Temporal Research
Battle Suits
Stewardess of the Undone
Events of Turn:
Get Gold (7)
Tech 2 cards in (except turn 1)
All Teched Cards
Void Star, Gilded Glaxx
Stewardess of the Undone, Now!
Stewardess of the Undone, bounce Haunt (4)
Worker (3)
Patrol as below
Discard 2 draw 4
Tech 2 cards before my next turn
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
Tech1 HP: 5
Tower HP: 4
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Stewardess of the Undone (2/3+1armor)
In Play:
Hardened Mox (0/0, -)
Economy Info:
Hand: 4
Deck: 0
Disc: 5
Gold: 3
Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Glaxx would have looked better from this spot, durn… Oh well I spose. I can surprise with some good damage next turn, we’ll see if that proves a successful move
Dark Pact
Hooded Executioner
Sacrifice the Weak
Shadow Blade
Cursed Ghoul
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Dark Pact
Worker - ($7)
Hooded Executioner hits geiger
Sacrifice the weak, nullcraft goes poof - ($5)
Garth - ($3)
Shadow Blade Geiger, Vandy maxbands, not enough gold to target mox, haunt is doomed, discard a card - ($0)
Haunt pings Mox out of the way and miraculously survives
Vandy breaks your tower
Neo Plexus
Temporal Research (swap to topdeck)
Fading Argonaut (discard #3 of 4)
Battle Suits (swapped from topdeck)
Events of Turn:
Get Gold (9)
Tech 2 cards in (except turn 1)
All Teched Cards
Origin Story x2
Hive x2
Void Star, Gilded Glaxx
Stewardess of the Undone, Now!
Vir, peek (7)
Swap (6)
Battle Suits (4)
Tower (1)
Worker (0)
Plexus, FF, Plasmo, Time Spiral, Tinkerer
Patrol as below
Discard 1 draw 3
Tech 2 cards before my next turn
Board Info:
Base HP: 18
Tech1 HP: 5
Tech2 HP: 5 FUTURE
Tower HP: 4
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Mox (2/1+1armor)
Technician: Vir (2/3 lvl 1)
In Play:
Battle Suits
Economy Info:
Hand: 4
Deck: 6
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
End of Turn Hand
Temporal Research
Void Star
Gilded Glaxx
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Hive was a dumb choice, should have gone 2x OS knowing a Meta gambit was on the docket. Oh well, lesson learned, let’s see if we can set up a Now! + Void Star or something next turn to save this, hope Zhav isn’t going to get Meta from hand
Had I been thinking a little more and teched OSx2 instead of Hivex2, perhaps there’s a chance I had that one (as I could put Vandy away right before the meta) but it’s really very critical to be able to do that. I suppose perhaps Golgort would be decent at ensuring Demons don’t survive, maybe I need to try that. I’ll see about starting a new for one for us later today or tomorrow.
Sac the weak is incredibly annoying for purple, but Imp and Shadow Blade are critical for Keeping Purple Down™.
I will say, Hive can’t really be gotten rid of by Black in any easy way, but it just causes a base race. I don’t interact with it, and you cant deal with my heroes after Meta, so we just end up trading blows.
Yeah that was my thought, it’d be tough to bother with, but it also is a ton of gold to spend on nothing that counters Meta, which is a true win card here. I have real struggles getting heavy hitting blockers down (that can stick) in front of a tower.
Tinkerer, Forgotten Fighter, Time Spiral, Plasmodium
Patrol as below
Discard 1 Draw 3
Tech 2 cards before my next turn
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
Tech1 HP: 5
Tech2 HP: 5 PAST
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Hardened Mox (1/1+1armor)
Lookout: Gilded Glaxx (3/4)
In Play:
Economy Info:
Hand: 4
Deck: 6
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Temporal Research
Origin Story
Gilded Glaxx
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
This seems pretty okay, Vandy’s maxbanded but isn’t going to be able to meta a buddy. I should be able to get to OS before it happens, and Past is cheap enough that I can get stuff done while that happens.