I tried to get a read on your preferred strategy with this deck. But studying your past games just showed that you obviously are very familiar with the whole variety of options your deck offers. Now let’s see how good I’ll be able to fend off one of the best P1 decks while having a dramatic lack of antiair. But for the moment I’m still optimistic.
Did I mention that I’m quite happy that you didn’t start with AS+grave as well as that you chose not to take rook into t3 birds?
game1 P2T1
P1 [Strength]/Discipline/Finesse vs. P2 [Finesse]/Demonology/Necromancy
Quite risky what you’re doing here and you lost the bet you took on me not having wither+spark/messenger. Let’s see whether my bloated cycle is a drawback I can live with.
game1 P2T2
P1 [Strength]/Discipline/Finesse vs. P2 [Finesse]/Demonology/Necromancy
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
wither SL - ($4)
spark returns technician to your hand - ($3)
vandy kills grave
Tech 1 - ($2)
Float ($2)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
In Play:
vandy (3/4, lvl3)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 6
Disc: 0
Gold: 2
Workers: 7
trading tenderfoot for a card and one damage on grave looks like a damn good deal for me, so let’s capitalize on that. with a clear board I should be able to tech up next turn so no need for wasting a big cycle with only tech 0+tech 1 cards in it.
let’s provide some targets so that he has to choose what to destroy. I don’t see a possible line where he is able to destroy tech 2 AND vandy so I should be fine.
Grave + SA on birds killing something plus Tech 2 and/or twins seems like the most likely routes. Fencer+river+two step probably is the god draw (in terms of maximum damage now) but even that wouldn’t be devastating.
that’s a bummer to get both card draw engines neglected, especially after bottom decking my second lizzo. But still I’m feeling to be in a very good position against this monster of a P1 deck. In hindsight it would have been way better to tech a maestro instead of the guide, but well, that happens if you’re going on the fast lane for a casual match
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Martial Mastery, I discard, reshuffle and draw 2, then look at your hand. - ($7)
Reversal disables Lizard - ($4)
River kills Tenderfoot, you draw.
Grave and Bird break tech 2, your base to 18.
Worker - ($3)
Nimble Fencer - ($1)
Ok, that reversal for me on the wrong foot. I was too cocky with this ton of float instead of playing river as well, obviously. Wonder if this mistake cost me the game…
game1 P2T5
P1 [Strength]/Discipline/Finesse vs. P2 [Finesse]/Demonology/Necromancy
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
River to midband, sidelines SQL - ($8)
Star-Crossed Starlet, trades with your River, Grave to lvl 5 - ($6)
Doomed Fencer and Bird trade with Vandy, Grave to maxband, you draw.
Nimble Fencer, hits your tech 2 - ($4)
Grave readily breaks tech 2, your base to 14.
Exhaust Grave and spend sword to kill Lizard.
Tech 2 (Finesse) - ($0)
Grounded Guide (4/4)
Dark Pact
Tenderfoot (1/2)
Maestro (3/5)
Tech 0 card(s)
technician draw
Get Paid + float - ($11)
rebuild tech 2
Garth - ($9)
skel - ($8)
fencer kills your fencer - ($6)
Thief, damages your tech 2, heals my base - ($4)
messenger - ($3)
Float ($3)
Discard 2, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Timely Messenger (1/1)
Scavenger: Brick Thief (2/1)
Lookout: skel 1/1
In Play:
Nimble Fencer (2/1)
Garth (1/3, lvl1)
Base HP: 15
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Finesse)
Tower HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 6
Disc: 0
Gold: 3
Workers: 10
after bottom decking lizzo, then technician draw guide which prevented me from playing the very relevant extra patroller brother I’m finally lucky: technician draw bloom means a DP in my next hand for sure, woohoo! now let’s see whether Garth survives. but hopefully he’s running out of steam soon and his deck definitely is ultra diluted. ofc it’s still possible to have lucky draws align well for him
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($13)
Vandy - ($11)
DP my base to 13, draw 2 (boo, only lizzo+wither, no virtuoso) - ($10)
Maestro - ($7)
Guide - ($2)
tenderfoot (for free) kills SL
thief trades grave, lvl to garth, pings tech 3, my base to 14
fencer trades rook, garth to lvl 5
maxband garth resurrects fencer - ($0)
fencer breaks tech 3
Garth attacks tech 2 down to 1 (thief ping last turn)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Maestro (4/5)
Technician: Vandy (2/3, lvl1)
In Play:
Nimble Fencer (4/4)
Garth (3/4, lvl7)
Grounded Guide (4/4)
Tenderfoot (3/1)
Base HP: 14
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Finesse)
Tower HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 0
Disc: 5
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
This is it! Finally I get a chance to act and the deck delivers! Even if I don’t hit a virtuoso (60%) with DP, I can still clear the patrol, break tech 3 and bring tech 2 for another 3 and have vandy, skeleton and at least one lizzo for defense (Guide backline). If I hit bloom+wither it’s double tech break and vandy+skeleton in patrol.
Post DP: realized that I prefer a Maestro in game over Lizzo+skeleton…
I have severly underestimated your strategy with this deck and played too optimistic. Also your start wasn’t close to an optimal one with AS in the starting hand and me being able to punish your gamble turn 2. Without wanting to sound cocky, I think the future P2 matches are going to be way more intense than the ones with me being P1 as white usually struggles with being P2. Let’s swap sides at least once, after that we should probably stick to me being P2.
GL & HF with game number 2:
game2 P1T1
P1 [Finesse]/Demonology/Necromancy vs. P2 [Strength]/Discipline/Finesse