[XCAFS23] Round2 part2: P1 Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse vs P2 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength


Turn 1

Hand: Graveyard, Summon Skeletons, Poisonblade Rogue, Skeleton Javelineer, Pestering Haunt
Workers: Summon Skeletons


  1. Get paid (+$4, $4)
  2. Hire a worker ($3)
  3. Summon Vandy Anadrose ($1)
  4. Summon Skeleton Javelineer ($0)
  5. Summon Pestering Haunt ($0)
  6. Discard 2, draw 4

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader:

  • Buildings:
  • Units/Heroes:
    Vandy Anadrose (2/3)
    Skeleton Javelineer (1/1)
    Pestering Haunt (1/1)
  • Base: 20
  • Other:


  • Workers: 5
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 1
  • Discard: 2


Thieving Imp, Jandra, the Negator, Deteriorate, Sacrifice the Weak


Graveyard, Poisonblade Rogue


I should have a strong advantage here as player one. I know green can defend efficiently, but black excels in deviously dismantling patrols with underhanded tactics.
Let’s uhhh see if I can remember how.

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Looking forward to some Tech I play.

Vandy Remove resist 1 at midband
Midband changes to “①, :arrow_heading_down:, Discard a card → Fetch any non-ultimate Demonology spell from your codex, reveal it, then put it in your hand.”
Garth Reduce midband stats to 2/3
Deteriorate Increase cost to 1
Lich’s Bargain Base damage increased from 4 to 5
Dark Pact Increase cost to 1



A much more aggressive opening hand, there. I can expect Graveyard to come out next turn, to perpetuate Pestering Haunt.

Assuming the possiblity of Deteriorate, Ironbark Treant would have to go in Elite to be worth a damn, which leaves it at 3 health/armour. Vandy + Pestering Haunt could take it down at 2g/1c advantage, and that’s before accounting for Graveyard. Tiger Cub + Wisp is a bit more interesting, but Vandy’s sparkshot makes them tricky to patrol with effectively: Deteriorate still lets Bryce kill everything, including the Panda, albeit without keeping most of his own material.

All the below options with Pestering Haunt dying, and Vandy not being midbanded, have +1c advantage over the usual for assuming a Graveyard going down.

Ironbark Treant in Elite:

  • Vandy + SJ + PH (dies) kill, 3g/1c advantage to Bryce.

Wisp in SQL, Tiger Cub in noSQL:

  • Deteriorate Wisp, SJ + PH (dies) kill Cub, Vandy kills Panda. 3g/1c advantage to Bryce before patrol bonuses, effectively keeps all material.

  • SJ + PH kill Wisp, Vandy kills Tiger Cub. 2g/1c advantage to Bryce before patrol bonuses, and SJ keeps the javelin, keeps all material. StW can kill the Panda too, but losing SJ makes it not worth it in terms of resources.
    Deteriorate effectively deals 2 damage here by killing the Wisp through the SQL armour, not good.

  • Tiger Cub in SQL, Wisp in noSQL: Deteriorate Tiger Cub, Vandy kills Cub, PH kills Wisp, SJ patrols against the Panda. 1g/0c advantage to Bryce before patrol bonuses. Alternatively, 2g/0c advantage if SJ hits the Panda, but Bryce then needs to put another patroller down instead of building Graveyard.

  • Tiger Cub in SQL, Wisp in noSQL: Midband Vandy, Vandy kills Cub, PH kills Wisp, SJ patrols against the Panda. 2g/1c advantage to Bryce before patrol bonuses. Alternatively, 3g/1c advantage if SJ hits the Panda, but 1 gold isn’t enough to put another patroller in its place to stop Panda killing Vandy, so probably not. He’d already skip Graveyard as it is.

  • Tiger Cub in SQL, Wisp in noSQL: Vandy + PH (dies) kill Cub, SK patrols. 2g/1c advantage to Bryce before patrol bonuses. Again, 3g/1c if it hits the Panda instead, but he’d need to play a patroller instead of building Graveyard.

Rook in SQL, Playful Panda + Wisp behind:

  • PH (dies) kills Wisp, 0g/0c advantage before patrol bonuses, but Bryce keeps Vandy and SJ for later turns, so is in good shape.
  • Midband Vandy, Vandy + SJ + PH (dies) kill Rook, 4g/0c advantage to Bryce, but not Graveyard. With Panda + Wisp still alive, it’s not inconceivable that Drakk can get a counter-blow in. In fact, I think Bryce has to also delay Tech I and get a doomed patroller down if he wants Vandy to survive, which at least lets me hit Tech I first. Maxband Vandy is still really bad, but it’s not as bad as it could be.
  • Deteriorate Panda, PH (dies) kills Panda. 1g/0c advantage to Bryce.

Putting the Wisp in SQL is obviously not a good option, getting 2 effective damage off of Deterioate is too good. The question is whether I want to already be delaying with Rook, to try and get a board set up for Drakk. Allowing early maxband Vandy isn’t great, but if it lets me reach Tech I first I might be able to make use of Tiny Basilisks to deal with him. Midori + Rampant Growth might also get the kill, depending on what gets doomed, I’ll keep that for Turn 2.

Next turn is a little awkward, with 3 gold to spend on after worker + Tech I if there’s no Vandy kill, and no 2-gold unit to accompany Merfolk Prospector. There’s Young Treant or Verdant Tree, I suppose, but they’re more of a liability.

Starting hand: 5

Playful Panda
Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant
Spore Shambler
Rich Earth

Get paid - (5)
Worker - (4)
Garus Rook - (2)
Playful Panda, Wisp arrives - (0)
Discard 3, draw 5

:psblueshield: Rook L1 2/4
:ps_: Wisp 0/1

Playful Panda 2/2

:heart: Base HP: 20

Hand: 5

Merfolk Prospector
Young Treant
Forest’s Favour
Rampant Growth
Verdant Tree

Deck: 0
Discard: 3

Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant
Spore Shambler

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10
1 on board
5 in hand
0 in deck
3 in discard
1 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 6

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth

Turn 2

Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer

  1. Tech 2 cards
  2. Get paid (+$5, $5)
  3. Hire a worker ($4)
  4. Build Tech 1 ($3)
  5. Midband Vandy ($1)
  6. Cast Deteriorate on Panda ($0)
  7. Haunt kills Panda
  8. Discard 2, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 3

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Skeleton Javelineer (1/1+A)
    :pschip:Technician: Vandy Anadrose lvl 3 (3/4)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
  • Units/Heroes:
  • Base: 20
  • Other:


  • Workers: 6
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 5
  • Discard: 0


Skeletal Archery, Graveyard, Nimble Fencer, Deteriorate



Man, deteriorate being 1 cost really ruins a lot of what I know about black play. The correct line here under base rules is kill panda and lay down imp, but I can’t do that. So I have to take this very suboptimal non-aggressive line because anything else gets vandy murdered by rook midband or rampant growth.

I’ve added the nerf list.


Starting hand: 5

Merfolk Prospector
Young Treant
Forest’s Favour
Rampant Growth
Verdant Tree


That’s a -1g/+1c advantage for me. I’ll take it, even if that card advantage will probably disappear to Dark Pact.

Teched cards: 2

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk

Get paid - (6)

Young Treant, reshuffle 6, draw 1 - (4)

Spore Shambler

Worker - (3)
Expensive Tech I - (1)
Merfolk Prospector - (0)
Discard 3, draw 5

:psblueshield: Rook L1 2/4+1A
:ps_: Young Treant 0/2 (can’t attack)
:target: Wisp 0/1 (resist 0+1)

Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (exhaust: +1g)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5

Hand: 5

Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Tiny Basilisk
Tiny Basilisk

Deck: 0
Discard: 3

Rampant Growth
Verdant Tree
Spore Shambler

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 2 teched = 12
2 on board
5 in hand
0 in deck
3 in discard
2 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 7

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour

Turn 3

[spoiler]Hand: Skeletal Archery, Graveyard, Nimble Fencer, Deteriorate
Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator, Skeletal Archery


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer
Turn 3: Nimble Fencer, Maestro

  1. Tech 2 cards
  2. Get paid (+$6, $6)
  3. Hire a worker ($5)
  4. Cast Deteriorate on Prospector ($4)
  5. Summon Nimble Fencer ($2)
  6. Build Graveyard ($0)
  7. Vandy and Fencer kill Rook, Vandy maxbands, doom Treant and Skeleton
  8. Discard 0, draw 2

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Skeleton Javelineer (3/3+A)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
  • Units/Heroes:
    Vandy Anadrose lvl 5 (4/5)
    Nimble Fencer (2/1)
  • Base: 20
  • Other:


  • Workers: 7
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 2
  • Deck: 3
  • Discard: 3


Dark Pact, Thieving Imp


Deteriorate, Nimble Fencer, Maestro


This feels weird. They must know I can kill Rook here. I’m not going to kill the wisp, because I’m afraid of Bloodlust or something spookier. Attacking will be tough next turn because big treant, but I think that’s ok. I should be able to tech up and prepare meta.


Starting hand: 5

Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Tiny Basilisk
Tiny Basilisk


No Tech 0 units on Bryce’s board, and no way to haste Tech 0 units from hand, takes away some of the liability that comes from patrolling with Basilisks, and Deteriorate being in discard means they can’t be neutered with 0 attack. Furthermore, the Wisp being alive protects them from Sacrifice the Weak.

Potentially, this puts me in a good position, but it depends on what other card Bryce teched on Turn 2. If he doesn’t kill the Basilisks, there’s a good chance that I can kill Vandy. If he does, it probably costs enough that he can’t tech up.

For killing the Basilisks, Bryce could use second Fencer + Graveyard, Shadow Blade, Executioner. Shadow Blade is the cheapest at 3 gold, which is already enough that Bryce would delay Tech II. He can also just fetch Shadow Blade, which is expensive. It’s definitely the most dangerous option in terms of board, though, it makes it much harder to take out Vandy.

For not killing them, he might just patrol with two Fencers. I think that’s likely enough to be worth teching in a Kidnapping. I’d want one anyway if I’m facing Finesse II.

What if I only patrol with one Basilisk? Then Vandy just casts Shadow Blade on Squad Leader, it doesn’t help.

Teched cards: 2

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk
T3: 2 x Kidnapping

Get paid - (7)
Worker - (6)
2 x Tiny Basilisk - (2)
Drakk Ramhorn - (0)
Discard 2, reshuffle 8, draw 4

:psblueshield: Tiny Basilisk #1 1/2+1A (deathtouch; can’t be attacked or blocked by Tech 0 units)
:ps_: Tiny Basilisk #2 1/2 (deathtouch; can’t be attacked or blocked by Tech 0 units)
:exhaust: Young Treant 2/4 (doom: +2/+2, dies on your next upkeep; can’t attack)

Drakk L1 1/3 (dies: 1 to your base)
Wisp 0/1

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5

Hand: 4

Rampant Growth
Verdant Tree
Merfolk Prospector
Tiger Cub

Deck: 4

Spore Shambler
Playful Panda

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 4 teched = 14
3 on board
4 in hand
4 in deck
0 in discard
3 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 8

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour
T3: Ironbark Treant

Turn 4

Hand: Dark Pact, Thieving Imp
Draw: Sacrifice the Weak, Pestering Haunt
Discard: Pestering Haunt
Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator, Skeletal Archery, Sacrifice the Weak


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer
Turn 3: Nimble Fencer, Maestro
Turn 4: Metamorphosis, Leaping Lizard

  1. Treant and Skeleton die, you draw
  2. Tech 2 cards
  3. Get paid (+$7, $7)
  4. Cast Dark Pact on myself, I draw 2 ($6)
  5. Hire a worker ($5)
  6. Exhaust Vandy to discard and fetch Shadow Blade ($4)
  7. Cast Shadow Blade on Squad leader, you discard ($1)
  8. Fencer kills Scavenger, you gain 1 gold
  9. Summon Skeleton from Graveyard ($0)
  10. Discard 1, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 2

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Skeleton Javelineer (1/1+A)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
    Graveyard: 3 (Nimble Fencer)
  • Units/Heroes:
    Vandy Anadrose lvl 5 (4/5)
  • Base: 18
  • Other:


  • Workers: 8
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 2
  • Deck: 8
  • Discard: 0


Poisonblade Rogue, Thieving Imp, Metamorphosis



I puzzled over this turn for ages before realising it had a very simple solution. But it was a good play by my opponent, I will certainly give them that. Vandy should live here, I hope, and then I can start really doing nasty things.
No, blast it all! I drew meta too early!


Starting hand: 4

Rampant Growth
Verdant Tree
Merfolk Prospector
Tiger Cub

Technician draw: 1


Shadow Blade discard: 1

Tiger Cub



Teched cards: 2

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk
T3: 2 x Kidnapping
T4: 2 x Crashbarrow

Get paid + Scavenger - (9)
Worker - (8)
Tech II Blood - (4)
Midband Drakk - (1)
Drakk kills Skeleton Javelineer, takes 1 damage
Merfolk Prospector - (0)
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle 8, draw 1

:psfist: Wisp 1+0/1 (frenzy 1)
:exhaust: Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (frenzy 1; exhaust: +1g)

Drakk L4 2/2 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; 1 damage)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)

Hand: 4

Spore Shambler
Playful Panda
Tiny Basilisk

Deck: 7

Young Treant
Tiny Basilisk
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 6 teched = 16
1 on board
4 in hand
7 in deck
0 in discard
4 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 9

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour
T3: Ironbark Treant
T4: Verdant Tree

Turn 5

Hand: Poisonblade Rogue, Thieving Imp, Metamorphosis
Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator, Skeletal Archery, Sacrifice the Weak, Poisonblade Rogue


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer
Turn 3: Nimble Fencer, Maestro
Turn 4: Metamorphosis, Leaping Lizard
Turn 5: Leaping Lizard, Hooded Executioner

  1. Tech 2 cards
  2. Get paid (+$8, $8)
  3. Hire a worker ($7)
  4. Build Tech 2 Finesse ($3)
  5. Summon Thieving Imp, you discard ($0)
  6. Discard 1, draw 3

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Thieving Imp (2/2+A)
    :pschip:Technician: Vandy Anadrose lvl 5 (4/5)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
    Tech 2: 5
    Graveyard: 3 (Nimble Fencer, Skeleton Javelineer
  • Units/Heroes:
  • Base: 18
  • Other:


  • Workers: 9
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 4
  • Discard: 3


Maestro, Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer


Metamorphosis, Leaping Lizard, Hooded Executioner


Tough decision whether to maintain hand size, gold, and one extra health, or go for the discard. I think against blood the discard will prove more useful in the long run… if I can survive not dying for long enough. Vandy will certainly die here but that doesn’t matter toooo much, though if I’m lucky I discarded the crashbarrow.


Starting hand: 4

Spore Shambler
Playful Panda
Tiny Basilisk

Thieving Imp discard: 1

Tiny Basilisk


OK, I was expecting something much more offensive, but I suppose Blood II is rather scary. Having to worker the Panda here is unfortunate, but Blood II isn’t the best for War Drums anyway. Teching in something for low hand size, and another big expensive unit: Shoddy Gliders are no good if I’m still on low hand size by next cycle. Taking Ogre over Octopus, because stealing virtuosos might be rather good.

Teched cards: 2

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk
T3: 2 x Kidnapping
T4: 2 x Crashbarrow
T5: Desperation, Ogre Recruiter

Get paid - (9)
Kidnapping, I take Thieving Imp - (5)
Thieving Imp suicides into Vandy for 3
Merfolk Prospector trades with Vandy, you draw, Drakk to level 6 (maxband)
Spore Shambler, Drakk gives it haste - (2)
Drakk destroys Graveyard
Spore Shambler hits Tech II to 2
Spore Shambler passes a + rune to Wisp - (1)
Wisp destroys Tech II, your base to 16
Worker - (0)
Discard 0, draw 2

Drakk L6 3/4 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gains haste)
Spore Shambler 1/2 (+; haste; Drakk: frenzy 1; exhaust or 1g: pass a + rune to target unit)
Wisp 1/2 (+; Drakk: frenzy 1)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)

Hand: 2

Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth

Deck: 5

Young Treant
Tiny Basilisk

Discard: 5

Tiny Basilisk
Ogre Recruiter
Merfolk Prospector

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
1 on board
2 in hand
5 in deck
5 in discard
5 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 10

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour
T3: Ironbark Treant
T4: Verdant Tree
T5: Playful Panda

Turn 6

Hand: Maestro, Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer, Deteriorate
Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator, Skeletal Archery, Sacrifice the Weak, Poisonblade Rogue, Deteriorate


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer
Turn 3: Nimble Fencer, Maestro
Turn 4: Metamorphosis, Leaping Lizard
Turn 5: Leaping Lizard, Hooded Executioner
Turn 6: Grounded Guide, Star-Crossed Starlet

  1. Technician draw
  2. Tech 2 cards
  3. Get paid (+$9, $9)
  4. Rebuild Tech 2 ($9)
  5. Hire a worker ($8)
  6. Summon Nimble Fencer ($6)
  7. Summon River Montoya ($4)
  8. Midband River ($2)
  9. Nimble Fencer kills Shambler
  10. Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 1

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: River Montoya lvl 3 (2/4+A)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
    Tech 2: 5
  • Units/Heroes:
    Nimble Fencer (2/2)
  • Base: 16
  • Other:


  • Workers: 10
  • Gold: 2
  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 10
  • Discard: 0


Leaping Lizard, Pestering Haunt, Shadow Blade, Nimble Fencer



Oh, kidnapping… I did not expect that. Well, they’re quite low on cards. There’s a slim chance my tech 2 survives here. Very slim. But I have hope. And I have a good counter-punch next turn.


Starting hand: 2

Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth


I can destroy Tech II again if I really want to, at 5g+2c, with 5 gold left over to defend with a second hero, probably midband Rook. Alternatively, I bring out maxband Rook to delay, and get my hand size back up. I think the hand size is going to be necessary long-term.

Taking out River here isn’t really necessary - she’s arguably much less dangerous than Garth as a secondary - but it lets me save some gold for a Tower, so attacking is going to be that little bit more painful.

Teched cards: 0

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk
T3: 2 x Kidnapping
T4: 2 x Crashbarrow
T5: Desperation, Ogre Recruiter

Get paid - (10)
Garus Rook - (8)
Drakk and Wisp kill River, Rook to level 3, Drakk takes 2 damage, Wisp dies
Maxband Rook - (3)
Tower - (0)
Discard 2, draw 4

:psblueshield: Rook L8 4/6+1A (can ignore lone patrollers; two lives)

Drakk L6 3/2 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gains haste; 2 damage)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 4

Young Treant
Tiny Basilisk

Deck: 1


Discard: 8

Tiny Basilisk
Ogre Recruiter
Merfolk Prospector
Spore Shambler
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
0 on board
4 in hand
1 in deck
8 in discard
5 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 10

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour
T3: Ironbark Treant
T4: Verdant Tree
T5: Playful Panda

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Turn 7

Hand: Leaping Lizard, Pestering Haunt, Shadow Blade, Nimble Fencer
Draw: Skeleton Javelineer
Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator, Skeletal Archery, Sacrifice the Weak, Poisonblade Rogue


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer
Turn 3: Nimble Fencer, Maestro
Turn 4: Metamorphosis, Leaping Lizard
Turn 5: Leaping Lizard, Hooded Executioner
Turn 6: Grounded Guide, Star-Crossed Starlet
Turn 7: Grounded Guide

  1. Tech 1 card
  2. Get paid (+$10, $12)
  3. Summon Garth Torken ($10)
  4. Midband Garth ($7)
  5. Summon Skeleton ($6)
  6. Sacrifice Skeleton to draw
  7. Maxband Garth, resurrect Grounded Guide ($3)
  8. Summon Nimble Fencer ($1)
  9. Summon Leaping Lizard ($0)
  10. Summon Pestering Haunt ($0)
  11. Discard 2, draw 4

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Leaping Lizard (4/5+A)
    :psfist:Elite: Garth Torken lvl 7 (4/4)
    :ps_:Scavenger: Nimble Fencer (4/4)
    :pschip:Technician: Nimble Fencer (4/3)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
    Tech 2: 5
  • Units/Heroes:
    Grounded Guide (4/4)
    Pestering Haunt (1/1)
  • Base: 16
  • Other:


  • Workers: 10
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 5
  • Discard: 2


Metamorphosis, Star-Crossed Starlet, Grounded Guide, Leaping Lizard


Shadow Blade, Skeleton Javelineer


Unfortunately I didn’t draw something nice from my skeleton, but I still gained some card advantage. I’m not in a superb spot, but if I hold out a little more I think I can stabilise.


Starting hand: 4

Young Treant
Tiny Basilisk


Kidnapping is better than Young Treant + second Crashbarrow here for damage, since taking the Grounded Guide works like a mini-Discord.

  1. Kidnap Leaping Lizard. We get Basilisk (2 deathtouch) + Lizard (4) + Crashbarrow (7), 11 health on patrol. Basilisk can trade with Garth or the Guide, Crashbarrow takes out the Fencers. The main problem with this is that the Lizard doesn’t die.
  2. Kidnap Grounded Guide. Works a bit like a mini-Discord. We get Basilisk (2 deathtouch) + Guide (5) + Crashbarrow (7), possibly more with the Guide bonus, 15 health on patrol. Harder than 1. to get through, but I can get a kidnapped Guide killed, instead of leaving the Guide alive, and not getting the Lizard killed either. Basilisk can take out the Lizard, then Guide + Crashbarrow clear the rest. That’s a little awkward, though, I have 5+7/8 damage against 4+3+2 on patrol, which wastes a lot on overpower. Taking out something with Rook or Drakk would let me take down Tech II.
  3. Double Crashbarrow. We get Basilisk (2 deathtouch) + double Crashbarrow (7+7), 17 health on patrol, 7+7 vs. 4+4+3 after killing the Basilisk kills the Lizard. Not ideal, either I struggle to break through or Rook takes a ton of damage killing Garth or a guided Fencer.

We’ll go with 2.

Teched cards: 0

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk
T3: 2 x Kidnapping
T4: 2 x Crashbarrow
T5: Desperation, Ogre Recruiter

Get paid - (10)
Kidnapping, I take the Grounded Guide - (6)
Tiny Basilisk, Drakk gives it haste - (4)
Crashbarrow - (1)
Tiny Basilisk trades with Leaping Lizard
Grounded Guide trades with Garth, levels fizzle
Rook kills Scavenger Nimble Fencer, you get a gold, takes 2 damage
Crashbarrow trades with Technician Nimble Fencer and Tech II, you draw, your base to 14
Drakk hits your Tech I to 2
Floating 1 gold
Discard 1, draw 1, reshuffle 12, draw 2

Rook L8 4/4 (can ignore lone patrollers; two lives; 2 damage)
Drakk L6 3/2 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gains haste; 2 damage)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 3

Merfolk Prospector

Deck: 10

Tiny Basilisk
Ogre Recruiter
Spore Shambler
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth
Tiny Basilisk
Young Treant

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
0 on board
3 in hand
10 in deck
0 in discard
5 in workers

Gold: 1
Workers: 10

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour
T3: Ironbark Treant
T4: Verdant Tree
T5: Playful Panda

Hey guys, this is just a short friendly ping that your game is the last one of the current round and we’re already a solid 28 (!) days into this round of two matches.

Nearly there one way or the other, I think. @Bryce_The_Rice?

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Turn 8

Hand: Metamorphosis, Star-Crossed Starlet, Grounded Guide, Leaping Lizard, Thieving Imp
Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator, Skeletal Archery, Sacrifice the Weak, Poisonblade Rogue, Metamorphosis


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer
Turn 3: Nimble Fencer, Maestro
Turn 4: Metamorphosis, Leaping Lizard
Turn 5: Leaping Lizard, Hooded Executioner
Turn 6: Grounded Guide, Star-Crossed Starlet
Turn 7: Grounded Guide
Turn 8: Nether Drain, Blademaster

  1. Technician draw
  2. Tech 2 cards
  3. Get paid (+$10, $11)
  4. Rebuild Tech 2 ($11)
  5. Hire a worker ($10)
  6. Summon River Montoya ($8)
  7. Maxband River ($4)
  8. Summon Thieving Imp, you discard ($2)
  9. Summon Star-Crossed Starlet ($0)
  10. Discard 2, draw 4

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Star-Crossed Starlet (3/2+A)
    :psfist:Elite: Thieving Imp (3/2)
    :pschip:Technician: River Montoya lvl 5 (3/4)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 2
    Tech 2: 5
  • Units/Heroes:
    Pestering Haunt (1/1)
  • Base: 14
  • Other:


  • Workers: 11
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 0
  • Discard: 10


Hooded Executioner, Maestro, Dark Pact, Graveyard


Nimble Fencer, Nimble Fencer, Leaping Lizard, Leaping Lizard, Grounded Guide, Grounded Guide, Blademaster, Shadow Blade, Nether Drain, Skeleton Javelineer


Man, they had a really good hand that turn. Well… that probably spells my end. Very likely impossible to regain ground here. A discard may help, but they can easily just go into tech 3 and I can’t respond quick enough I think, and I probably still end up with a broken tech 2.


Starting hand: 3

Merfolk Prospector

Thieving Imp discard: 1



That discard hurts, Tech III is pretty much the only thing I can spend the gold on now.

Teched cards: 2

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk
T3: 2 x Kidnapping
T4: 2 x Crashbarrow
T5: Desperation, Ogre Recruiter
T7: Earthquake, Pirate-Gang Commander

Get paid + float - (11)
Merfolk Prospector, Drakk gives it haste - (10)
Crashbarrow - (7)
Crashbarrow trades with Star-Crossed Starlet and River, you draw, levels fizzle
Merfolk Prospector trades with Thieving Imp
Drakk destroys Tech I, your base to 12
Rook hits Tech II to 1
Tech III - (2)
Floating 2 gold
Discard 0, draw 2

Rook L8 4/4 (can ignore lone patrollers; two lives; 2 damage)
Drakk L6 3/2 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gains haste; 2 damage)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tech III HP: 5
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 2


Deck: 8

Tiny Basilisk
Ogre Recruiter
Spore Shambler
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth
Tiny Basilisk
Young Treant

Discard: 5

Pirate-Gang Commander
Merfolk Prospector

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 10 teched = 20
0 on board
2 in hand
8 in deck
5 in discard
5 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 10

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour
T3: Ironbark Treant
T4: Verdant Tree
T5: Playful Panda

Please stop drawing good cards.

Turn 9

Hand: Hooded Executioner, Maestro, Dark Pact, Graveyard, Leaping Lizard
Workers: Summon Skeletons, Jandra, the Negator, Skeletal Archery, Sacrifice the Weak, Poisonblade Rogue, Metamorphosis


Turn 2: Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer
Turn 3: Nimble Fencer, Maestro
Turn 4: Metamorphosis, Leaping Lizard
Turn 5: Leaping Lizard, Hooded Executioner
Turn 6: Grounded Guide, Star-Crossed Starlet
Turn 7: Grounded Guide
Turn 8: Nether Drain, Blademaster

  1. Reshuffle, technician draw
  2. Tech 0 cards
  3. Get paid (+$11, $11)
  4. Rebuild Tech 1 ($11)
  5. Build Tech 3 ($6)
  6. Summon Leaping Lizard ($5)
  7. Summon Maestro ($2)
  8. Summon Vandy Anadrose ($0)
  9. Discard 3, draw 5

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Leaping Lizard (3/5+A)
    :ps_:Scavenger: Vandy Anadrose (2/3)
    :pschip:Technician: Maestro (3/5)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
    Tech 2: 1
    Tech 3: 5
  • Units/Heroes:
    Pestering Haunt (1/1)
  • Base: 12
  • Other:


  • Workers: 11
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 5
  • Discard: 4


Star-Crossed Starlet, Leaping Lizard, Shadow Blade, Skeleton Javelineer, Nimble Fencer


Hooded Executioner Graveyard, Dark Pact, Thieving Imp


Oh dear, oh dear. I draw ever closer to death. A lucky lizard here may just save my bacon, but with the potential for bugblatters and commanders I uhhh don’t think my base is long for this world.



Starting hand: 2



I think the Lizard is worth kidnapping over the Maestro, so we can still kill the latter, and we get rid of the SQL armour. The Shambler and the tower can just about take out the Lizard and survive if it attacks, so we should be safe from a Drakk kill again, unless Bryce has two patrol-kill spells in hand.

Teched cards: 0

T2: 2 x Tiny Basilisk
T3: 2 x Kidnapping
T4: 2 x Crashbarrow
T5: Desperation, Ogre Recruiter
T8: Earthquake, Pirate-Gang Commander

Get paid + 2 float - (12)
Kidnapping, I take Leaping Lizard - (8)

Desperation, trash it, draw 3

Tiny Basilisk
Spore Shambler
Young Treant

Master Midori - (6)
Tiny Basilisk, Drakk gives it haste - (4)
Spore Shambler - (1)
Tiny Basilisk trades with Maestro, you draw
Leaping Lizard kills Vandy, you get a gold, takes 2 damage, Midori to level 3
Rook and Drakk destroy Tech I, your base to 10
Worker - (0)
Discard 0, draw 2

:psblueshield: Spore Shambler 2/3+1A (++; exhaust or 1g: pass a + rune to target unit)

Rook L8 4/4 (can ignore lone patrollers; two lives; 2 damage)
Drakk L6 3/2 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gains haste; 2 damage)
Midori L3 2/3

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tech III HP: 5
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 2

Tiger Cub

Deck: 3

Ogre Recruiter
Rampant Growth
Tiny Basilisk

Discard: 7

Pirate-Gang Commander
Merfolk Prospector
Tiny Basilisk

Trash: 1


Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 10 teched = 20
1 on board
2 in hand
3 in deck
7 in discard
1 in trash
6 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 11

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Forest’s Favour
T3: Ironbark Treant
T4: Verdant Tree
T5: Playful Panda
T9: Young Treant