@charnel_mouse since I saw that you were online right now might as well check this with you: are you happy to try Grey/some of Grey or would you rather the slightly less work of playing against it to start with?
If you pick Grey, I’ll be Green
@charnel_mouse since I saw that you were online right now might as well check this with you: are you happy to try Grey/some of Grey or would you rather the slightly less work of playing against it to start with?
If you pick Grey, I’ll be Green
Yeah, I’m happy to try out Grey! I might be a little slow, between working out the faction and CASS starting tomorrow.
Two things with the spreadsheet of cards:
Any pace fine, happy to be playing some codex, oh and GLHF
Playful Panda
Ironbark Treant
Rich Earth
Forest’s Favor
Verdant Tree
Rich Earth
Spore Shambler
Young Treant
Rampant Growth
Merfolk Prospector
Tiger Cub
Verdant Tree
Forest’s Favor
Ironbark Treant
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Playful Panda - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Doomed Peasant
Underequipped Soldier
Arcadian Double
Stuff like Stilcher’s Creation sounds cool, but in the face of potential Tiny Basilisks, and with Green having no early haste, I think my best early bet is Exploding Goats or Priests.
Break is my only way to deal with Might of Leaf and Claw, and temporarily at that, although it can also slow down rune accumulation, as well as stopping the activated effect. I’ll want to go for Catherine later.
Here are my cards this turn:
I think Underequipped Soldier + hero is the obvious choice here. I’ll go with Catherine, I like the idea of going for Goats but Priests’ stats make them a bit safer. I might need her later against Growth II anyway. The Priests should give me a solid board to shoot for Tech II off of.
Get paid - (5)
Underequipped Soldier, gets a Sword “token” (rune?) - (3)
Catherine Foundling - (1)
Worker - (0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Underequipped Soldier 3/2+1A (sword rune: +1 attack; dies: I lose 1 gold)
Catherine L1 2/3 (+1 attack per damage)
Base HP: 20
Stepping Stone Villain
Shining Prince
Gentle Giant
Choose Fate
Dwarven Supplies
Doomed Peasant
Arcadian Double
Expected: 10
1 on board
5 in hand
0 in deck
3 in discard
1 in workers
Total: 10
5 x start
T1: Fantassin
Rune makes the most sense, iirc token was written by me with thoughts of the normal word ‘token’, forgetting it was a defined thing in codex. Messing with other cards’ runes is pretty niche tho so a rune is fine.
Galina Glimmer
Spirit of the Panda
Young Treant
Merfolk Prospector
Tiger Cub
Spore Shambler
Rampant Growth
Rich Earth
Spore Shambler
Verdant Tree
Rampant Growth
Forest’s Favor
Spirit of the Panda
Young Treant(0/2) can’t attack
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Tiger Cub - ($3)
Tech 1 - ($2)
Arg (wisp!) - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Okayyy, what am i scared of in Grey right now (both for this match, and to record which cards seem scary in general)
goat(s) i think i can take fine as P1, just gotta keep board presence
legionaries are very big, but centaurs are about equal (neither wants to attack the other patrolling really)
priests could snipe little things, but only at a cost and whilst they are patrolling
watchman? they’re not gonna go for a watchman
stitcher’s, basilisk is great counter, hopefully they notice that too and don’t use them regardless of whether i currently tech a basilisk
wyvern, i’d probably spam out an arg
i don’t see a particularly strong counter to lots of weenies, unless they tech goblin fire for like the first time it’s ever been teched but i will hopefully be fine (can’t help but think it’s too slow a card)
Yeah, it just affects Plague Lab.
Stepping Stone Villain
Shining Prince
Gentle Giant
Choose Fate
Dwarven Supplies
Right, I can take out the threatening units here, but I need to spend all my gold first. Worker + Tech I leaves 4 gold. Dwarven Gold is out, since I need something to stand in front of Catherine to keep her alive, even if I midband her. 1 gold to spend if I do.
Defender is between Stepping Stone Villain and Gentle Giant. 3g is more than I want to be spending on a single unit right now, especially since I might need to cut through to a Galina next turn, given the current Wisp spam. Villain it is.
T2: Disrupt Narrative, Priest
Get paid - (6)
Worker - (5)
Tech I - (4)
Midband Catherine - (1)
Stepping-Stone Villain - (0)
Underequipped Soldier trades with Playful Panda
Catherine kills Tiger Cub, you draw, takes 2 damage
Discard 3, reshuffle 9, draw 5
Stepping-Stone Villain 1/1+1A (dies: is trashed)
Catherine L4 5/3 (+1 attack per damage; upkeep: take 1 damage; 2 damage)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Arcadian Double
Choose Fate
Underequipped Soldier
Doomed Peasant
Disrupt Narrative
Shining Prince
Gentle Giant
Expected: 10 + 2 teched = 12
1 on board
5 in hand
4 in deck
0 in discard
2 in workers
Total: 10
5 x start
T1: Fantassin
T2: Dwarven Supplies
Giant Panda
Rampant Growth
Forest’s Favor
Spirit of the Panda
Verdant Tree
Young Treant(0/2) can’t attack
Ironbark Treant
Rich Earth
Spore Shambler
Ironbark Treant
Merfolk Prospector
Young Treant(0/2) can’t attack
Verdant Tree
Galina Glimmer
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Spirit of the Panda Wisp - ($1)
Panda Wisp kills Villain, takes 1, i gain g - ($2)
Rampant Growth Wisp 2 - ($0)
Wisp hits Catherine for 2, dies
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Arcadian Double
Choose Fate
Underequipped Soldier
Yuck, fair enough. Priest and tech up it is, although I’m still not sure which spec to take. Angel of Contrition is probably a good bet.
T2: Disrupt Narrative, Priest
T3: Angel of Contrition, Break
Get paid - (7)
Catherine dies to evil influence, Argagarg to level 3 (midband)
Worker - (6)
Tech II Good - (2)
Priest - (0)
Discard 3, draw 4, reshuffle 5, draw 1
Priest 3/3+1A (1g + exhaust: heal an ally, or deal 2 to a patroller)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Good)
Doomed Peasant
Disrupt Narrative
Shining Prince
Gentle Giant
Angel of Contrition
Arcadian Double
Choose Fate
Stepping-stone Villain
Expected: 10 + 4 teched = 14
1 on board
5 in hand
4 in deck
0 in discard
1 in trash
3 in workers
Total: 10
5 x start
T1: Fantassin
T2: Dwarven Supplies
T3: Underequipped Soldier
Blooming Ancient
Might of Leaf and Claw
Merfolk Prospector
Galina Glimmer
Young Treant(0/2) can’t attack
Verdant Tree
Playful Panda(2/2a)
Rich Earth
Spore Shambler
Ironbark Treant
Verdant Tree
Giant Panda
Rampant Growth
Tiger Cub(2/2)
Forest’s Favor
Playful Panda(2/2a)
Blooming Ancient
Might of Leaf and Claw
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid, wisp heals - ($7)
Young Treant, draw 1 - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Max Arg - ($2)
Galina Glimmer - ($1)
Merfolk Prospector - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
no point building tech 2 when i can put a card neutral blocker down and build it next turn (in that i didnt tech any tech 2s last turn so doesnt matter). other option was heroes hall but i think i should be fine to tech up next turn. what is Grey’s counter to a hero? i guess maxband Cat and draw well, or neshamah’s pesh, or tariq’s story trap on an ult but none are hero ‘snipes’ like e.g. snapback
I don’t think I’ve teched anything that’ll let me stand up to board like that, so I’ll throw in the towel! Any tips for Grey vs. Green I should know?
I think the moment you got blown up was letting Cat die. She gets to very high attacks early in the game, but is vulnerable, so you have to be very careful when using her, especially if you tech her spells, which are in general a bit slow until you get to the ultimate which may be OP.
Tech wise, if facing lots of little things, you can get a lot of value out of Stitcher’s + healing from Good units or Taric. If you just want a body, legionnaries can be better than priest. Overall, I think we made Grey with lots of quite specific tools which do require a couple of games to get used to!
Thanks, James! Yeah, Sticher’s Creation was next on my list of things to try. Happy to go again, dwarddd? I’ll start this time.
You can start, but im unlikely to respond until tomorrow as last day of my trip today.
Sorry about no response to that question too i was focusing on catching up on tourney. My first thought was that Goblin fire should have worked thematically against my army of little guys but wouldnt have. We havent got that card worked out yet…
Also Wyvern paired with healing may work unless im lucky enough to counter tech it without have seen it because of the lack of anti-air and damaging spells in Green starter
Great! I’ll start us off next week, about to have a week off myself.
Ready for more codex yet or want to wait a bit longer/gone off balance testing?
Sorry, ended up more busy than I expected. I’ll get this started tomorrow.
Right, off we go!
Stepping Stone Villain
Underequipped Soldier
Shining Prince
Arcadian Double
Shining Prince seems like a good opener here. Alternatively, hero + Stepping-Stone Villain.
I think Sticher’s Creation is too slow as P1, so I’m going to try taking Exploding Goats and Goblin Sappers, and backing them up with Legions Revealed for card draw. Pesh will also be nice with them later on.
Get paid - (4)
Worker - (3)
Shining Prince - (1)
Discard 3, draw 5
Shining Prince 2/2 (frenzy 1; patrols: takes 1 damage)
Base HP: 20
Doomed Peasant
Gentle Giant
Choose Fate
Dwarven Supplies
Stepping Stone Villain
Arcadian Double
Expected: 10
1 on board
5 in hand
0 in deck
3 in discard
1 in workers
4 x start
T1: Underequipped Soldier
If you are busy i dont mind a slow schedule!
Young Treant
Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree
Ironbark Treant
Forest’s Favor
Ironbark Treant
Rich Earth
Playful Panda
Rampant Growth
Tiger Cub
Spore Shambler
Forest’s Favor
Verdant Tree
Young Treant
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Calamandra - ($2)
Prospector - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Doomed Peasant
Gentle Giant
Choose Fate
Dwarven Supplies
Well, Calamandra’s a pain, but I think I’m fine to just patrol with Gentle Giant here. I don’t need Neshama just yet. Actually, probably Fantassin and Doomed Peasant, so I’ve got a bit more offense / patrollers to protect Goats later.
T2: 2 x Exploding Goat
Get paid + float - (6)
Worker - (5)
Tech I - (4)
Gentle Giant - (1)
Discard 3, reshuffle 8, draw 5
Gentle Giant 1/4+1A
Shining Prince 2/2 (frenzy 1; patrols: takes 1 damage)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Arcadian Double
Exploding Goat
Exploding Goat
Choose Fate
Stepping Stone Villain
Doomed Peasant
Expected: 10
2 on board
5 in hand
3 in deck
0 in discard
2 in workers
4 x start
T1: Underequipped Soldier
T2: Dwarven Supplies
Murkwood Allies
Tiger Cub
Spore Shambler
Rampant Growth
Rich Earth
Playful Panda
Ironbark Treant
Rich Earth
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth
Murkwood Allies
Forest’s Favor
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Merfolk prospects - ($7)
Midband Cala - ($5)
Rampant Growth Cala - ($3)
Cala kills Giant
Playful Panda - ($1)
Tech 1 - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
rampant growth and midband cala means she stays 4hp, only hasty damage is arcadian double, and for them to go Taric, unit, double, nemesis is too unlikely to worry about. otherwise, wyvern i may have to tech against, huntress is never bad anyway, also enough attack to one hit stitchers, goats i just need to keep cala big and scary and i reckon i can get through, Good tech 1s arent too scary, legionnary is more defensive, so one huntress defensive and one… mmm, allies to lead into gigadon or behind the ferns snd because im rich