I’ve been asked once or twice for my post format. It’s lengthy but easy to identify the meat, hides the extra info, and provides insight to me (when I haven’t looked at that game in awhile) as well as to any new / intermediate players who are wondering why I’m doing what I’m doing.
Bonus points; I get better players than me to point out when I’m doing something dumb many times with this format!
How I usually take a turn is to just copy/paste my previous turn, copy/paste spreadsheet values from cards, and then edit each section as I do my turn!
Hope this is useful to folks!
Any conversational text
# Player x, Turn x
P1 [[StarterDeck]/Spec/Shorthand](http://codexcards.surge.sh/deck/starterspec/spec2/spec3) vs P2 [Mono Color](http://codexcards.surge.sh/color/whichever)
[details=Starting Hand][spoiler]
##Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (x+x float/scav/whatever)
- Draw 1 from Technician or whatever
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
[details=All Teched Cards][spoiler]
and so on
turn 3 techs, comma seperated
turn 2 techs, comma seperated
- do something (count down gold)
- do something else (count down gold)
- Worker Up (usually brings you to 0)
This turn's worker, Turn 2 worker, Turn 1 worker
- :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
- Discard x maybe rs Draw x
- Float Xg, Tech 2 cards after your turn OR maybe done teching after 10 workers
###Board Info:
- :heart: Base HP: 20
####In Patrol:
- :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
- :psfist: Elite:
- :pspig: Scavenger: Wisp (5/6)
- :exhaust: Technician:
- :target: Lookout:
####In Play:
- Something I played (stats/abilities)
###Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 0
- Disc: 3
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 5
[details=End of Turn Hand][spoiler]
Copy Paste
From Spreadsheet
[details=End of Turn Discard][spoiler]
Copy Paste
From Spreadsheet
[details=My Thoughts][spoiler]
try to give some insight to any new players on why I'm doing what I'm doing, what considerations about
the opponent's deck, etc