re: Post Here if you're looking for a Play by Forum Opponent:
Yes, I am still looking. Turn coming shortly.
Player 1: @Persephone [ Balance ] /
Discipline /
Player 2: @Nekoatl [ Feral ] /
Discipline /
re: Post Here if you're looking for a Play by Forum Opponent:
Yes, I am still looking. Turn coming shortly.
Player 1: @Persephone [ Balance ] /
Discipline /
Player 2: @Nekoatl [ Feral ] /
Discipline /
Player 1, Turn 1
Workers make 4g. (4g)
Upgrade the earth to Rich Earth for 3g. (1g, 4 cards)
Recruit a Merfolk Prospector for 1g. (0g, 2 cards)
Discard 2, draw 4.
Squad Leader:
Merfolk Prospector (1 , 1
, pans for gold)
Rich Earth
Base: 20
0g banked, 5 workers.
Wee, the economy hand! Does that even work as player 1? We’ll find out!
As much as it pains me to give away the Panda, keeping the Treant b/c I’m going down a card. Rampant Growth is potentially worth casting off-color, too.
Ah, no Forest’s Favor + Midori next turn. Probably Definitely wasn’t a good idea anyway.
Playful Panda
Ironbark Treant
Young Treant
Rampant Growth
Merfolk Prospector
Spore Shambler
Spore Shambler
Ironbark Treant
Forest’s Favor
Rich Earth
Tiger Cub
Verdant Tree
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Young Treant - ($3)
Worker - ($2)
Merfolk Prospector - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1
Board Info:
In Patrol:
Economy Info:
Player 1, Turn 2
Workers make 5g. (5g)
Merfolk Prospector finds 1g. (6g)
Begin construction of multicolor Tech I for 2g. (4g)
Begin construction of Hero’s Hall for 2g. (2g)
Summon Grave Stormborne for 2g. (0g)
He patrols in Squad Leader.
Discard 3, draw 1, shuffle 7, draw 4.
Squad Leader:
Grave Stormborne (2
, 3
, 1
, Sparkshot)
Merfolk Prospector (1 , 1
, pans for gold)
Rich Earth
Base: 20
Tech I (5 )
Hero’s Hall (4 )
0g banked, 6 workers.
The more I think about it, the more I want a Plague Lab.
edit: correct worker, card, building counts
Sparring Partner
Sparring Partner
Forest’s Favor
Verdant Tree
Rich Earth
Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant
Spore Shambler
Forest’s Favor
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Sparring Partner
Rampant Growth
Tiger Cub
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($7)
Prospector finds gold - ($8)
Rich Earth - ($5)
Expensive Tech I - ($3)
Calamandra Moss - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Player 1, Turn 3
Workers make 6g. (6g)
Grave pays 2+1g to cast Rampant Growth on Merfolk Prospector. (3g, 3 cards)
Merfolk Prospector attacks and kills Young Treant, dealing 1 to armor and 2 to the tree.
Pay 2g to level Grave to 3, midband. He gains +1/+1 and Readiness. (1g)
Grave Stormborne attacks and defeats
Calamandra Moss, dealing 3 and taking 2 damage.
Graves gains two free levels.
Train a Sparring Partner for 1g. (0g, 2 cards)
Discard 2, draw 3, shuffle 5, draw 1.
Squad Leader:
Grave Stormborne Lv. 5 (3
, 2 of 4
, Sparkshot, Readiness)
Merfolk Prospector (1
, 1
, pans for gold)
Sparring Partner (2 , 2
, spars)
Rich Earth
Base: 20
Tech I (5 )
Hero’s Hall (4 )
0g banked, 7 workers.
Unless Training Grounds is the better building for me, given I have a Hero’s Hall.
Should I take Carrion Curse because Quince might Free Speech? Or just units?
Training Grounds
Training Grounds
Playful Panda
Rampant Growth
Tiger Cub
Sparring Partner
Ironbark Treant
Spore Shambler
Forest’s Favor
Playful Panda
Sparring Partner
Verdant Tree
Tiger Cub
Sparring Partner
Rampant Growth
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float + Scavenger - ($9)
Grave Stormborne - ($7)
Expensive Rampant Growth my Merfolk - ($4)
Merfolk trades with Grave
Tech II: Discipline - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
I don’t like being this inefficient, but it’ll be worse if I let Grave get a sword. I kind of feel like I’m being baited into it, what with the Sparring Partner being backline and all, but… I guess in theory she could be wary of Reversal, but why would she be when I didn’t have a Heroes’ Hall up to bring in Grave alongside Calamandra?
Player 1, Turn 4
Workers make 7g. (7g)
Exhaust Merfolk Prospector to find 1g. (8g)
Train a Rambasa Twin for 4g. (4g, 2 cards)
He brings his brother from my codex.
Exhaust Sparring Partner to spar with Rambasa Twin (older).
Build Tech II - Disease for 4g.
Discard 2, draw 3, shuffle 5, draw 1.
Squad Leader: +1 Rambasa Twin (elder) (4
, 3
, 1
Technician: Rambasa Twin (younger) (3
, 2
Merfolk Prospector (1
, 1
, pans for gold)
Sparring Partner (2
, 2
, spars)
Rich Earth
Base: 20
Tech I (5 )
Tech II - Disease (5
Hero’s Hall (4 )
0g banked, 8 workers.
Forgot about that Merfolk. Should have played Midori to cast Rampant Growth and Forest’s Favor on Grave, leaving him as a 4/5 level 3. Good thing all of Grave’s spells are in my deck still!
Let’s see, Gorgon and Potent Basilisk beat Focus Monk, Wandering Mimic and Carrion Crow both trade with Young Dragon, Carrion Curse sorta beats Reversal, Mind-Parry Monk and Potent Basilisk really beat it, and Calamandra’s spells remain problematic and scary. Hero’s Hall was probably not such a great idea. Carrion Curse is also good against Training Grounds + Ultimates strategies.
Next turn I can either dig for a Tech II, or use a Reversal if Grave leaves himself vulnerable.
edit: incorrectly listed cards in deck under discard expando (visible counts were correct)
Mind-Parry Monk
Mind-Parry Monk
Verdant Tree
Sparring Partner
Tiger Cub
Sparring Partner
Rampant Growth
Spore Shambler
Forest’s Favor
Playful Panda
Tiger Cub
Merfolk Prospector
Ironbark Treant
Training Grounds
Young Treant
Training Grounds
Rampant Growth
Sparring Partner
Verdant Tree
Sparring Partner
Mind-Parry Monk
Mind-Parry Monk
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Calamandra Moss - ($6)
Rampant Growth Grave - ($4)
Maxband Grave - ($0)
Grave throws his sword at Sparring Partner
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Going for Mind-Parry to reduce vulnerability to -1/-1 runes.
Before I get to far into my turn, just wanted to say that when the desktop notification popped up I saw your techs as 2x Mind Parry Monk. If you want to change them (or tell me you changed them with or without changing them) feel free.
Usually I have my windows configured such that most of the popup box appears offscreen, but I was in the middle of some annoying software development setup and had browser windows going every which way.
Also is there any particular reason you’re spending 2g to cast Rampant Growth on Graves and then not attack with him? It expires at end of turn.
I’m going to assume you attacked and killed the older Rambasa Twin after casting Rampant Growth but before maxing Grave, because that’s the only thing that makes sense.
Sparring Partner dies, goes to discard.
Reading between the lines of your previous post, you meant to kill the older Rambasa Twin, who went back to my codex.
Player 1, Turn 5
Workers make 8g. (8g)
Summon Grave Stormborne for 2g. (6g)
Grave displays his Martial Mastery for 1g. (5g, 3 cards)
Discard: Spore Shambler
I look at your hand. Let’s hope I teched correctly…
Prospector, both Treants, and double Training Grounds? Huh.
Grave pays 2g + 1g to cast Rampant Growth on the surviving Rambasa Twin. (2g, 2 cards, 6 discards)
Rampaging Rambasa Twin attacks and defeats Calamandra Moss, dealing 1 to armor and 4 to Calamandra. His rampant armor takes 2 damage and is destroyed.
Grave gains two levels, reaching midband.
Exhaust Merfolk Prospector to find 1g. (3g)
Pay 3g to enlist a Gorgon. (0g, 1 card)
Discard 1, draw 2, shuffle 7, draw 1.
Squad Leader:
Technician: Gorgon (2
, 4
, Deathtouch, draw on death)
Grave Stormborne, Lv. 3 (3
, 4
, Sparkshot, Readiness)
Rambasa Twin (younger) (3
, 2
Merfolk Prospector (1
, 1
, pans for gold)
Rich Earth
Base: 20
Tech I (5 )
Tech II - Disease (5
Hero’s Hall (4 )
0g banked, 9 workers.
I was going to tech Plague Lab but losing the Sparring Partner makes consider reconsidering… yeah, I need more cards. 2nd Gorgon, then a Cursed Crow? Or go for the big one? I think I can punish fliers by attacking on the ground normally, since I have both twins still around. Let’s go for the big cannon.
After examining your turn more closely, I’m pretty sure you did actually kill my 4/3 twin. And I already looked at your hand, so I can’t very well change my techs now, even though being in a good position to kill both of your heros and gaining +4 levels before drawing from Martial Mastery was a big reason why.
I feel like if I reach play enough cards to kill your Tech II this turn, your regular Tech 0s (and Quince?) will be enough to prevent me from breaching your defenses next turn, and then after that, you’ll play whatever Vigor Adepts or Mind-Parry Monks you’ve teched, and I won’t have enough cards to stop you, probably won’t have any Tech II units.
On the other hand, if I don’t, you’ll do exactly the same thing but you’ll have an endless supply of max-level heros behind your wall of muscle.
Does having a flying Midori make a difference…?
Next techs are probably Spreading Plague + Plague Lord.
I thought the spoiler tag was supposed to keep secret information out of e-mail notifications?
Young Lightning Dragon
Young Lightning Dragon
Training Grounds
Young Treant
Merfolk Prospector
Ironbark Treant
Training Grounds
Verdant Tree
Spore Shambler
Forest’s Favor
Playful Panda
Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant
Young Lightning Dragon
Mind-Parry Monk
Mind-Parry Monk
Rampant Growth
Verdant Tree
Merfolk Prospector
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
Young Treant - ($7)
Training Grounds - ($6)
Training Grounds - ($5)
Tech III - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Player 1, Turn 6
Workers make 9g. (9g)
Grave readily attacks and kills Young Treant.
Pay 4g to level Grave from 3 to 7, maxbanding him. He gains a sword. (5g)
Summon Orpal Gloor for 2g. (3g)
Exhaust my Grave Stormborne to throw his sword at your Grave, defeating him. You draw a card.
Orpal gains two free levels.
Orpal Gloor casts a Carrion Curse upon you for 3g. (0g, 2 cards, 3 discards)
I look at your hand…
Young Lightning Dragon, 2x Mind-Parry Monk, Rampant Growth, and your technician draw.
You discard Rampant Growth, and also your technician draw if it’s not a unit. (especially if it’s Hero’s Monument.)
Rambasa Twin and Gorgon attack and destroy your Tech II, dealing 3 and 2 damage each.
Exhaust Merfolk Prospector to find 1g. (1g)
Discard 2, draw 4.
Squad Leader:
Grave Stormborne, Lv. MAX (4
, 5
, Sparkshot, Readiness)
Orpal Gloor, Lv. 3 (1
, 3
, deals -1/-1 runes)
Rambasa Twin (3
, 2
Merfolk Prospector (1
, 1
, pans for gold)
Gorgon (2
, 4
, Deathtouch, draw on death)
Rich Earth
Base: 20
Tech I (5 )
Tech II - Disease (5
Hero’s Hall (4 )
1g banked, 9 workers.
All in on you not having Free Speech next turn. Orr… I could Carrion Curse to ensure you don’t. Is that worth a card…?
Option 1: Orpal, Carrion Curse, go from there. Risk: I don’t see your technician draw.
Option 2: Trade Gorgon into Grave. We both draw. Maybe Carrion Curse, maybe worker. If Carrion Curse, break correct tech building or hit base for 5.
Option 3: Maxband Grave, throw sword at yours, then Carrion Curse. Gorgon + Rambasa break whichever tech building is scariest.
Of course, I didn’t remember Carrion’s Curse card can discard buildings until I play it.
Technician draw was the other Mind-Parry Monk.
Liberty Gryphon
Liberty Gryphon
Rampant Growth
Mind-Parry Monk
Mind-Parry Monk
Young Lightning Dragon
Sparring Partner
Spore Shambler
Forest’s Favor
Playful Panda
Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant
Liberty Gryphon
Sparring Partner
Mind-Parry Monk
Young Lightning Dragon
Liberty Gryphon
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Rebuild Tech II
Tech Lab: Truth - ($9)
Sirus Quince - ($7)
Calamandra Moss - ($5)
Maxband both heroes for free!
Sparring Partner, mirrored - ($4)
Float ($4)
Discard 3, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info:
In Patrol:
In Play:
Economy Info:
Seems I need to diversify the tech levels in my deck more.
At the end of turn 5, you discarded 2 cards and drew 4. You have 4 cards listed under “Next Hand”, which includes both Mind-Parry Monks. So you should have drawn a 5th card when Grave died in your technician slot. Ah, it’s Sparring Partner.
I forgot to call this out, but your base took 2 damage when I destroyed your Tech II last turn. (18 )
Player 1, Turn 7
Summon Master Midori for 2g. (8g)
Grave Stormborne attacks and kills the illusory Sparring Partner, taking 2 damage.
Gorgon attacks and slays Calamandra Moss with her deadly touch, taking 6 damage and dying. You draw a card. (8 discards)
Midori gains two free levels, to Lv. 3.
Grave Stormborne focuses all of his energy on paying 3g and discarding Reversal and Gorgon to unleash his ultimate attack… (5g, 1 card, 11 discards)
…dealing 10 damage to your base. (now at 8 )
Then he flexes, paying 1g more to display his Martial Mastery. (4g, 0 cards, +1 discard)
I look at your hand. 2x Liberty Gryphon, Young Lightning Dragon, Mind-Parry Monk, Sparring Partner, and your technician draw.
I was feeling really confident after pulling that off but seeing your hand, I’m going to need a moment to think.
Technician draw was Merfolk Prospector. I double-checked this time to make sure I identified the right card.
Card #6 is a Merfolk Prospector and not a Reversal. I can patrol this turn!
Pay 1g to level Orpal to 4, midband. He’s a 2/4 now. (3g)
Pay 3g to level Midori to 6, midband. He’s a 3/4. (0g)
Orpal Gloor attacks Quince, taking 3 damage and leaving 2 -1/-1 counters.
Rambasa Twin attacks and defeats Sirius Quince, dealing 3 and taking 1 damage.
Midori gains two free levels and maxes.
Exhaust Merfolk Prospector to find 1g. (1g)
Train a Sparring Partner. (0g, 1 card)
Discard 1, draw 3.
Squad Leader:
Master Midori, Lv. MAX (4
, 5
, flying on my turn)
Scavenger: Sparring Partner (2
, 2
, spars)
Grave Stormborne, Lv. MAX (4
, 3 of 5
, Sparkshot, Readiness)
Orpal Gloor, Lv. 4 (2
, 1 of 4
, damage & sacrifice for -1/-1 runes)
Rambasa Twin (3
, 1 of 2
Merfolk Prospector (1
, 1
, pans for gold)
Rich Earth
Base: 20
Tech I (5 )
Tech II - Disease (5
Hero’s Hall (4 )
0g banked, 10 workers.
Well, shit. That’s a lot of hasty flyers and a Death and Decay – or hell, a Plague Spitter – would feel really good right about now. I thought about either Crow, Curse, or D&D alongslide Final Showdown, but figured since Feral Discipline/Truth has
no haste (whoops) the card drawing on attack would help me dig for the second TPoS if there was a YLD to block. At least I saw the tech lab add-on this time, I just wasn’t thinking.
14g is exactly enough for Mind-Parry Monk + both Gryphons + Young Lightning Dragon.
If I max Midori and put him in Squad Leader, it takes both Gryphons to kill him, which forces them to choose between killing Grave or Midori. only if I also kill the Sparring Partner which I can’t do and max Midori. They know I have True Power of Storms, they don’t know I have Final Showdown, so one will kill Grave and the other will hit, probably either Tech II or Orpal. Orpal b/c I can hit Rambasa + max Orpal into MPM to put two -1/-1s and pop both gryphons, assuming MPM is in squad leader for some weird reason and not 6/5 Grave, Tech II because they don’t know I have no Crows, though they might be able to guess given how many of my techs they’ve seen. Both Gorgons, 1x Martial Mastery, a Sparring Partner, Carrion Curse, Reversal, 1x TPoS. Everything except the other TPoS and what I teched this turn.
When your opponents can win with optimal play, give them as many opportunities to make mistakes as possible. Like, say, discarding their entire hand before they see what’s in yours.
Let’s go, Spore Shambler shenanigans!