Is there any interest in a Codex pbf tournament with Map cards?

I think Sirlin had a ruling on this at some point, it sounds reallllly familiar. In that Rich Earth ends being a -1 discount on workers, rather than ‘free’.

One map that I wish existed would be something like “Tech Buildings and add-ons are half price (round up)”. I think it would have basically the exact opposite effect on the game as Hard Times mill. I expect with HTM, a lot of games would linger at tech 1, whereas this would tend to cause games to progress steadily. An interesting consequence would be that you could dodge the multi-color tax by opening with a Tech Lab, Tower, or Surplus.

Multicolor tax is on your first building, add-ons included. So you can’t really dodge it.

Also Vortoss ruins automatically gives you two add-ons passively allowing up to 3 add-ons total, which is pretty similar.

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It would depend if you applied the tax before or after the halving, though now I realize that that would make it dodgeable with tech 1 as well, which is obviously too good, and changing it to “round down” would do the same for heroes’ hall, so I guess you’d have to apply the tax after cutting the price.

It may be superfically similar, but I think the main effect is that it makes the bigger-ticket stuff cheaper. My proposed map would save you only one money on the Heroes’ hall and none on a tech lab, but 2 on Tech II/III or Surplus. The idea behind it would mostly be to make it easier to reach higher levels of power. Vortoss Ruins on the other hand is mostly about options (Neither tech Lab nor Heroes’ hall increases the power of what’s available to you at a given time, it only makes some of those things not mutually exclusive which otherwise would be).

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Lol @youngbuck and I independently voted on the same 5 maps! I guess we pretty clearly remembered which ones we had the most fun playing haha

I’m bummed no one wants to do lost Temple besides us, that game was seriously hilarious


Just to clarify, the “ignore all tech building requirements” part of Lost Temple means that Tech III units can be played without a Tech III building, not that Tech III buildings can be built without a Tech II building/10 workers, right?

No, you can literally play any units you can afford at all times, no matter their tech level.

edit: or I’m wrong? idk



Yeah, Lost Temple is basically Magic: the Gathering Mode.

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