Hey, all! So, we’ve got IYL coming up, and the ever-present forum weeklies. But I also have a bunch of other tournaments I think it would be fun to revive. So, poll time: how many tournament games are you willing to schedule a week?
I voted 2 - I wouldn’t mind scheduling more on some weeks, but when a busy week comes up it’s good to have a bit of leeway.
Incidentally, since you voted for the same rather moderate option yourself - isn’t the simplest solution just to arrange as many tournaments as you’re willing/have time to participate in yourself?
With the AutoTO tools I’ve built, it’s actually pretty low effort for me to run a challonge-based tournament. It takes less time to TO than to schedule and play a match myself. So, if there’s appetite for more tournaments, I’m happy to run then, even if I’m not playing.
Ok, next question: What tournament do you want to see next? I’d plan on starting it sometime around the end of march, once ABC1 is down to 4ish playesr.
Late March Tournament Format
Lum’s Long Odds - points-per-win based on matchup difficulty
Lum’s Lucky Lottery - randomize your characters
A Balanced Clash - Only the most even of matchups will do
Persephone’s Pick Your Poison - A selection of balanced and unbalanced matches
Single Character Showdown - (if @snoc agrees) Show of your mirror-match skills
Fast Timer - Crunch-time Yomi (unlike @neigutten’s series, I would still run this as a weekly format)
If there’s a different format you want to see run, let me know!
I was planning to run another SCS SoonTM when my workload lightens off a bit and I can find a gap in the tournament schedule. If you want to take over running it, that’s fine, but I’m equally happy to pick up the slack in a month or two.
Either way works for me. At this point, running a tournament is a pretty light load for me (yay tools!). But if you want to keep running those, I’m sure there are others to run, and SCS can slot in when you have more time.
What about this for a tournament idea: it’s all mirror matches. Loser gets to pick the mirror match to play. First match decided via random select, or by the lower seed or something?
I keep waiting for @snoc to come up for air and run the next mirror match tournament… but maybe I’ll run Mixed Mirror Mayhem in the meantime. (Now I’ve got a name… definitely need to run it)
Ok, I think I’m going to start trying to start one tournament a month, on a regularish date. Next up is June 16, when I’ll be starting Mirror Match Mayhem (expect a signup post shortly).
For July, I’m opening up the format to the viewing public:
A Balanced Clash
Persephone’s Pick Your Poison
Mirror Match Mayhem
Yomi Crunch (Fast Timer)
Lum’s Long Odds
Lum’s Lucky Lottery
Fantasy Strike-style (3 or 4 character stable, declared at the beginning of the tournament, each match is random selection from characters that you haven’t won with yet)
Oops! It’s almost time for the October tournament to start (and November signups, as well), and I don’t even know what I should be making a signup for!