And we’re off on another tournament, so it’s time to plan the next one. November will be a standard 20XX counterpick tournament. And, for December, we have an exciting new option! @mysticjuicer has agreed to let me offer up 19XX: Titan 5 as on option for an upcoming tournament!
I’ve launched February’s tournament. March won’t have a new tournament, because we’ll be starting IYL instead! April might, depending on how hungry folks are.
Is there any chance of bringing back the Solo Showdown, or something like it?
(That would be a tournament where everyone picks one character at the start of the tournament, and no switching is allowed -you have to stay on your choice through all your matches. Some bans might be in order.)
[poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=3 public=true]
* A Balanced Clash
* Persephone's Pick Your Poison
* Mirror Match Mayhem
* Yomi Crunch (Fast Timer)
* Lum's Long Odds
* Lum's Lucky Lottery
* Balance Team Battle (
* Round and Round It Goes (
* Take This Challenge (
* Forever Double-Blind
* Counterpick Cake (
* Solo Showdown (Pick a character, take it through the whole tournament)
* 18xx (Troq/Geiger/Zane/DeGrey/Arg/Lum/Grave/Oni/Sets banned)
* Pick a Super (Characters only get one side of their super
* Snake Draft (Team draft without teams, and less characters (possibly more bans))
* Mixed tier stables: Divide cast into high tier, mid tier and low tier construct a stable with one from each grouping.
* 19XX
Ok, I’ve been a bit lax, but here’s the poll for deciding what November’s tournament will be (I picked Balance Team Battle for the Sept/Oct tournament).
Pick a super: Characters only get one side of their super
Snake Draft: Team draft without teams, and less characters (possibly more bans)
Mixed tier stables: Divide cast into high tier, mid tier and low tier construct a stable with one from each grouping. (I also am heavily in favor of any roster type format allowing changing rosters between opponents. Allows more experimentation as tournament goes on)
if mixed tier wins (which i think it will) I would like to suggest the small change that I had suggested of I’ll make a price for each char you get a salary and make a team off the price
Heyo, we have a winner! December will be Salary Cap Yomi nee Mixed Tier Stables. @mastrblastr, I’m gonna need that tier list from you when you get a chance.
Question: is there any place I can see the rules-summary for each of these tournament types? I happen to know what 19XX and Lum’s Lucky Lottery are, but I’m now sure I know what Persephone’s Pick Your Poison or Lum’s Long Odds are.
There’s not, at the moment, except by looking at old tournament announcements. But, I’ll try and throw together a Tournament Format thread w/ a wiki post for each format, so that we have them.