[Tournament] eXperimental Codex Asynchronous Fall 2023 (XCAFS23)

I guess I just want to highlight that with each round being a two match series, if we do require that both games are played out, then it’s possible that a meeting of two 4 loss competitors results in both players being eliminated.

Is this a desirable feature? It might well be, just strikes me as something not in the standard format, so we should explicitly discuss it.

Only real options would seem to be:

  1. Don’t play out the second game, first game winner stays alive
  2. Do play out the second game, both players can be eliminated
  3. Do play out the second game, both players being eliminated results in a replay of the round

Note: my thinking here is that this would be a special case if both players could be eliminated, not a general rule for all other cases

3 is probably the fairest way to do it while only eliminating 1 player (for a comp it’s akin to demanding a certain margin of victory in tennis), but given the length of each game it could make things really drag out, likely making it impractical. 1 and 2 are expedient, but have different fairness intuitions for me:

1 feels unfair to whoever was randomised the worse P1/P2, assuming both decks skew strongly to the same preference of player order. If the players have an equal chance of winning then this would be very fair but a true 50-50 is probably unlikely in practice with this ruleset. However, we do run this logic already in our tournaments, if two 2 loss players meet the turn order randomisation is usually quite decisive.

Compared to our standard rules, 2 feels slightly unfair to the first game winner as usually that would be enough to safely progress, but it does feel very fair and fun for the now eliminated player to get to play their (presumably) more advantaged matchup and try to eliminate their competitor on the way out.

Thoughts? I think to balance time requirements, consistency, and fairness it almost has to be option 2 but I could see the arguments for 1 over it

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I’d imagine people wouldn’t do it on here, but playing out the second game under option 2 would potentially have some perverse incentives for the player who’s already out. They have no reason to play seriously.

thank you very much @charnel_mouse & @thehug0naut for your input on the (un)fair elimination issue. The two of you summarized my thought process that lead to my suggestion perfectly :smiley:

I think if first-game-loser doesn’t want to play out game number two, that’s fine. But the aspect that the first-game-winner does not get a half bye and that his/her opponent get’s the chance for revenge seemed like a good idea to me wrt to the expected imbalance of P1/P2.

But I really don’t have a strong opinion here. I’m sure I can live with pretty much any solution to the issue.
We have another 4 weeks (more or less) to decide this issue. :wink:
Anybody else with an opinion?

Okay, here we go!

Round 1 part 1:

  1. [XCAFS23] Round1 part1: P1 zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs P2 Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse
  2. [XCAFS23] Round1 part1: P1 Dreamfire [Anarchy/Fire]/Demon vs P2 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength
  3. [XCAFS23] Round1 part1: P1 dwarddd monopurple vs P2 Qwzmda [Finesse]/Demonology/Necromancy
  4. [XCAFS23] Round1 part1: P1 thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline vs P2 flagrantangles monoblue
  5. [XCAFS23] Round1 part1: P1 FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength vs P2 rathyAro [Finesse]/Peace/Truth

Round 1 part 2:

  1. [XCAFS23] Round1 part2: P1 Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse vs P2 zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present
  2. [XCAFS23] Round1 part2: P1 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength vs P2 Dreamfire [Anarchy/Fire]/Demon
  3. [XCAFS23] Round1 part2: P1 Qwzmda [Finesse]/Demonology/Necromancy vs P2 dwarddd monopurple
  4. [XCAFS23] Round1 part2: P1 flagrantangles monoblue vs P2 thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline
  5. [XCAFS23] Round1 part2: P1 rathyAro [Finesse]/Peace/Truth vs P2 FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength

So it looks like @flagrantangles and @thehug0naut can continue their infinite casual round in a tournament setting and that it’s my honor to try and find a solution against the most oppressive turn 1 first.

edit: also please remember to mention the rule changes for the sake of spectators.

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Hmmmm, I didn’t realize there were rules changes at all. :laughing: Are they summarized somewhere? I want to make sure I get the right ones.

you can just copy-paste this:
Link to all relevant rule changes

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Just to check, should be starting and playing both these games at once, or just part 1 for now?

Whatever the two of you prefer. I’m definitely more into playing it one after the other, but it both of you want to play it in parallel, why not?

Hmmm, I guess simultaneous play would be the way to avoid not playing as hard as possible, but I think its not good for the players keeping focused (certainly not for me anyway).

@flagrantangles I’d prefer to play our part 1 first, so if you want you can leave up your part 2 post as is or edit it to a placeholder for now. I’ve not actually looked at it properly so when the time comes please feel free to retake that turn if you change your mind about it after our first game.

Oh, oops. I am harebrained today and didn’t even parse them as two parts. That’s on meeeee. :laughing:

Am I in time for round 1 pairings?

Either way, I’d like to join with [Finesse]/Peace/Truth


Is this saying that this rule change is no longer in and Vandy’s maxband is the same as before?

Welcome @rathyAro it’s a pleasure to have you!

Yes, exactly. We shortly raised the issue but didn’t reach consensus, hence it’s the original wording.

@FrozenStorm : you just got an opponent! I just edited the round one links above, so you can start your match!


@dwarddd : friendly reminder to please start your first game

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How we doing on the next round fam?


so we have two dropouts, which narrows down the field to 8 players. Also I am very interested if there are further opinions on the above question:

But here we go with round 2 part 1:

  1. [XCAFS23] Round2 part1: P1 zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength
  2. [XCAFS23] Round2 part1: P1 thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Dreamfire [Anarchy/Fire]/Demon
  3. [XCAFS23] Round2 part1: P1 dwarddd monopurple :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 rathyAro [Finesse]/Peace/Truth
  4. [XCAFS23] Round2 part1: P1 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse

Round 2 part 2:

  1. [XCAFS23] Round2 part2: P1 FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present
  2. [XCAFS23] Round2 part2: P1 Dreamfire [Anarchy/Fire]/Demon :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline
  3. [XCAFS23] Round2 part2: P1 rathyAro [Finesse]/Peace/Truth :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 dwarddd monopurple
  4. [XCAFS23] Round2 part2: P1 Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength

@charnel_mouse friendly reminder to please start your game

30 days for one round, I hope we’ll be able to speed up the next one :wink:

here comes round 3 part 1:

  1. [XCAFS23] Round3 part1: P1 thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline vs P2 zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present
  2. [XCAFS23] Round3 part1: P1 dwarddd monopurple vs P2 Dreamfire [Anarchy/Fire]/Demon
  3. [XCAFS23] Round3 part1: P1 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength vs P2 FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength
  4. [XCAFS23] Round3 part1: P1 rathyAro [Finesse]/Peace/Truth vs P2 Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse

and round 3 part 2:

  1. [XCAFS23] Round3 part2: P1 zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present vs P2 thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline
  2. [XCAFS23] Round3 part2: P1 Dreamfire [Anarchy/Fire]/Demon vs P2 dwarddd monopurple
  3. [XCAFS23] Round3 part2: P1 FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength vs P2 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength
  4. [XCAFS23] Round3 part2: P1 Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse vs P2 rathyAro [Finesse]/Peace/Truth

the current standings are:

Players Deck Wins Losses Byes
zango [Finesse]/Feral/Present 4 0 0
thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline 3 1 0
Dreamfire [Anarchy/Fire]/Demon 3 1 0
dwarddd monopurple 1 1 2
FrozenStorm [Anarchy]/Growth/Strength 2 2 0
charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength 2 2 0
rathyAro [Finesse]/Peace/Truth 1 3 0
Bryce_The_Rice [Demonology]/Necromancy/Finesse 0 4 0

So @Bryce_The_Rice is on elimination and @rathyAro might get there during this round. @Bryce_The_Rice : In case you do lose the first game of this round you are entitled for a rematch, even though you already are eliminated.


@thehug0naut & @charnel_mouse in order to not take again 30 days for the round, please start your matches soon


How we doin fam?