[XCAFS23] Round2 part1: P1 zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs P2 FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength

XCAFS23 round 1 part 1 P1T7

P1 [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs. P2 [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength

Link to all relevant rule changes

StartingHand Workers

Nimble Fencer (2/3)
Research & Development
Feral Strike
Huntress (3/3)
Temporal Distortion
Tricycloid (3/3)
Hyperion (4/5)
Research & Development
Granfalloon Flagbearer (2/2)
Feral Strike

Fruit Ninja (2/2)
Helpful Turtle (1/2)
Older Brother (2/2)
Brick Thief (2/1)


Tricycloid (3/3)
Feral Strike
Timely Messenger (1/1)
Temporal Distortion
Huntress (3/3)

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
R&D - ($8)
tric, pings down Zane & BA - ($3)
Spark SL - ($2)
TD tric into Hyperion - ($0)
Hyperion kills SL, I draw

Float ($0)
Discard 8, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Max (3/4, lvl5)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Hyperion (4/3)


  • :heart: Base HP: 17
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Present)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 11
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

that’s even a better way to lose Cal. he’s down on cards, behind on gold, his deck is as bloated as mine but without the draw capabilities that I have. and maybe I’m even lucky and he has his two copies of sharks both in this hand where Zane in not available. unfortunately I drew my cards from r&d way too early. if I had thought about it a bit longer, I would have teched a ferocity as well. with the upcoming TD+messenger I prefer to keep Max in SL. frozen should not have any haste besides MSR, but a 3 Attack SL is to be expected and I want to attack with Hyperion before returning it to my hand