As we start having asynchronous / play-by-post tournaments, I’ll be keeping track of the top performers. This is separate from the casual RACE points, but all tournaments will get some number assigned.
Awards for casual tournaments:
For a swiss / round robin event like RACE, points awarded equal to the size of the single elimination cut (which should be 25% of the total signups or smaller), distributed as:
1 APT point for winning a single elimination round.
1 APT point as a bonus for winning the tournament.
For a single elimination tournament, the value is reduced due to the higher level of randomness:
1 APT point for winning a round, with the first 3 rounds excluded.
No bonus for winning the tournament.
For a double or triple elimination tournament, approximately 1 point should be awarded per 4 players signed up. The exact distribution would depend on the format, but it should aim to award all points to the top 10% of players, with about 50% of the total points going to the winner, and more going to the winner than 2nd place.
If competitive tournaments become a reality, they will award points equal to the total signups (or slightly more, depending on type of event). Exact details to be figured out later.
The awards are deliberately very top-heavy because it’s to track wins, and not participation. There are other metrics (eg RACE points, CAS points) that weight participation. This is mostly just a way to track “who has won the most tournaments” weighted by how significant those were, with some credit given to other players in the top 10% of participants. For the small ~20 player tourneys so far, that’s just the top 2.
What are APT points good for? Exact details to be figured out later. But it should serve as a guide for who the most successful Asynchronous Codex players are (on this forum).