[XCAFS24] Round3: P1 FrozenStorm vs P2 zango

Yeah well, the past haunts some of us quite a bit :wink:

If you had a fencer instead of the spitter in T3 it would have looked completely different…

XCAFS24 round 3 P2T6

P1 [Demonology]/Disease/Finesse vs. P2 [Past]/Necromancy/Feral

Link to all relevant rule changes

Tech StartingHand Workers

Nether Drain

Time Spiral
Bone Collector (3/3)
Feral Strike
Feral Strike
Seer (2/1)
Bone Collector (1/1)–
Nether Drain

Hardened Mox (1/1)
Forgotten Fighter
Plasmodium (4/4, fc 3)
Battle Suits
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Bone Collector (1/1)–


Feral Strike
Nether Drain
Tinkerer (1/2)
Feral Strike
Temporal Research

Tech 1 card(s)
fading, rememberer finds Fargo
Get Paid - ($10)
prynn to l5 - ($6)
golgo kills SL
prynn attacks orpal, fading 4, gets three runes
Seer, rune #5 to prynn - ($5)
make skel & sac to RS 4 draw 1 - ($4)
NC pings orpal, old seer trades orpal, prynn to maxband
prynn banishes maestro
Cal, skel & rememberer break tech 2, 3 runes to golgo
Garth kills Vandy, levels fizzle
sac old skel to draw
prynn banishes a fencer
nether drain, prynn to level 5 - ($3) - I always wanted to get this abuse up and running :partying_face:
BC - ($1)
worker - ($0)
rebuild tech 2

Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Bone Collector (3/3)
  • :pschip: Technician: Seer (2/1)
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Cal (1/2, lvl5, resist 1 to my units)—
  • Rememberer (3/3, fading 1)
  • Garth (3/2, lvl7)
  • Yesterday’s Golgort (6/1, fading 4)
  • prynn (0/1, lvl5, fading 1)—
  • Nullcraft (1/1)


  • :heart: Base HP: 18
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Past)
  • :heart: Heroes’ Hall HP: 4

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 2
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 11

one gold short of hoping for lethal with doom grasping orpal, so let’s go for the 83% chance to play around with the winmore combo around nether drain

Only issue here is I believe Orpal maxband triggers on your turn as well. If Seer dies to it, you need to give -1/-1 runes to two other units

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Fair point, completely forgot about his ability. I’ll add a rune to the Fargo and would like to use this ability to put the other seer into my discard. No change in sequence then is required, also I will not change my patrol then.
I drew the nether drain off my two skel sac draws. Do I have to redo these?
Obviously I’ll have to redo my draw 5 after discard, once I know what to do about the other question.

I don’t think you need to no.

I probably still just fold cuz I’m drowned by that lol. Needed Vandy for DP. Thought maybe you’d have Fargo in deck or hand and if prynn came, I’d still be able to get my bodies back. Diabolical :wink:

GGWP! Garth I think is gonna be super stronk in this as is Cala

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GG, WP! As I said before, a single fencer in t3 and everything changes, so it feels like a close call this game. But being able with Garth to not tech a single tech 2 unit and still have everything at the ready any time is just insane. I really wanted to get the past engine up and running and these two specs seemed like the perfect addition, but I’m still surprised to see how strong it was indeed.
Good luck and a lot of fun with your other games.