Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Play Temporal Research. Draw 2 cards. - ($8)
Play Max Geiger - ($6)
Play Now! on Geiger - ($5)
Geiger kills lovely pet dog.
Immortal kills Zane. You get 1 gold. Geiger levels to level 3 and heals.
Seer kills Drakk. You draw a card. Seer dies a heroic death. My base suffers 1 damage.
Geiger levels to 5. Uses his max-band ability to trash and bring back Immortal, healthy again.
Geiger plays Now! on Immortal. - ($4)
Immortal destroys your Tech 2 and gives your base 2 damage.
Play Vortoss Emblem on Immortal
Level Prynn to 7, doesn´t use her Max Ability - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 1
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Prynn Pasternaak Level 7 3/5 with fading 3
Lookout: In Play:
Battle Suits
Max Geiger Level 5 (3/4)
Immortal (5/5) +Vortoss Emblem with Fading 3 Buildings:
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid + float + scavenger - ($13)
draw 2 cards (technician + surplus)
thinking about why the gods of anarchy are so cruel
hire Lobber as a defensive card… - ($12)
hire Makeshift Rambaster - ($10)
summon Jaina - ($8)
rebuild Tech II
Float ($8)
Discard 4, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Jaina (2/3+A)
Technician: Lobber (2/2)
In Play:
Makeshift Rambaster (1/2)
Base HP: 18
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Fire)
Surplus HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 7
Disc: 0
Gold: 8
Workers: 10
a bit unlucky that i drew both lizzos with technician and surplus… so maybe that's gg… but MAYBE i can come back with kidnapping, surprise attack - if i live long enough… let's see!
to summon two heroes and cast both spells i need 13 gold next turn. maybe keep a bit of a reserve to hire one or two more patrollers… unfortunately Jaina doesn't gain hp when leveling her, so i don't see much benefit in doing it… so i'll float 8 gold, which isn't a good sign at all
… ok, i already drew both spells for next turn without technician and surplus. so i am ready to rock’n’roll!
Tech 1 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($11)
Build Tech 3 - ($6)
Play Xenostalker - ($2)
Play Nullcraft - ($0)
Nullcraft is attacking Jaina, removing her armor.
Prynn kills Jaina, gaining a Time Rune.
Geiger kills your Lobber. You draw a card.
Immortal destroys your Tech II Building. Your Base gains 2 damage.
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Xenostalker
Lookout: In Play:
Battle Suits
Max Geiger Level 5 (3/2)
Prynn Pasternaak Level 7 (3/3) with fading 3
Immortal (5/5) +Vortoss Emblem with Fading 2 Buildings:
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($18)
draw 2 cards (surplus + technician)
summon Zane - ($16)
cast surprise attack and get 2 shark-tokens - ($11)
hire Mad Man - ($10)
cast Chaos Mirror and swap the printed attack of Mad Man and Immortal - ($8)
Mad Man and Zane hit Xenostalker for 7 damage - bye, bye
summon Drakk - ($6)
lvl Drakk to 4 for frenzy for all my units - ($3) two Sharks and Makeshift Rambaster hit your base for 12 damage …
i have a question regarding the rules of vortoss emblem / Flagbearers in general… if i cast chaos mirror and kidnapping in the same turn, i would have to target your immortal with both spells, right?
so i can’t cast chaos mirror on your immortal and later cast kidnapping to steal your xenostalker, as vortoss emblem says “Whenever an opponent plays a spell or ability that can ◎ a flagbearer, it must ◎ a flagbearer at least once.” - so both spells have to target the Flagbearer / vortoss emblem…
thx god i found another solution to deal enough damage however, my strategy didn’t really work out. i haven’t played a single tech II unit… my only fire-unit was lobber who had 2 short appearances… actually i would have saved a lot of money staying at tech I
yes, you would (if CM targeted, then you would be forced to always pick the immortal.) for example, sac the weak does not target either, so you don’t have to pay for resist and can ignore flagbearers
during my last turn i realized a tricky aspect when playing ansynchronously with the spreadsheet:
when my technician gets killed and i have a surplus, i actually should not draw two cards, but draw the card for technician, then lock in my tech decision and then draw the second card for surplus. fortunately i didn’t tech any more after building the surplus. i was tempted to tech in war drums before i thought on the details of my last turn. but then i realized that i had already looked at two cards and am not allowed to tech anymore… fortunately it turned out, that i could finish the game anyway…
nevertheless, i’ll pay attention to this detail in future games. when playing live it’s not so easy to overlook, as you usually draw for your technician the moment it dies…
I thought already that I shouldn´t go for your Tech II in the last move and keep some more defense. Didn´t take enough time to go through my move. Initially I didn´t even want to kill Jaina, to avoid getting Zane and Drakk both on the board. My last move was just not good. Made a wrong decision, well played.
but i just would have sent Jaina on a suicide-mission anyways more defense would have done the trick probably. although i don’t know what kidnapping the immortal would have done for me… also depends on your patrol zone line-up i guess.
close one… you wanna go for another one? i’d like to try a “hot chicks deck” with calamandra/Vandy/River and green starter… i randomed a 77 but would actually prefer to go 2nd for a change
Playful Panda
Merfolk Prospector
Young Treant
Rampant Growth
Forest's Favor
Forest's Favor
Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Tiger Cub
Verdant Tree
Spore Shambler
Rampant Growth
Playful Panda
Young Treant
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
play Merfolk Prospector (1/1) - ($2)
summon Calamandra - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Scavenger: Merfolk Prospector (1/1)
Technician: Cali, Lv. 1 (2/3)
In Play:
Base HP: 20
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 3
Gold: 0
Workers: 5
ok, i want to go for demonology, hire Terras and unshackle him with Discord - nothing very sophisticated but funny if i'm able to pull it :)… so i think it would actually be better to team River up with Vandy and Garth… BUT i just kinda like the girls team and i like heroes who are cheap to lvl to max - although he now has Snapback which kinda excludes going for ultimates
i like the green starter for it’s economy that will hopefully make up for the multicolor-penalty…
Verdant Tree
Nimble Fencer
Young Treant
Rampant Growth
Nimble Fencer
Tiger Cub (drawn for Young Treant)
Forest's Favor
Rich Earth
Tiger Cub
Verdant Tree
Nimble Fencer
Spore Shambler
Rampant Growth
Playful Panda
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
hire Nimble Fencer - ($4)
hire Young Treant, draw a card - ($2)
Merfolk Prospector does his job - ($3)
Ironbark Treant trades with Savior Monk
Calamandra and Nimble Fencer kill Setsuki, you get a gold
Calamandra levels and heals
Worker - ($2)
Float ($2)
Discard 3, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Technician: Young Treant (0/2)
In Play:
Calamandra Moss, Lv. 3 (3/4)
Merfolk Prospector (1/1)
Nimble Fencer (2/2)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 3
Disc: 0
Gold: 2
Workers: 7
hm… he must have had a bad hand. i can clean his patrol zone with the cards on the table. thanks to nimble fencer, merfolk prospector can keep on working… looks quite good to me. i'll play the young treant to cycle a bit faster through my cards. what about a heroes hall for me too? i guess i'll save the money for tech ii next turn.
he might have teched in Lobbers - that could be a bit of a danger. but i don't think that he'll be able to hurt me substantially next turn.