Skeleton Javelineer
Poisonblade Rogue
Sacrifice the Weak
Jandra, the Negator
Skeleton Javelineer
Bone Collector
Summon Skeletons
Sacrifice the Weak
Plague Spitter
Pestering Haunt
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Tech I (now for real) - ($4)
hire Poisonblade Rogue - ($2)
build Heroes' Hall - ($0)
Vandy deals 2 damage to your Tech I
Float ($0)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Poisonblade Rogue (2/1+A)
In Play:
Vandy, L1 (2/3)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Heroes' Hall HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 4
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 6
StW on Nullcraft? Seems a bit expensive for now… going down in hand size too… not sure. I'll tech in a Plague Spitter for anti air and deal with Nullcraft later.
usually i worker Poisonblade Rogue. But in case i really go for Disease it might be a good option (?)
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Poisonblade Rogue sidelines Hardened Mox and dies satisfied
Vandy levels to 3 and breaks Tech I - ($3)
hire a Plague Spitter from deep down the pit against your annoying flyer - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Plague Spitter (3/3+A)
In Play:
Vandy, L3 (3/4)
Base HP: 19
Tech I HP: 5
Heroes’ Hall HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 5
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 7
taking his tech I down… looks good to me, whatever he plans. why is he floating so much gold?
teching Sickness and another Bone Collector (for cheap sacrifices and additional defense)
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
cast Deteriorate and sideline Hardened Mox
Plague Spitter kills Fading Argonaut
Vandy deals 3 damage to your Base, which is now down to 15 (due to broken Tech I last turn)
Summon Orpal - ($4)
Tech II Disease - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Orpal, L1 (1/3+A)
In Play:
Vandy, L3 (3/4)
Plague Spitter (3/1)
Base HP: 19
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Disease)
Heroes’ Hall HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 6
Gold: 0
Workers: 8
so I go for Disease because I really love the idea of the deck… however, I’m not really sure about my tech plan. how to finish the game with this spec quickly enough? can I build enough firepower? or should i just go for metamorphosis and spells in my deck?
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Worker - ($9)
Build Tech 2 - ($5)
Summon Geiger - ($3)
Play Battle Suits - ($1)
Play Now! on Geiger - ($0)
Kill Orpal with Geiger and Hardened Mox in his
new flashy Battle Suit. Level Geiger to 3 and
exhaust Mox.
Nullcraft flies a suicide mission on Plague Spitter,
killing them both.
I’m pretty sure Geiger doesn’t lose the -1/-1 rune from Orpal when leveling up… in the rule book it says “heal all damage”, not get rid of runes… @Unity
did you draw an extra card for surplus? seems like you forgot about it… you only played 2 cards and discard 3… should have been 4, right?
True, my bad. How to you show runes in the template? Just write it down?
Also my Hardened Mox will stay exhausted, as it will not lose the rune it got by Orpal. Double ouch!
I didn´t forget the extra card. I also played a worker. I drew Now! with my surplus ability.
I also realized that Hardened Mox would have stayed exhausted after you damaged it with your Poisonblade Rogue in Turn 3. Sorry I read in the rules that a indestructible unit doesn´t lose runes and if runes bring it to zero hitpoints it stays exhausted. Too late to roll back. Do you want to continue anyways? It´s an interesting game…
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Vandy slays sick Geiger, lvls twice and heals- no units on the board, so her ability fizzles
hire Bone Collector twice - ($3)
Float ($3)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Scavenger: Bone Collector (3/3)
Technician: Bone Collector (3/3)
In Play:
Vandy, L5 (4/5)
Base HP: 19
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Disease)
Heroes' Hall HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 7
Disc: 0
Gold: 3
Workers: 9
still no plan for my victory condition… i guess, i'll float some gold and decide next turn if i go for tech iii or use vandy's ability to get a metamorphosis from my codex…
undead Mox that should have 2 -1/-1 runes from turn 3… so you could at least give him -2/-2 and make him a 2/1 for your next turn - oh, then he won’t be able to finish a bone collector… tststs
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
Hardened Mox Kills your Scavenger Bone Collector.
You gain 1 gold.
Play Hyperion. Hardened Mox goes into exile, bye bye! - ($3)
Hyperion kills your technician. You draw a card.
Hyperion now at 5/2. I draw a card.
Play Neo Plexus - ($1)
Bone Collector (3/3)
Bone Collector (3/3)
Carrion Curse
Death and Decay
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float + scavenger - ($13)
draw a card for technician
Worker - ($12)
use Vandy's midband ability (pay and discard a card) and fetch Metamorphosis from my Codex - ($11)
summon Orpal and Garth - ($7)
cast Metamorphosis - hehehe - ($1)
Garth's maxband ability hires a Cursed Ghoul from Discard Pile - put a -1/-1 rune on Hyperion
Garth summons a skeleton - ($0)