Thank you for the detailed answer and link to that! (like i said i was genuinely curious, especially after the teaser for such a link in the tourney post at the top ;))
I didnt mean to doubt the result, only to check my understanding (and to light-heartedly mope about ending up p2 against each of the Burning Legions present XD)
If you want you can be p1, I don’t care. Burning Legion is stronger as p1 but it performs very well as p2. And as far as I know, without being an expert, is mono purple weaker as p1. So I am not sure if it really is a good trade for you. But I am curious where the limits of burning legion are.
We just have to somehow count it differently. Me being P2 would probably automatically give me P1 against frozen or dreamfire which makes it unfair. @charnel_mouse and @zango to figure out a solution.
Yeah, well, I edited the opening post too often, I’m not allowed to do so anymore, which is why I didn’t include the missing specs and the missing link to the spreadsheet…
About the order of players: I honestly don’t care whether you agree upon switching sides or not. But Moby is right. Doing a switching officially has an influence on P1/P2 sides for follow up matches, which I would prefer to not mingle with.
I suggest if you choose to do a match with P1/P2 switched and to let it count for the tournament round 6, I’m fine with that. But I would prefer a switching to be an unofficial one! For the follow up matches I will count Moby’s P1/P2 stats as 3/3 while I will count Dwarddd’s as 2/4. If you want to swap on that premise, please go ahead
The matchup is still fine with me as is! I do agree: I’m not even sure whether it’s better for purple to be P1 against red, and even if so I am perfectly happy anyway - I would never tamper with the fate the randomiser has given on such a whim
please go ahead and start the game when you’re ready
Ahh i see Zango, i didn’t even know an edit limit existed but that’s a pain :\ thanks for sending through the link
so it finally did happen! After 16 undefeated matches of this deck, @Dreamfire was able to score the fist victory against Burning Legion - congratulations! Your place in this final is well deserved!
Good bye to @FrozenStorm and @dwarddd
Round 7 - FINALS:
@Moby_Dick still is undefeated, while @Dreamfire got his second loss already in round 4 from his first match against moby.
wow, that one was aiming for a speed record. Awesome game of @Dreamfire with being in constant heavy agression. In the end it wasn’t enough against this monster of a deck.
Congratulations to @Moby_Dick for winning the tournament without a single loss!
Thanks for hosting @zango
Was an interesting tournament! I think now it is time to nerf burning legion, although Dreamfire played very well against it and has shown how to beat it.
Do you have specific suggestions for nerfs?
I voiced my opinion on this here