If we got someone else entered on Miracle Grow, I’ll swap to “Cremation” aka the Bob199 special aka Necro/Blood/Fire
Let’s kick this off! Keep in mind, you can still signup!
- [CAMS20] codexnewb [Anarchy]/Strength/Growth vs Frozenstorm [Necromancy]/Blood/Fire
- [CAMS20] Zhavier [Future]/Necromancy/Peace vs Nekoatl [Past/Future]/Peace
- [CAMS20] Akiata [Feral]/Anarchy/Strength vs NopetheBard Monowhite
- [CAMS20] Carpeguitarrem Monored vs charnel_mouse [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood
Bomber678 gets the bye this round
Another bye for me,
I just want to play codex;
Cock-blocked by swiss rules.
Gotta restart the RACE series. (I won’t have time for this season)
I like the idea of using RACE for the next tournament in the fall.
For anyone wanting to follow the codex tournament tracker sheet, heres the link.
@akiata It appears you havent started your match. Will you be able to catch up?
Given Akiata seems to be MIA, I am going to re-pair round 1 to Bomber678 vs NopetheBard.
[CAMS20] Bomber678 [Discipline/Strength]/Finesse vs NopetheBard Monowhite
Assigned to a match
My heart fills with elation
Then forgot, now bed.
I think we can proceed with Round 2. Akiata has been dropped from the tournament due to inactivity.
- [CAMS20] ROUND2 Frozenstorm [Necromancy]/Blood/Fire vs Zhavier [Future]/Necromancy/Peace
- [CAMS20] ROUND2 charnel_mouse [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood vs Bomber678 [Discipline/Strength]/Finesse
- [CAMS20] ROUND2 Nekoatl [Past/Future]/Peace vs Carpeguitarrem Monored
- [CAMS20] ROUND2 NopetheBard Monowhite vs codexnewb [Anarchy]/Strength/Growth
@Nopethebard Still need to start round 2
Things are heating up.
- [CAMS20] ROUND3 charnel_mouse [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood vs Frozenstorm [Necromancy]/Blood/Fire
- [CAMS20] ROUND3 Bomber678 [Discipline/Strength]/Finesse vs Carpeguitarrem Monored
- [CAMS20] ROUND3 Zhavier [Future]/Necromancy/Peace vs codexnewb [Anarchy]/Strength/Growth
- [CAMS20] ROUND3 Nekoatl [Past/Future]/Peace vs NopetheBard Monowhite
Round 4!
- [CAMS20] ROUND4 Frozenstorm [Necromancy]/Blood/Fire vs Bomber678 [Discipline/Strength]/Finesse
- [CAMS20] ROUND4 codexnewb [Anarchy]/Strength/Growth vs charnel_mouse [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood
- [CAMS20] ROUND4 Carpeguitarrem Monored vs Zhavier [Future]/Necromancy/Peace
Nekoatl gets the bye!
@CarpeGuitarrem Don’t forget to start our match.
Round5 in the titles there, zhav, not 4*
GL HF everyone!
Woops, will fix.
No sweat, thanks very much for posting new matches!
I get the Bye this round.