Codex Warcraft - Retheme on Tabletop Sim

I agree, I didn’t love the new wording for deathtouch, I’ve been mulling over how to make it cleaner and finally landed on:

Deathtouch (Combat damage this deals to units and heroes is lethal, regardless of the recipient’s HP, and can’t be reduced below 1 damage by armor.)

I did realize that Focus Master (now Mistweaver) also needs some clarification with it’s interaction with deathtouch, it now reads:

Whenever a friendly unit or hero would take exactly lethal damage, remove a mist rune from this and prevent 1 of that damage. (For a source with deathtouch, exactly lethal means exactly 1 damage and no damage prevented by armor.)

And thanks for the reason to revisit MoLaC (now Honor of the Tribes), I finally found a fairly elegant wording that I’m happy with:

After each attack on your turn, put a bulwark rune on this if the attacker dealt combat damage or had combat damage they would have dealt prevented by armor.