Rules Questions thread

No, the runes have to come from Pryn.

I suggest starting a new thread for rule of cool questions. Be sure to reference :nauticaldog:

You can use Manufactured Truth to make an illusion copy a non-illusion, then use targeted things on it without it dying.

Using both of a unit’s 2 instances of sparkshot sounds ok to me, but I’m asking Sirlin about it.


Feral Strike: Do you need to pay for the units you put in play?


Any effect that “puts units into play” does not require additional payment.

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Bigby’s mid-band says “Sideline a Tech 0 or I patroller.” I assume that doesn’t include heroes, but I want to make sure. Can heroes be sidelined with his mid-band if they’re patrolling?

Heroes are not units and do not have a tech level.


I skimmed this thread (and other sources) for answers for the following about tech buildings, but couldn’t find anything. Sorry if I missed it.

  1. Say that all three of your tech buildings are destroyed in one turn. Do you have to take 3 turns to rebuild your tech buildings one at a time from Tech I up? Or can you rebuild all 3 Tech buildings in one turn?

  2. Also, if you have all 3 tech buildings, can your opponent take out, say, Tech I? Does that then disable Tech II and Tech III since they no longer have the Tech I building they depends on, or can they keep turning out Tech II and III units while your Tech I building gets rebuilt?


  1. It takes 3 turns. Turn 1, Tech I rebuilds, but Tech II cannot. Turn 2, Tech II rebuilds, but Tech III cannot. etc.

  2. If they take out Tech I, then you can’t build Tech I units. You can still build Tech II and Tech III without issue.


Armor: When it says “is then destroyed”, what does it means? If a patrolling unit has 7 armor and takes 2 damages. Does it still has 5 armor left for the next attack, or it ends up with 0 armor?

Which bit talks about armour being destroyed? Put the whole paragraph here and then we’ll talk.

Yeah, clarifying would be good, but regardless I can assure you that in the case of:

If a patrolling unit has 7 armor and takes 2 damages. Does it still has 5 armor left for the next attack, or it ends up with 0 armor?

It definitely won’t have 0 armor after 2 dmg. It will have 5 until it gets hit again, or the end of the turn (in a 2p game…I forget how armor works across opponents’ turns in a multiplayer game).

In the rulebook, under Armor keyword:

Armor absorbs damage before HP and is then destroyed.

Well then yes, refer to jasonwocky.

Think of it like temporary hitpoints. You have 2 armor and take 1 damage? 1 armor absorbs the 1 damage and that point of armor is then destroyed - you still have 1 armor remaining. This is to distinguish it from the concept of damage reduction (which doesn’t exist in Codex, but other games have it), where 2 points of armor might reduce damage from all sources by 2 forever.

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Yeah, that’s how i figured it was working, but I find it weird the way it is worded in the rulebook.

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If a Gargoyle has Entangling Vines attached to it, does activating the Gargoyle’s ability allow it to attack and patrol? It seems that since the Gargoyle’s “CAN attack and patrol” ability is activated more recently than the Entangling Vines “CAN’T attack or patrol restriction”, the more recent effect takes priority, but that feel a little weird to me in this case.

As I recall, unless explicitly directed otherwise, CAN’Ts override CANs.

Um? Since when? What about it says that?

Cheers @mysticjuicer. I know my questions are basic, but I’d hate to get accustomed to playing the game incorrectly.

Questions about workers: So, you can’t attack workers directly, because they are not units, correct? However, there are units like reavers that can trash workers. Can reavers trash workers until an opponent has none left? Or can a player not fall below their starting number of workers indicated on their worker card?


You could conceivably go below your starter worker count using lichs bargain or another effect, but physically tracking that would be difficult as starting workers are a single card. If the situation comes up it does not bode well for that players chances of winning.