What is the Codex equivalent of all-ins? Just occurred to me that I don’t really know. (By all-in I mean an early big offense push that probably wins the game if successful or loses the game if defended. Like Zergling Rush and the like).
A non-all-in in RTS would try to hit the opponent’s economy. Going for the workers is pretty rare in Codex, the equivalent would be destroying their tech buildings to stop them bringing in powerful units / more heroes. Conversely, you’re going all-in if you focus on attacking the base directly, instead of controlling the game by destroying the tech buildings.
Red is probably the colour that excels the most at doing this early – my favourite recent example is here – but everyone can have reason to do it, even if you don’t plan for it in advance. For example, you might have a good presence on the board, but have your tech buildings destroyed, or have drawn into a really bad hand, or are using a strategy that trades gold efficiency for strong, immediate board presence. If the game lasts much longer, you’re in trouble. So, you go for the base. (Insert obligatory Day9 clip here.)
Thanks. I do like that you typically have more room for error in Codex than in Starcraft or Warcraft.
aw shucks!
Though most of that was just playing the tempo game, clearing the board to give Rambaster a clean shot at base. I don’t think there was a clear point where I really went “all-in” in the sense of risking a game loss by overextending. Though I conceivably did go all-in, in a sense, with my teching of burn spells over units to contest the board, I guess.
Anyhlthing that stops at 6 workers I would consider an “all in” build.
@EricF Design a build that could win on 6 workers? Challenge Accepted!
There are a few examples on this forum of matches that won at 6 workers. Not many, but at least 1 that i recall.
Ooh which one?
Unfortunately, not sure I can find it. Heh. Just saying its been done, I think by EricF
Well, there was that game where ARMed_PIrate started skipping workers on turn two…
I mean, thats memorable, but he didnt exactly win…
5 worker all-in rush example
Here’s the one: [XCAPS19] EricF vs zhavier
It was draft format, but the decks ended up being legal.
@EricF I attempted to win a Red v Blue game without ever going over 5 workers. At the end he pulled a timely free speech to stop me from fire darting his base’s last 2 hp. Next turn 3 liberty griffins appeared and murdered me. But I was THIS close (holds fingers a millimeter apart).