Did I miss out on anything? It’s there a good online version available? Or do you mean pbf?
I just love this game! The only downside is the amount of time that can be wasted with it
But now let’s get serious with this game. This maxband river setup of yours for a big garisson turn off yours indeed is a bit frightening. I was too focused on you directly hitting it from the RS 6, draw 1 such that this patrol of mine indeed was nonsense. Let’s just hope you don’t directly have everything necessary to wreck havoc now!
XCAFS23 round 5 part 1 P1T5
P1 [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs. P2 [Finesse]/Peace/Truth
Link to all relevant rule changes
Tech StartingHand Workers
Temporal Distortion
Hyperion (4/5)
Feral Strike
Nimble Fencer (2/3)
Timely Messenger (1/1)
Helpful Turtle (1/2)
Feral Strike
Fruit Ninja (2/2)
Granfalloon Flagbearer (2/2)
Older Brother (2/2)
Helpful Turtle (1/2)
Hyperion (4/5)
Feral Strike
Temporal Distortion
Brick Thief (2/1)
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
boosted feral strike brings two gigas from codex - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 4
Board Info:
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Gigadon (8/8)
Technician: Gigadon (8/8)
In Play:
- Cal (5/6, lvl5)+
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Present)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 8
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 9
incentivising him to go for maxband river probably wasn’t the best idea… it also hurts that I will not be able to benefit from the expected Oni sacrifice against my giga, but well, it’s going to be a very good trade money wise and let’s hope I’ll be able to break through the masses to at least break the expected garrison.
Post draw: wow!