Poll: Tournament Planning (UPDATED!)

And we’re off on another tournament, so it’s time to plan the next one. November will be a standard 20XX counterpick tournament. And, for December, we have an exciting new option! @mysticjuicer has agreed to let me offer up 19XX: Titan 5 as on option for an upcoming tournament!

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Looks like December will be 19XX Titan 5, so get hype to sign up for that later today!

January 2020

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By nearly-unanimous decision (5 of 7 voters), we’re doing a Fast Timer tournament in January to ring in the new year.

Here’s the poll for February, and then I’m planning to start IYL in March!

February 2020

0 voters

I’ve launched February’s tournament. March won’t have a new tournament, because we’ll be starting IYL instead! April might, depending on how hungry folks are.

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Is there any chance of bringing back the Solo Showdown, or something like it?

(That would be a tournament where everyone picks one character at the start of the tournament, and no switching is allowed -you have to stay on your choice through all your matches. Some bans might be in order.)


Yeah, happy to add it to the list.

Poll Reference Wiki

[poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=3 public=true]
* A Balanced Clash
* Persephone's Pick Your Poison
* Mirror Match Mayhem
* Yomi Crunch (Fast Timer)
* Lum's Long Odds
* Lum's Lucky Lottery
* Balance Team Battle (http://forums.sirlingames.com/t/balance-team-battle-tournament-idea/6066/42)
* Round and Round It Goes (http://forums.sirlingames.com/t/yomi-tournaments-ideas-sharing/5713/25?u=vengefulpickle)
* Take This Challenge (http://forums.sirlingames.com/t/yomi-tournaments-ideas-sharing/5713/2?u=vengefulpickle)
* Forever Double-Blind
* Counterpick Cake (http://forums.sirlingames.com/t/tournament-counterpick-cake-signups-open-starts-may-31/7301?u=vengefulpickle)
* Solo Showdown (Pick a character, take it through the whole tournament)
* 18xx (Troq/Geiger/Zane/DeGrey/Arg/Lum/Grave/Oni/Sets banned)
* Pick a Super (Characters only get one side of their super
* Snake Draft (Team draft without teams, and less characters (possibly more bans))
* Mixed tier stables: Divide cast into high tier, mid tier and low tier construct a stable with one from each grouping.
* 19XX

Hey, it’s time to think about July’s August’s tournament! Let me know, what do you want to play?

0 voters


I want to change my vote pls

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Ok, I’ve been a bit lax, but here’s the poll for deciding what November’s tournament will be (I picked Balance Team Battle for the Sept/Oct tournament).

0 voters

Format ideas:

18xx: Troq/Geiger/Zane/Degrey/Arg/Lum/Grave/Oni/Sets banned

Pick a super: Characters only get one side of their super

Snake Draft: Team draft without teams, and less characters (possibly more bans)

Mixed tier stables: Divide cast into high tier, mid tier and low tier construct a stable with one from each grouping. (I also am heavily in favor of any roster type format allowing changing rosters between opponents. Allows more experimentation as tournament goes on)

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love mixed tier stable as an idea. 18xx interesting as well cc @vengefulpickle

Ok, November’s tournament is set, and the signup thread is over here: 19XX once more - #5 by vengefulpickle


December’s Tournament Poll (Deadline: 11/15)

0 voters

if mixed tier wins (which i think it will) I would like to suggest the small change that I had suggested of I’ll make a price for each char you get a salary and make a team off the price

Works for me. I think that we’d need make sure teams are of fixed size, though.

yeah i was assuming teams of size 5 and matchups done like BTB in my head

Yeah, I think that makes sense. It could also be done as “win once w/ each character in your stable, loser counterpicks” style, I think.

Heyo, we have a winner! December will be Salary Cap Yomi nee Mixed Tier Stables. @mastrblastr, I’m gonna need that tier list from you when you get a chance.

January Tournament

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Question: is there any place I can see the rules-summary for each of these tournament types? I happen to know what 19XX and Lum’s Lucky Lottery are, but I’m now sure I know what Persephone’s Pick Your Poison or Lum’s Long Odds are.

There’s not, at the moment, except by looking at old tournament announcements. But, I’ll try and throw together a Tournament Format thread w/ a wiki post for each format, so that we have them.

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