That’s been an unexpected use of all your gold… Let’s see whether I can profit from that passive play of yours (unless it was a rouse and you have double fencers in hand )
XCAFS23 round 5 part 1 P1T3
P1 [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs. P2 [Finesse]/Peace/Truth
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
fencer & tenderfoot trade SL - ($3)
midband Cal kills Oni, you gain 1, Cal maxbands - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
In Play:
Cal (5/6, lvl5)+
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 6
Disc: 0
Gold: 1
Workers: 7
this looks like a Garrison setup with 40% probability to have it ready and in hand T4. Hence, I take the risk of double fencer+messenger/tenderfoot tech break for my otherwise almost guaranteed tech 2 feral strike in T5
Absolutely true, if you don’t want to go down on cards, which you don’t want if you go for the tech rush into Garrisons, that’s probably a decent move. In my calculations on what you might do it just didn’t occur to me to go for the tower. I probably would have saved up some money, but then my fencer would have survived etc etc… Hard to say what would have been better.
XCAFS23 round 5 part 1 P1T4
P1 [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs. P2 [Finesse]/Peace/Truth
so let’s see whether he hit the 33% garrison. as I expect the cadet to suicide, I’m putting fencer in elite to increase the chance for the fencer to survive as river will then only attack if he did not draw the garrison (…probably)
Did I miss out on anything? It’s there a good online version available? Or do you mean pbf?
I just love this game! The only downside is the amount of time that can be wasted with it
But now let’s get serious with this game. This maxband river setup of yours for a big garisson turn off yours indeed is a bit frightening. I was too focused on you directly hitting it from the RS 6, draw 1 such that this patrol of mine indeed was nonsense. Let’s just hope you don’t directly have everything necessary to wreck havoc now!
XCAFS23 round 5 part 1 P1T5
P1 [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs. P2 [Finesse]/Peace/Truth
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
boosted feral strike brings two gigas from codex - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Gigadon (8/8)
Technician: Gigadon (8/8)
In Play:
Cal (5/6, lvl5)+
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Present)
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 8
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 9
incentivising him to go for maxband river probably wasn’t the best idea… it also hurts that I will not be able to benefit from the expected Oni sacrifice against my giga, but well, it’s going to be a very good trade money wise and let’s hope I’ll be able to break through the masses to at least break the expected garrison.
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
max - ($7)
unhealthy giga kills river, OP to elite, takes 4, max to midband
Hyperion kills wisp, I draw - ($2)
fencer trades brother - ($0)
healthy giga kills thief, OPs to kill quince, my max to maxband, no flicker
Cal breaks tech 2
skip worker
Float ($0)
Discard 4, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Max (3/4, lvl5)
In Play:
Cal (5/5, lvl5)+
Gigadon (8/2)
Hyperion (4/4)
Gigadon (8/5)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 4 (Present)
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 2
Disc: 7
Gold: 0
Workers: 9
uff, three high value targets of which I only get 1 easily. if I do draw fencer/messenger it would be best to kill scavenger with hyperion and to not play max directly. if I miss on the haste it would be better to go for wisp with hyperion and to play max after the river kill as I don’t want to loose max to mirror Hyperions, which is only possible if I break the garisson… complicated… I’ll go for a mixed strategy!
PS: in this matchup the haste nerf on garisson feels extremely unfair. Yes, the nerf has a very important reason, but my line if had not drawn the fencer to just let quince live and have my max be safe as you then cannot copy the haste from my hyperion is just insane…
True, but I don’t feel like this deck uses garrison that well so any garrison nerf is going to look particularly brutal for it. Its more concerning that no one else is on peace at all, I think a less harsh nerf is in order.
Well, you have to find a nerf that prevents the ultra brutal burning legion [fire]/demon/peace to wreck havoc while not really affecting a mono blue strategy. This is exactly what we had in mind when choosing this nerf. I’m not sure a milder nerf that still shuts down burning legion is possible.
Also your turn unfortunately is not legal as Oni is still on cooldown after you sacrificed him last turn.
The meta was diverse with nightmare probably being in spot #2, but it was after the initial set of nerfs. I’m convinced burning legion would be number 1 in any meta, but that hasn’t been tested so far.
Lol, float 10 with 4 cards in hand before workering and an almost empty patrol against lethal on board really does tell a story…
GG, WP either way!
Hyperion & Max clear patrol, two gigas and Cal break your base.
Are you up for the rematch or do you choose not to play it anymore?
maximal damage for spectators
Hyperion kills SL, I draw (messenger instead of tric)
TD Hyperion into Guide ($7)
feral strike brings hyperion and fencer ($3)
healthy giga kills tenderfoot, OP 7 damage to your base (11)
fencer breaks tower (base 9)
Cal breaks tech 2 (base 7)
tenderfoot & messenger from hand break tech 1 (base 5) ($1)
max attacks base down to 2
giga attacks base down to -7
(or base to -15 when not breaking the 3 buildings)
Good game. I think I’ll take a break from playing pbp for now so no rematch. Thanks for running this tournament btw, its awesome to still see people playing.