Suggested (but not required) format for posting turns. This helps your opponent easily see what the board state is, and allows spectators to review your options, and play along at home (or do analysis after the game).
Player X, Turn Y (or you can use this detail as the title of the hidden text, instead of “Turn Summary”)
Turn Summary
This text will be hidden. Include your start of turn hand, tech choices, worker choices, and any additional cards drawn and/or discarded. You can use multiple summaries or put everything in a single one, at your preference.
Note: be sure to put a blank line before the [details] tag, or it won’t hide your text
This text is supposed to be hidden, but it isn’t because the previous line is directly above this one.
List all actions taken, with a running gold total. For example:
Collect 7 gold (7)
Worker (6)
Vandy kills Older Brother
Level Vandy to 3 (4)
Tech II Peace (0)
Discard X, Draw Y, reshuffle, Draw Z. Float G gold (if not zero).
Leader: Ironbark Treant (1/2 +3)
Elite: Hardened Mox (2/1)
Buildings: Tech I (5); Tech II - Peace (5); Tower (4)
Units/Heroes: L3 Vandy (3/4); Pestering Haunt (1/1) {List only those who are not patrolling}
Base: 18
Other: Rich Earth, Bird’s Nest
Workers: 8 (+ 0 gold)
Hand: 4
Deck: 1
Discard: 5
Optionally, include your new hand and discard. Especially relevant against a Blue starter, or an opponent with access to Discipline, Law, or Disease.
New Hand
This text will be hidden
This text will be hidden
You can also use this handy fan-made spreadsheet for tracking your hand/deck/discard contents: