Jep, that one it is and I’m very happy about it as I remember way too lividly this one match against your armada of 0g spells where you played what felt like 4 deteriorates in only three consecutive turns
PS: I drew my starting hand before I knew what your last pick was and back then I already entered disease as the last spec, funny to see this now, 2 days later…
XCAFS24 round 3 P2T1
P1 [Demonology]/Disease/Finesse vs. P2 [Past]/Necromancy/Feral
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
NC kills haunt - ($2)
Cal - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Cal (2/3, lvl1)
In Play:
Nullcraft (1/1)
Base HP: 20
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 3
Gold: 0
Workers: 6
was expecting to have to play neo + NC with this opening split and therewith run into imp in a very un-nice way. but I’m very happy to see that Cal in SL puts some counter pressure on him without being too wonky
Nullcraft, blah. I’m not sure what Zango’s plan is here, I should probably look at the rules changes again to speculate. Right now it’s just standard Cala pressure, Spitter seems good to deal with that and Nullc and possible Past T2 shenanigans
Pestering Haunt, Poisonblade Rogue, Janrda, the Negator
Patrol as below
Discard 2 Draw 4
Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
Tech1 HP: 5
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Plague Spitter (3/3a)
In Play:
Vandy (3/3 lvl 3)
Economy Info:
Hand: 4
Deck: 0
Disc: 6
Gold: 0
Workers: 7
End of Turn Hand
Dark Pact
Sacrifice the Weak
Skeletal Archery
Skeleton Javelineer
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Okay, Time for Vandy to bully a little also. PS should discourage Cala, I have fencer threat next turn, can pivot a bit between DP, Starlet, Meta and T2 depending on how the board looks.
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
midband Cal stealthily kills Vandy, maxband heals - ($5)
BC - ($3)
HH - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 0, draw 2
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Bone Collector (3/3)
Technician: Nullcraft (1/1)
In Play:
Cal (4/5, lvl5)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Heroes’ Hall HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 2
Deck: 2
Disc: 5
Gold: 1
Workers: 8
I really would bet quite a sum that he has DP in hand, so even if I would not mind Vandy as much as I do I would be inclined to kill her here. I’m still fairly optimistic that I’m able to pull off my intended t5 but man have I messed up my cycle by this turn…
I hate Cala such a jerkface. Think Tech2 is the play here, Lizard is solid against this and good with DP, Maestro good for harassment also. Drawing DP + Maestro would be swell
Well I do see your point, but my cycle was completely wrecked with this stealth attack, let’s see whether I can hold up to your now active finesse engine… But tbh, yes, I really like the place I’m in right now
XCAFS24 round 3 P2T4
P1 [Demonology]/Disease/Finesse vs. P2 [Past]/Necromancy/Feral
Hardened Mox (1/1)
Forgotten Fighter
Plasmodium (4/4, fc 3)
Battle Suits
Temporal Research
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Tinkerer (1/2)
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
Garth - ($6)
Cal kills SL, takes three runes
BC kills orpal, creates a skel, Garth to lvl3
create an extra skel - ($5)
tech 2 - ($1)
NC pings your tech 2
Float ($1)
Discard 1, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 1
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Scavenger: skel 1/1
Technician: skel 1/1
In Play:
Cal (1/2, lvl5, resist 1 to my units)—
Bone Collector (1/1)–
Nullcraft (1/1)
Garth (1/3, lvl3)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Past)
Heroes’ Hall HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 3
Deck: 7
Disc: 0
Gold: 1
Workers: 9
nice, I really like this multi threat scenario while hanging board advantage as p2. let’s see whether his hand size advantage with explosive finesse will make up for this
We’ll see what comes my way from that 3 cards there, hopefully nothing too nasty. My only solace here is Cala is weak now and Leaping Lizard is a strong body out front
Tinkerer (1/2)
Temporal Research
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
Seer (2/1)
Hardened Mox (1/1)
Forgotten Fighter
Plasmodium (4/4, fc 3)
Battle Suits
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Feral Strike
Seer (2/1)
Feral Strike
Bone Collector (3/3)
Time Spiral
Bone Collector (1/1)–
Tinkerer (1/2)
Temporal Research
Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
midband Garth sacs skel for draw - ($9)
sac other skel to draw
make another skel - ($8)
maxband Garth fetch rememberer - ($4)
seer, remove rune from rememberer, fetch golgo - ($3)
prynn - ($1)
Worker - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Yesterday’s Golgort (6/4, fading 2)
Elite: Seer (2/1)
Technician: Garth (3/4, lvl7)
In Play:
Cal (1/2, lvl5, resist 1 to my units)—
Nullcraft (1/1)
Rememberer (3/3, fading 2)
skel 1/1
prynn (1/3, lvl1, fading 4)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 3 (Past)
Heroes’ Hall HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 4
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
tbh - I was hoping to not draw the strike as this is rather boring. I really wanted to get into the past engine. but as always I’m one gold shy of directly winning by doing both: Garth fetch rememberer+golgo AND building tech 3. now with him probably backline breaking tech 2 it’s going to be an interesting match