Skeletal Archery, Thieving Imp, Sacrifice the Weak, Jandra, the Negator
Graveyard, Poisonblade Rogue
I really feel like despite the strength of this starter I just keep fumbling my choices. However, going into blue does make it a lot easier when they don’t have a strong anti-hero plan. So maybe it’ll work out.
Deteriorate, Graveyard, Nimble Fencer, Sacrifice the Weak
I think a fairly standard turn two, taking the lesson from that earlier game to try and maintain board. Well try and lay graveyard next turn for repeated assault.
I had a lot of potential lines this turn, but none of them were satisfactory for a turn 4 meta, so I’ll aim for turn 5 meta instead. This will hopefully keep my vandy safe, and I should be able to get at least a heroes’ hall down, maybe even a tech 2 if I’m lucky. Just gotta keep Vandy alive for the grand finale.
I’m going for a risky play here, not laying down extra defence so I can get the tech building up. There is a possibility of vandy dying here I know, but that will require significant gold or card expenditure, and I think I’ll be ahead anyway if they invest that heavily.
And if they don’t… demon time.
I could’ve played a line where I didn’t sac the fencer and instead took more damage on vandy, but I think I benefit a lot from keeping vandy high health here. Patrolling garth because I don’t care if he dies, I can just meta river if I need to. Kind of annoying that I can’t stop their tech 2, so hopefully they don’t have eyes this turn. Even if they do, I’m still in a fairly dominant position.
Free speech would wreck me here but it’s not liiiikely? I think?
Darn, that’s a biggie. My intention was to use the nerf list you linked. Obviously I did a copy pasta when I created the tournament rule summary.
Sorry for the inconvenience I caused with that!
Biggie indeed. Both players have valid reasons to believe the two rulesets, though I think you need to err on the side of what was posted in the tourney thread.
I think there’s several options:
Finish the game with the tourney thread posted ruleset (allowing deteriorate) and change it after the game. This would be the strictest “by the letter” competitive ruling. Harsh for @rathyAro but I’m fairness it’s on each player to be reading the rules and the tourney thread must be considered source of truth.
Rollback 1-2 turns with the posted ruleset. This at least gives @rathyAro a chance to reconfigure his patrol.
Restart the game with the intended ruleset clarified for both players. This is most in the spirit of the tournaments intent but definitely unfair to @Bryce_The_Rice who wasn’t aware of the intended nerf when selecting their deck.
We could do any combination of degrees of rollbacks, rule change or not, let @Bryce_The_Rice pick a new deck or not… No clear right or wrong answer IMO.
The “sirlin spirit” thing to do is probably finish the tourney and this game with the posted rules in the tourney thread, but we’re here more to have fun than hardcore play to win and my suggestion would be replay the game with the intended rules, offering @Bryce_The_Rice a chance to change decks if desired