I’ve done a full pass on anything combat damage and how its assigned, trying to make everything clear and consistent with all the rulings. First off, Glaxx needed a slight tweak, the wording above says he gets his immunities back at the end of combat, meaning Crash Bomber or Opal’s max band could potentially be able to finish him off when they shouldn’t be able to. Changing that last sentence to:
When it is dealt combat damage it loses these effects, if it doesn’t die it immediately regains them.
I’ve also changed the wording on armor, in Codex Classic it is ambiguous whether dealing damage to armor counts as dealing damage. In some cases it does (MoLaC, deathtouch) and it some cases it doesn’t (Glaxx, stuff that deals damage as -1/-1 runes). Armor’s reminder text now reads:
Armor prevents that much damage and is then destroyed.
MoLaC is then updated to read:
Whenever you attack, if the attacker has at least 1 power put a [whatever] rune on this.
This also clarifies that you don’t get additional runes if you also do damage with effects like sparkshot or overpower. However there is a corner case when attacking a squad leader Debilitator Alpha with a 1 power unit. I can see this corner case actually making a difference in a real match, but I’ve painted myself into a corner here, I can’t find a better wording.
Moving on to deathtouch:
When this deals combat damage to a unit or hero, the first point of damage ignores armor and destroys the recipient.
The intent with this somewhat awkward wording is to codify the interaction between deathtouch and overpower more clearly. Even though the first point of damage is lethal you still have to chew through the rest of their health and armor to overpower. This isn’t super clear, but barring a paragraph of explanation in the reminder text I think this is the best we’re going to get. Overpower now reads:
Combat damage this deals to a patroller in excess of their HP and armor also hits something else this could attack.
The interaction with armor piercing is still a little ambiguous here, but atleast it now says “also hits” clarifying the interaction with Focus Master.
I’ve also made sparkshot and the tower specify that they do combat damage, and Hotter Fire now specifies non-combat damage. Not 100% satisfied with all of these wordings, but trying to get all of these interactions to line up while still keeping things clear has been a real challenge. Overall I think things are a significant net improvement. IDK how many of y’all are gonna be interested in digging in to this nonsense with me, but as always the feedback is appreciated, especially if you can point out anywhere the new wording diverges from the old.