Mono Green vs. Mono Red

do you guys have any suggestions on how to open / defend against Mono Red as P1/P2? I’m also super curious to read about additional fruitful strategies in Mono Green in general, if you’d like to share any with me. Cheers in advance for your help. R.


Hey! Welcome to the forum

Im no expert to start a true discussion here but two good places to check would be the collated resources page Collected Codex Resources
(Particularly thinking of “strongest mono-colour openings”, “starter decks” or “argagargs riches” which is a green janky opening 2 turns)

And the monocolour matchup series @FrozenStorm orchestrated [Series] Monocolor Matchup Madness 1! Sign up today!

Where you can go to the spreadsheet, find the green vs red games and read the games and what the players were thinking


Indeed welcome @Reckless!

@dwarddd has some great advice for you above but I thought I would throw in some of my thoughts. I play Green a lot and I’ve always found Red to one of the most enjoyable and balanced matchups.

Ironbark was made for screwing up Red’s early game as it’s so chunky in SQL and can force good trades from Elite. In other matchups I don’t rate it much but for this one I consider it near essential. Calamandra midband is great for making Fire Spells really costly and she’s also a big cheap body. Forest’s Favour is your friend for making either of these guys massive and super costly to trade with.

At Tech I you want to lean on Huntress and Centaur as further chunky options, just be wary of Kidnapping on Centaur if it hangs around for any length of time. Better to try to use it to take some counter offensive and trade it away. I don’t rate Tiny Basilisks vs Red as they are easy to trade with cheaply and are a massive Kidnapping risk late.

Spells wise you absolutely want Moments’ Peace as it’s just brutal for shutting down pretty much everything Red wants to do.

Balance should be your go to Tech II plan. Mimics allow you to weaponise Red’s haste against them and Potent Basilisks can’t be kidnapped or shoved around the patrol zone (and prevent Kidnapping of Mimics!). If you can get established with both of these guys in play you should be in a really good place to win.


Wow! Thank you for your thorough reply! I always regarded Balance to be the weakest of the 3 green factions, but I’m going to give it a try to see how it lines up for me. MP is definitely a very powerful card, and I was already implementing it into my strategy against aggressive red-heavy decks.

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No worries at all, I’m just sorry it took me 5 months to find this post! :sweat_smile: I tend to just jump on the site and look at posts I’m tagged in.

Hopefully I’ve given you a steer towards making matchup more enjoyable for you (and a little less enjoyable for the mono red player :wink:)

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Don’t even worry about it :smile:!
I have managed to pull off some decent victories in the MU. It never seizes to amaze me how creative one sometimes has to play in Codex in order to gain a decisive advantage. This is so refreshing in comparison to TCGs like MtG or FaB. Have you guys got any prior TCG experiences? @thehug0naut @dwarddd

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Hey @Reckless! I just saw this post as well. I played MtG for ~10 years as a kid but haven’t played in the last 10 years.

This is the real key. Moment’s Peace & flooding the board to thin the deck is super effective. Green is a slight underdog in the matchup IMO but it’s a super fun game just on its own.

Also second this. Potent B’s a beast against Red, trades favorably against most things. Mimic and Fairie Dragon are also very strong. Midori and Cala with Forest’s Favor are good counter attackers as well, and Arg can help keep the board clogged up.

If you’re open to play by forum, I’d be game to play some green to try and demonstrate! @thehug0naut if you want to do an exhibition game I’m down for that too. I got laid off last week so I have a little more time!

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To answer @Reckless I dabbled in various TCGs/CCGs in my youth but nothing serious. I’d always loved the concept of a CCG type game but never quite the execution until I discovered Codex. It really does scratch an itch that I just don’t get anywhere else.

@FrozenStorm I’d be up for a few exhibition games of Red vs Green as a demo, though I won’t be the fastest while I’m playing this round in XCAFS, possibly best we wait until I’m on bye. You wanting the Red or Green side? I’m fairly comfortable as either I think (now watch me fail miserably :joy:)

@FrozenStorm do you still want to play an exhibition game of P1 Red vs P2 Green?

Lost track of this sorry about that @thehug0naut :sweat_smile:

I don’t have a strong preference. Can you start a thread with whatever you prefer?