite by dreamshade
- Towards a comprehensive rulebook rewrite by Persephone (a proposal to unify / simplify some card-specific timing rulings)
- Codex Cards Spreadsheet: Official list of cards broken out into constituent parts.
- Autocard Anywhere: An extension for your web browser for converting card names into card images. Has functions to limit the conversion to only certain sites, card nicknames, and to ignore or allow dictionary words. Default settings are for Magic the Gathering.
- Tournament Rules These are the suggested rules for live tournaments at your local gaming establishment, as outlined by Sirlin.
- Card Draw Probability Spreadsheet: Quick reference to figure out the probability of drawing the card you need.
Alternate Play Experiences
- Mental Codex Rules: A community created game mode that eliminates random draw
- Map Card List: Various official game modes intended to really warp how the game is played
- Fan specs
- The Grey Legions by dwarddd and James (whole faction)
- Zurk Collective by Archon (whole faction)
- Light Battalion by Nopethebard (whole faction)
- Ruination (Master Menelker) by feathers
- Prosperity (Lum) by lettucemode
- Luck (also Lum!) by cstick
- Progress (BBB) by ClanNatioy
- Creativity (Valerie) by EricF
- Adventure (Kaitlina) by Raiddinn
- Lum the Gambling Panda by Glide
- Dominance (Persephone) by rabid_schnauzer
- Persephone the Nox Oracle by Kathandu
In Real Life/Offline-Specific Resources
- Tips and tricks for keeping track of things: These are ways various players have made the board-game experience a bit easier logistically, mentally, or visually.
Forum/Online Specific Resources
- Find a forum opponent:
, game on
- Codex Forum Game Template Thread: A super useful spreadsheet for playing codex on this forum (shameless plug)
- Sirlin Games / Fantasy Strike Discord
- Old Sirlin Games Discord
- Plaintext copy for typical Forum tourney setup/rules
- Find a forum opponent:
Play-By-Forum Tournaments
- Historical matchup data thread
- Monocolour Matchup Madness 1 - Ongoing series, sign up at any time!
- Cumulative Asynchronous Forum Tournament Win Standings
- Cumulative Seasonal Swiss Forum Tournament Standings
- CAFS 2016
- Race #3
- CAWS 2016
- LLL #2
- CAPS 2017
- CAMS 2017
- Let’s Do This ([LDT], Fall 17) - CAS format
- Let’s Do This 2 ([LDT2], Winter 17) - CAS format
- CAMS 2018
- XCAFS 2018 - Banned a few deck choices
- CAWS 2018
- XCAPS 2019 - Draft tourney
- CAMS 2019
- XCAFS 2019 - Car not driver round robin, this one was wacky
- CAWS 2019
- XCAPS 2020 - Each round uses a different map card
- CAMS 2020
- XCAFS 2020 - Sweeping Balance Changes to a lot of cards to mix up the meta
- CAWS 2020
- XCAPS 2021 - Midori’s Balanced Bouts model’s choice random deck
- CAMS 2021
- XCAFRR21 - Monocolor Six Shooter each player played each monocolor deck in a Round Robin
- CAWS21
- XCAPS22 - slight balance adjustments
- CAMS22 - small balance adjustments were kept
- CAWS22 - small balance adjustments were kept
- CAMS23 - some more small balance adjustments
- XCAFS23 - choose your opening split & small balance adjustments were kept
Tournament Tracker Template
- create a copy of the tracker template with the penalty algorithm for doing the swiss pairings please contact @zango if something is not working properly or if you have questions
Card Specific Discussions
Strategy Discussions
- How to avoid getting blown out in the first two turns – starting deck tricks and how to use them by mallorean_thug (old forum link)
- Strongest mono-colour Codex openings
- Opportunity Costs
- Beginner’s Guide to Workers
- Beginner’s Guide to Teching
- New Player Reference Sheets
- Codex War Stories
- Law Spec is not the same as an MTG control deck by Toan
- What’s just below top-tier? (multi-colour)
- Things to consider when building a deck / starting a multicolour game by charnel_mouse
- Colour/Deck-specific strategies
- Argagarg’s Riches Opening by lettucemode
- [Balance]/Blood/Strength: bringing a penknife to a sword fight by charnel_mouse
- Search Warrant: The aggressive player’s guide to breaking into people’s Tech buildings to control them with Law in mono-Blue by Toan
- Temporal Mastery (Mono purple primer) by Shadow_Night_Black
- Some great thoughts on Purple vs Black and the struggles purple may face by Shadow_Night_Black
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