Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Cal - ($1)
tenderfoot - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Scavenger: Tenderfoot (1/2)
In Play:
Cal (2/3, lvl1)
Base HP: 20
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 3
Gold: 0
Workers: 5
I really like this way to reduce the variance! let’s see where it takes us. My last tournament against classical Nightmare ended with three out of three of these games being won by P2, so it’s going to be interesting how the split variance change affects that (but to be fair: that tournament didn’t have DP and det nerfed)
Poisonblade Rogue, Skeleton Javelineer, Sacrifice the Weak
I feel like I should’ve studied more frozenstorm games to look at how he defends with this deck. This start feels pretty strong though, leading into imp+graveyard turn 2 is pretty good. I’ll probably need fencers to turn the tide.
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
tenderfoot pings SL
bloomed Cal kills SL, haunt dies - ($2)
Tech 1 - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
In Play:
Cal (3/1, lvl1)+
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 5
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 6
With Jandra in play there were too many lines where turn 3 might get ugly for me or my third cycle might be just plain bad, hence she has to go. Fortunately he didn’t do what Frozen did against me: to patrol her in elite. I expect imp+vandy+haunt next turn which means I have to go down to three cards if I want my expected tech 1 unit to be STW proof. This sucks, but I think I’ll be able to deal with that, IF I draw both tech 1 & messenger/tenderfoot. If my draws don’t align or imp discard hits me wrong, it’s hopefully huntress in technician that dies to STW.
This is probably the last time in this game, that my patrol is empty
I think since I didn’t have haunt, I should’ve put jandra in elite. I’m now in a very delicate situation. Bringing out vandy here might be a bad idea, but we’ll see. I still don’t really know how to play black, after all these years. Definitely need to go back and check the tapes of some better players
I had a typo in my sheet. Cal was lvl1 with bloom and not lvl3. I assume her ability to still go through both healing cycles does not change your turn?
Tech 2 card(s)
random discard #1
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
tenderfoot - ($4)
midband cal kills SL, maxbands - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Technician: Tenderfoot (1/2)
In Play:
Cal (5/6, lvl5)+
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 1
Disc: 5
Gold: 0
Workers: 7
vandy kill is easily possible, but probably not worth it. I don’t want to go down to 3 cards yet. If he has the expected two fencers teched, he has a ~60% probability to break my tech building (if I’m not mistaken), but then he will have further reduced his hand size and has no defense on his own, which sounds pretty ok for me
Well this is still not fantastic, but since I’m expecting (?) present tech 2, I’m going to try going for voidblockers. If I’m wrong and I get finessed, that’s… not great. Maybe I can terrasque.
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
tech 2 - ($2)
huntress - ($0)
Cal kills SL
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Huntress (3/3)
Technician: Tenderfoot (1/2)
In Play:
Cal (5/3, lvl5)+
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 4
Tech II HP: 5 (Present)
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 6
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 8
WOW, those are surprising tech choices. That’s definitely not Nightmare’s A game. This game is still not won yet, but it should be easier than if he would have gone for the standard route
Yep, looks like I need some heavy hitters. Here’s the dozer! And voidblockers coming in hot afterwards. Just gotta keep some chumps up now so the dozer doesn’t hit me too hard when it dies.
Exactly as planned. Their hand size is very low, and they’ve used their hyperion already. It will be tough for them to rebuild cards and break my defence, and voidblocker will make it all the more difficult. Now I just have to figure out a plan to victory, but I’m sure one will reveal itself soon enough.
Tech 2 card(s)
discard #3
Get Paid - ($9)
boosted feral strike: fetch two immortals and put them into play - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 1, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 1
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Immortal (5/5)
Technician: Tenderfoot (1/2)
Lookout: Immortal (5/5)
In Play:
Cal (5/3, lvl5)+
Max (2/3, lvl1)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 4
Tech II HP: 4 (Present)
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 3
Deck: 11
Disc: 0
Gold: 1
Workers: 9
that discard hurts pretty bad. otherwise feral strike fetch 2 cards, put Hyperion plus one immortal into play, attack & draw a card to worker would have been awesome with 10th worker and draw 2 from next cycle with a high chance of Hyperion surviving to further refill my hand. now I have an almost for sure dead draw next turn…
Jandra, the Negator, Nimble Fencer, Blackhand Dozer, Discord, Hooded Executioner
Damn, Feral Strike is strong. Well, I’m going to advance tech while my board is strong and hope to overwhelm them with tech 2, tech 3, and meta threats.
Edit: I just realized that the Void Blocker typo may have had a major impact on your planned turn. Even though I have a pretty awesome hand, obviously we can roll back in case you had another line which you would have preferred in case you had realized the correct stats earlier.
Well, I would have preferred you to have discarded one of my feral strikes instead of Hyperion last turn…
By the way, Void Blocker only has 2/6, not 3/6, so midband max attacking it actually survives the additional tower damage.
XCAFS23 round 1 part 1 P1T7
P1 [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs. P2 [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse
Hyperion (4/5)
Research & Development
Research & Development
Hyperion (4/5)
Helpful Turtle (1/2)
Timely Messenger (1/1)
Ready or Not
Ready or Not
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Worker - ($9)
midband max attacks SL, sparkshot skel, exhaust tenderfoot - ($7)
Immortal kills SL, exhaust Cal for attack
second immortal kills Garth, you gain 1g, maxband max flickers one immortal
Tech 3 - ($2)
Float ($2)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Immortal (5/5)
In Play:
Cal (5/3, lvl5)+
Max (3/4, lvl5)
Tenderfoot (1/2)
Immortal (5/2)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 4
Tech II HP: 4 (Present)
Tech III HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 7
Disc: 4
Gold: 2
Workers: 10
uff, Zara can easily end my feral strike session, but I should be able to directly kill it, unless I draw extremely unlucky. if he follows it up with a second one, all bets are off.
Shrine of Forbidden Knowledge, Pestering Haunt, Graveyard, Hooded Executioner
Zarramonde, the Obliterator, Dark Pact, Nimble Fencer, Discord, Voidblocker
I don’t think I’m scared of tech 3, but I’m not really making ground here. I suspect a big present turn will come out next turn, as they’ve managed to rebuild their hand, quite annoyingly. Immortals strong!
Oh wait, I just remembered… feral strike only cares about tech building. Nevermind, I am about to eat two moss ancients to the face. Oh dear.
Helpful Turtle (1/2)
Research & Development
Tenderfoot (1/2)
Timely Messenger (1/1)
Temporal Distortion
Research & Development
Feral Strike
Huntress (3/3)
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($12)
R&D, draw 5 - ($10)
feral strike: put two Hyperions from hand to play - ($6)
two immortals kill SL, Imp dies
Hyperion kills vandy, draw 1
TD exhausted Hyperion into trick - ($4)
tric shoots executioner down
Hyperion attacks base down to 14, draw 1
feral strike: put Hyperion and fencer into play - ($0)
Cal 5, fencer 2, Max 3, Hyperion 4 break base, RS Draw 1
Float ($0)
Discard 5, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Tricycloid (3/3)
In Play:
Cal (5/2, lvl5)+
Max (3/3, lvl5)
Immortal (5/5)
Immortal (5/5)
Hyperion (4/4)
Hyperion (4/4)
Nimble Fencer (2/2)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 4
Tech II HP: 4 (Present)
Tech III HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 3
Disc: 5
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
it took a while to find lethal for all possible draw 5 out of 7 variants, but finally…
GG WP, not having the Zara here sealed the deal…
Now let’s get to your most oppressive turn 1