Well let’s see how this goes!
XCAFS23 R5Part1: Player 2, Turn 6
P2 Miracle Grow vs P1 MonoPurple
Link to all relevant rule changes
Starting Hand
Makeshift Rambaster
Bloodrage Ogre
Surprise Attack
Mad Man (techn)
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (10)
- rs draw one techn
- No techs
All Teched Cards
Entangling Vines, Surprise Attack
Surprise Attack, Dinosize
Blooming Ancient x2
Gunpoint Taxman, Bird’s Nest
- Zane (8)
- Surprise Attack, sharks kill Argo and Tric, you get 1g (3)
- Rook kills Techn, you draw 1
- Makeshift Rambaster, it and Zane break your tech 2, your base to 18 (1)
- Mad Man (0)
Bird’s Nest, Pillage, Careless Musketeer, Bloodburn, Scorch
- Patrol as below
- Discard 3 Draw 5
Board Info:
- Base HP: 18
- Tech1 HP: 5
- Tech2 HP: 5 GROWTH
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Mad Man (1/1a)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Zane (2/2)
- Makeshift Rambaster (1/2)
- Rook (4/3 lvl 8)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 2
- Disc: 4
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 10
End of Turn Hand
Surprise Attack
Entangling Vines
Gunpoint Taxman
Blooming Ancient
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Hyperion is still a problem… losing birds kinda sucks. Earthquake would be way cool to have coming, as a tech break here forces either Geiger or Prynn. I probably lose both tech buildings here but I have enough spells that maybe that can work!
There’s an argument here that killing Hyperion might be better than killing Tech 2, but I have to give up Zane and both units to do it… I think that’s too expensive. Hopefully the draw is Origin Story and Tech 2 stuff, no TD!