IYL8 - Morningstar - Match Reports

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Challonge Bracket: IYL8 - Morningstar Sanctuary - Challonge


Hobusu vs @ohithere

:degrey: :pschip: :psfist: :valerie:
:degrey: :pschip: :psfist: :valerie:
:setsuki: :psfist: :pschip: :valerie:
:setsuki: :psfist: :pschip: :valerie:
:setsuki: :psfist: :pschip: :valerie:

Final score: Hobusu 3 — ohithere 2
Hobusu wins

You did very well considering how new you are! Sorry for springing your first ever Setsuki on you when you were also having to adjust to playing with a timer… Since you had some issues with the UI, here’s the video I mentioned in chat after the match:

That should also have the rest of the Getting Good at Yomi playlist ready to watch in case you’re interested! It’s a good series, and I attribute most of my skill to watching mysticjuicer’s commentary on other people’s games, so I highly recommend watching lots of his videos when you get a chance.


I highly recommend MysticJuicer’s videos. I learned a lot from “Getting Good at Yomi” and “Rook vs the World” has inspired me to play more Rook


If you had to pick two and only two series of yomi videos to watch, I believe those would be it.


It’s MJ that made me feel I had to open up my first match in a couple IYLs with Rook. Always the people’s champ, and even though I lost, no regrets for the decision.


mysticjuicer 3 - 2 CarpeGuitarrem

:troq: :psfist: :pschip: :troq:
:troq: :pschip: :psfist: :onimaru:
:degrey: :psfist: :pschip: :onimaru:
:degrey: :pschip: :psfist: :troq: in spite of boxing out a silent BU, this was RUINATION
:onimaru: :psfist: :pschip: :troq: RUINATION RETURNED

ggs CG! very close set


What a set, great stuff all around, all hail the gorillas!

I’m a little sad I chose to open Troq, but that’s the way the die rolls.


If it makes you feel any better, I was thiiiiiis close to opening DeGrey, so…


Hahaha actually yes, yes it does make me feel better. At least Troq is sorta an option select here.


Round 1
Zqxx v @Accel


Very fun set! The first one and a half games I felt very in control, supplemented by pretty good draws each game, but Accel seemed to pick up on my play style by game 3 and handily fileted me. Game 4 he had a similarly excellent head start, but I hung on with 1 hit point for several turns and then clinched it with a Blowfish spikes. The whole set saw a lot of aggressive tactics from both sides.

Well-played by @accel!


Yes, rounds 2 and 4 were both “If I can touch the fishie, I win” and both times I got Hexed out. Down to the last dozen HP every time. GG @Zqxx.


mastrblastr 3 - 0 @Djister
:onimaru: > :rook:
:onimaru: > :rook:
:onimaru: > :rook:
Honestly I’m extremely proud of these games. I’m not certain if this is a matchup I’ve ever played before but felt it had to be pretty good for oni although he’s forced to play a very different style vs Rook. Djister has an extremely good rook as everyone knows but I really felt I was just dialed in today and thinking what I would have to do in his shoes in each situation. A lot of throws, a lot of A pokes to stop rock armor and a lot of low normals to undercut (although that one never really worked heh)
GGs Djister, was a really fun and tense set.


GGs @mastrblastr, you certainly were on point! It was indeed a really fun and tense set. :slight_smile:


mastrblastr 3 - 0 @ohithere
:onimaru: > :valerie:
:onimaru: > :valerie:
:onimaru: > :valerie:
GGs I respect how aggressive you were and I assume many people would have blinked first. I’m thankful that I just continued to be completely reckless and have it pay off


I’m already getting hype for finishing off my IYL vs you.

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migohunter vs @vengefulpickle

:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :setsuki:
:quince: :pschip: :psfist: :setsuki: PERFECTED
:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :setsuki:
:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :zane:

I’ll upload my match POV later (no commentary) and so will vengefulpickle. Other than the blowout, very close games. Was pretty drained at the end of it, great games all around man.


Hobusu vs @Accel

:degrey: :psfist: :pschip: :rook:
:degrey: :psfist: :pschip: :rook:
:degrey: :psfist: :pschip: :rook:

Final score: Hobusu 3 — Accel 0
Hobusu wins

There we go, made up for not winning with DeGrey last week, heh. I hope the advice everyone gave you helps, especially the casual matches afterward! The first round in particular was really close, and I feel like you definitely have the potential to become very good at this if you keep at it. Also, since apparently linking to mysticjuicer playlists is my thing now, one that feels especially relevant to someone who plays Rook:

Note that these videos are a few years old now, so community consensus on some of these matchups has changed over time. That said, it’s still a very good look at how Rook wants to play against the entire cast featuring one of the best Rook players ever. You might also want to check mysticjuicer’s channel for the Rook character guide that he made, it goes over things with the intention to teach rather than to be commentary on a hype Yomi set!


I feel like there needs to be a big asterisk next to “one of the best Rooks ever” but I appreciate you directing people to stuff that may help them improve. I have a lifetime match win percentage of 48% with Rook.


whispers Psst, MJ. I think he meant Djister.


Ah, right! Okay that makes more sense! :smiley: