Bloodrage Ogre
Mad Man
Makeshift Rambaster
Events of Turn:
Get Gold (5)
Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
Bloodrage Ogre (3)
Vandy (1)
Worker (0)
Patrol as below
Discard 3 Draw 5
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Bloodrage Ogre (3/2a)
Scavenger: Vandy (2/3 lvl 1)
In Play:
Economy Info:
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 3
Gold: 0
Workers: 6
End of Turn Hand
Careless Musketeer
Nautical Dog
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
interesting deck Charnel has here, I think if I can shut down early Grave pressure I can pretty well win on Tech2, and I have the cards to do it here, so Brogre + Vandy, cmon down and bring the counter pressure! Grave can’t easily use black spells to StW or Deteriorate into kill threat so I think I’m safe to challenge in that way
Pestering Haunt
Thieving Imp
Jandra, the Negator
Not great options for defence. I’d like to have Grave kill the Ogre, but midband or Deteriorate both leave him on 1 health with the Javelineer in front, so any hasted unit in FrozenStorm’s hand gets the kill. In that case, I might as well try to get patrol bonuses instead.
Plenty of tech options here. Injunction is the last resort, I don’t think my current board position is bad enough to need it. Tax Collector, Scribe in Elite, and Sparring Partner trade decently with Lobbers. I’ll go with Scribe and Sparring Partner: the former increases my chances of playing both, and the latter lets me shore up defence if it survives.
I could block up with Thieving Imp and Sparring Partner here, but I think I’d rather just play the Partner, and have Grave kill the Bombaster and Vandy. It’s expensive, but it limits how much damage Frozen can do while teching up.
Interesting choice to go sword, I feel okay about that, think I’m pretty well set up. We’ll do Jaina or Vandy Lobber things next turn and then it’s on to peace engine stuff
Sacrifice the Weak
Pestering Haunt
Insurance Agent
The main question here is whether to play the Scribe, and risk drawing both of my Tech II cards early. Alternatively, I use Deteriorate on the Cadet to kill Jaina, but Grave would be easily killed in reprisal. Or I just Deteriorate the Dog, or give a rune to Grave then pay to ready the Partner.
With no outright removal options on Frozen’s side, Abominations or Plague Labs are a decent way to go against the Peace engine here. Abominations are probably a bit more reliable against hasted threats. Adding those makes me a little more confident about playing the Scribe this turn, even if I’m not building the Tech Lab yet.
Lobber, it suicides into beefy book boi, Jaina kills (4)
Vandy (2)
Mad Man, trades with Grave, you get 1g, Vandy midbands (1)
Dog trades with SP
Worker (0)
Pillage, Careless Musketeer, Bloodburn, Scorch
Patrol as below
Discard 2 Draw 4
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
Tech1 HP: 5
Tech2 HP: 5 PEACE
In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Lookout: Vandy (3/4 lvl 3)
In Play:
Jaina (3/1 lvl 4)
Economy Info:
Hand: 3
Deck: 8
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 9
End of Turn Hand
Mad Man
Overeager Cadet
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Well it’s going a little thin for next turn, but I think clearing the field and going down the 3 cards is fine if I get mid Vandy out of it, she can fetch DP if we come up dry on Garrison.
Skeleton Javelineer
Censorship Council
Poisonblade Rogue
Thieving Imp
Vandy not maxbanding means that I do at least have one turn to not be having the Censorship Council destroyed by Demon Jaina. I’m thinking about teching in another copy, since I’m not sure the first one will hold, and Frozen can soon afford to put a Garrison down afterwards. In the meantime, if an insured Abomination dies I can hit Tech III easily, so maybe Plague Lord isn’t such a bad idea, or I go for Bigby spells to keep Frozen’s units locked down. Gorgon is also a pick for trying to kill those heroes.
Flagstone Garrison
Nautical Dog
Flagstone Garrison
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Gotta setup the meta threat with little else to do here, I don’t think I really need tech3 but I spose it wouldn’t hurt to have options and the rebuild-ability for 3g extra, Jaina’s safe at 1hp. Next turn I can Meta tutor with Oni and play something after I shoot down the Council, or I spose if I draw both Garrisons I can set that up instead.
Sure, why not, double Garrison and maybe wait on meta
Sacrifice the Weak
Insurance Agent
Technician draw: 1
That’s a strong push for Metamorphosis, that I don’t think I can do much about. If I get the insurance gold, I’m probably going to attempt to go for Gryphons, then I’m not too badly off if I switch the Tech Lab out for a tower to slow Frozen down.
Mad Man
Overeager Cadet
Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant
Boot Camp
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Guess we’ll see how we do with Tech 2 Disease, Plague Lab could kinda f me up but let’s see! Teching in the other DS and Boot Camp cuz I expect I want those next turn
Sparring Partner
Censorship Council
Poisonblade Rogue
Skeleton Javelineer
Tech up before my Tech II goes down to Jaina this coming turn.
Bring Orpal to get some - runes down off of sacrificing Sparring Partner. If I also want to play the Council, that leaves 7 gold.
a) Maxband Orpal immediately, kill all the units with rune spread from sacrificing Sparring Partner, Abomination kills Vandy. No Council because I’m 1 gold short, but I’ve staved off three-hero Metamorphosis for a while. Jaina can snipe the Abomination afterwards for full-strength Peace spam, though.
b) Midband Orpal, kill Cadet, Abomination kills Vandy, Orpal maxbands. 5 gold left to play Council with or tech up. Jaina and the Lobbers can destroy either by themselves, so this situation is pretty dicey. On the other hand, he probably can’t hit both the Abomination and the Council.
c) Sacrifice the Insurance Agent instead. I’ll miss out on insurance, but I can kill almost everything and build another Censorship Council this turn.
I think 2.c is the way to go.
Get paid + float - (11)
Orpal Gloor - (9)
Maxband Orpal - (4)
Orpal sacrifices Insurance Agent, Overeager Cadet gets a - rune and dies, - runes spead to kill Lobbers
Abomination kills Vandy, takes 4 damage, levels fizzle
Censorship Council - (0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Orpal L6 2/5+1A (deals damage in - runes; sacrifice a unit, once per turn: give target unit a - rune; first unit with a - rune dies this turn: it spreads a - rune to two target allied units)
Abomination 6/2 (all other units have -1/-1; 4 damage)
Censorship Council HP: 5 (you can only play one non-worker card from hand per turn)
Base HP: 20 Tech I HP: 5 Tech II HP: 3 (Law) Tech Lab HP: 4 (Disease)
Mad Man
Overeager Cadet
Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant
Boot Camp
Events of Turn:
Get Gold (10)
Elect to tech 2 cards
All Teched Cards
Zarramonde, the Obliterator, The Art of War
Boot Camp, Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant, Dark Pact
Flagstone Garrison, Lobber
Flagstone Garrison, Overeager Cadet
Overeager Cadet, Lobber
Nautical Dog
Dark Pact
The Art of War
Drill Sergeant
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Ugh another council… Art of War might be a good way out, Zarra another, tech one of each I spose, have to worry a little about DnD though Charnel didn’t tech last turn, seems unlikely he’d pre-tech it
Terras Q off of Abomination could be rather nasty, but can also be slowed down with Injunction. I think Frozen might just be going for Zarramonde. I think the only way I can remove him is with Gorgon deathtouch, or with Lawbringer obliterate. If Frozen doesn’t float, Lawbringer in lookout can’t be destroyed when Zarramonde arrives, so as long as I can defend on the ground well until then I might be OK.
Do I want to try for Death and Decay? I’ve already got a lot of expensive cards in the deck, and Orpal could well be dying this turn. Maybe I add cards to help protect against Varramonde’s obliterate? So Scribe and Insurance Agent, maybe. Let’s go with Insurance Agent and Death and Decay, I might just be able to pull the latter off.
Orpal sacrifices Scribe Scavenger Solder takes a - rune and dies, - runes spread to Technician Soldier and Overeager Cadet, former dies, you draw and get a gold
Deteriorate, Overeager Cadet dies - (2)
Grave Stormborne - (0)
Discard 4, draw 1, reshuffle 14, draw 4
Orpal L6 2/5+1A (deals damage in - runes; sacrifice a unit, once per turn: give target unit a - rune; first unit with a - rune dies this turn: it spreads a - rune to two target allied units) Grave L1 2/3 (sparkshot)
Censorship Council HP: 5 (you can only play one non-worker card from hand per turn)
Base HP: 20 Tech I HP: 5 Tech II HP: 3 (Law) Tech III HP: 5 Tech Lab HP: 4 (Disease)
Nautical Dog
Dark Pact
The Art of War
Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant (techn)
Zarra + Lobber (DS)
Brogre + Cadet (DS2)
Lobber + Boot Camp (Lobber)
Mad Man + rs Art of War (Lobber)
Overeager Cadet (OC1)
Events of Turn:
Get Gold (10+1scav)
Draw 1 techn
No techs for right now
All Teched Cards
Zarramonde, the Obliterator, The Art of War
Boot Camp, Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant, Dark Pact
Flagstone Garrison, Lobber
Flagstone Garrison, Overeager Cadet
Overeager Cadet, Lobber
The Art of War, Oni breaks Council, stands big and tall (8)
Drill Sergeant, draw 2 (5)
Drill Sergeant, draw 2 DS +1 (2)
Lobber, draw 2 DS+2 (1)
Lobber, draw 1 rs Draw 1 DS+2 (0)
Overeager Cadet, draw 1 out of cards DS+2
Overeager Cadet, DS+2
Give a Lobber 4 runes kill Orpal, take -2/2, levels fizzle
Give other lobber a rune, kill Grave you get 1g, take 2
Jaina breaks your tech2, your base to 18
Give Soldier remaining +4 runes, break your tech3, your base to 16
But it really hurt to see the game evolve with Jaina being close to death for so long, when thinking about how you, @charnel_mouse , simply forgot to play the haunt in T2, due to this first version of the turn swiftly changed to something else… Every single time I changed a turn I always ended up in overlooking something obvious, so I can’t stress enough how much I feel you…