[details=Notes]Two potential openings here: Plasmodium + Time Spiral for an aggressive rushdown that puts me down on cards, or Mox into next-turn Battle Suits. I like Mox because it kills anything White puts out, with Battle Suits and Nullcraft, for free. With that as an opener, I can stay as the beatdown and keep White from developing a board, plus beat down Tech I repeatedly.
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Summon Hardened Mox - ($0)
Fairly standard opening here. Savior Rook is hard to get past without using Origin Story, so I’ll be able to build up without too much issue for a little bit. I’m likely to go for Discipline Tech II to get Mind-Parry Monk, but we’ll see.
Forgotten Fighter
Fading Argonaut
Battle Suits
Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus
Origin Story
[details=Notes]Blah. I always forget about Rook. This is the turn I’m in steep trouble. If I can’t mount a comeback…
And thus, Origin Story. The only annoying thing is that I have just enough gold to do that, and nothing else. But it’ll be a really nice swing. Next turn, I have Stewardess to get rid of some of the most annoying White units.
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Tech I - ($3)
Fading Argonaut - ($1)
I’ll probably wait until tomorrow before taking my turn, but I’m pretty sure Indestructible units can’t get Scavenger or Technician bonuses because they never actually die. Feel free to adjust your patrol if you’d like, and I’ll only take my turn once you’ve made it clear that you’ve seen this.
Safe Attacking
Morningstar Flagbearer
Fox Primus
Sensei’s Advice
Aged Sensei
Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Next Hand
Inverse Power Ninja
Fox Primus
Sensei’s Advice
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5) Rook swats Mox out of the front of your patrol, taking 1 damage
Research Safe Attacking - ($4)
Rook casts Sensei’s Advice on Savior Monk, giving him +1/+a this turn - ($3) Savior Monk safely kills Fading Argonaut, you draw a card
Recruit Aged Sensei - ($2)
Build Tech I - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 1, reshuffle, draw 3
[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]
[I]Squad Leader[/I]:
[I]Technician[/I]: Aged Sensei (1/1)
[B]In Play:[/B]
Safe Attacking
Garus Rook Lv. 1 (2/3)
Savior Monk (2/2) (Healing 1)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
[B]Economy Info:[/B]
Hand: 3
Deck: 4
Disc: 0
Gold: 1
Workers: 7
Let’s get a little crazy! This is probably a hilariously bad idea, but my reasoning is that leaving Fading Argonaut alive would let him kill Rook next turn with relative ease. This way, the only way he could kill Rook is with all three of Nullcraft, Forgotten Fighter/Stewardess of the Undone, and Battle Suits (bounce Aged Sensei, then use Battle Suits Mox and Nullcraft to deal 3 damage to Rook). My best case scenario leaves both Rook and Savior Monk alive, but we’ll see what he can do.
Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus
Origin Story
Time Spiral
Temporal Research
Battle Suits
Forgotten Fighter
Stewardess of the Undone
Fading Argo
[details=Notes]This is not a bad line of play. I like it over Prynn into Origin Story, since I don’t float a gold this way–more gold-efficient. Plus, it lets me leverage my card advantage, since Hobusu went really down on cards. There’s a chance Hobusu pours gold into Rook to kill Vir, but that’ll take 7 gold, rendering the rest of his turn moot–and the free levels won’t matter anyway. If he decides to play it smarter, I have the chance to Assimilate Safe Attacking, which will really swing things in my favor, I think. Safe Attacking is a great response to birds, for one.
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Summon Vir - ($4)
Cast Forgotten Fighter on Aged Sensei - ($2)
Sumon Nullcraft - ($0)
Nullcraft and Mox kill Savior Monk
Savior Monk
Aged Sensei
Sensei’s Advice
Speed of the Fox
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Recruit Inverse Power Ninja - ($4)
Build a Tower - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 4
[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]
[I]Squad Leader[/I]: Inverse Power Ninja (5/5+a)
[I]Technician[/I]: Garus Rook Lv. 1 (2/3)
[B]In Play:[/B]
Safe Attacking
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
[B]Economy Info:[/B]
Hand: 4
Deck: 0
Disc: 5
Gold: 1
Workers: 8
I’ve ended up deciding to go with Ninjutsu Tech II this time, since Assimilate makes stuff like Training Grounds a bad idea (If I’d remembered I might not have gone for Safe Attacking, but oh well). Nothing he has can get him past IPN right now, so Rook is safe for another turn, but I’m actually planning to transition to Setsuki at some point. Might not want to rely on her being at max level, but having Speed of the Fox in my deck makes it easier to get her back into play if he uses Origin Story.
Battle Suits
Stewardess of the Undone
Forgotten Fighter
Fading Argo
Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus
Origin Story
Battle Suits
Time Spiral
Stewardess of the Undone
[details=Notes]Looks like I guessed wrong about things, and Stewardess won’t be nearly as useful as I thought. A big patroller is going to be hard to get around, so it falls to my little Interceptors I mean Stingers to get kills on tech buildings and heroes. Probably abandoning the Mox -> Battle Suits plan.
Origin Story next turn to deal with Rook.[/details]
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Tech II – Future - ($2)
Fading Argonaut - ($0)
Nullcraft pings your T1 to 4 HP
Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Fox Primus
Next Hand
Glorious Ninja
Sensei’s Advice
Grappling Hook
Speed of the Fox
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Worker - ($8) Inverse Power Ninja kills Fading Argonaut and takes 2 damage
Build Ninjutsu Tech II - ($4)
Recruit Rambasa Twin Mario, who summons Luigi from my codex - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4
[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]
[I]Squad Leader[/I]: Rambasa Twin Mario (3/2+a)
[I]Technician[/I]: Rambasa Twin Luigi (3/2)
[B]In Play:[/B]
Safe Attacking
Garus Rook Lv. 1 (2/3)
Inverse Power Ninja (3/1)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 4
Tech II HP: 5 (Ninjutsu)
[B]Economy Info:[/B]
Hand: 4
Deck: 5
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 9
Future Tech II, huh? Not what I was expecting… I’ll stick with Ninjutsu so Porcupine can make Omegacron less appealing, and I’m thinking of going to Tech III so I can give my ninjas flying. Speaking of flying, I teched Bird’s Nest specifically for recurring chump blockers to stop his flying units from being as bad.
Neo Plexus
Stewardess of the Undone
Time Spiral
Origin Story
Battle Suits
Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Stewardess of the Undone
Time Spiral
Stewardess of the Undone
[details=Notes]This is working better than I anticipated. Floating an Assimilate in case of a building I can steal, so that’s good–and in general, floating a lot of helpful spells. Time Spiral was surprisingly useful there! Should be able to swing a strong Future-tech beatdown now.
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Nullcraft kills Inverse Power Ninja
Maxband Vir - ($1)
Vir kills Mario so hard he goes into your Codex
Time Spiral, removing the rune from my mech token - ($0)
@Hobusu sorry about the confusion there–I assumed initially that Time Spiral was a spell, but apparently it isn’t! So my original turn (casting Time Spiral on the untargeteable mech) still stands.
Speed of the Fox
Sensei’s Advice
Grappling Hook
Glorious Ninja
Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook
Next Hand
Bird’s Nest
Savior Monk
Inverse Power Ninja
Speed of the Fox
Sensei’s Advice
Jade Fox
Hidden Ninja
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
Recruit Glorious Ninja - ($3)
Build a Tower - ($0) Luigi kicks Mox out of the way and takes 1 damage Glorious Ninja kills Vir, Rook gains 2 free levels
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]
[I]Squad Leader[/I]: Garus Rook Lv. 3 (2/3+a)
[B]In Play:[/B]
Safe Attacking
Rambasa Twin Luigi (3/1)
Glorious Ninja (4/3) (Haste, swift strike)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 4
Tech II HP: 5 (Ninjutsu)
Tower HP: 4
[B]Economy Info:[/B]
Hand: 4
Deck: 1
Disc: 5
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
OK, I need to build a Tower to prevent Nullcraft from sticking around. Went with Glorious Ninja to get Vir off the board and get a sticky body for later. I’m still nervous about leveling heroes, but if I can get Setsuki to maxband I might tech Fox’s Den Students.
Stewardess of the Undone
Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Stewardess of the Undone
Time Spiral
Neo Plexus
Origin Story
Fading Argonaut
Ready or Not
Thought about a tricky Nullcraft-bounce-Nullcraft, but forgot about Tower and it wasn’t going to get much done anyway. Playing Hive is better, developing pings that can kill off a Glorious Ninja. The Stingers also provide a great way to provide sacrifices for Omegacrons.[/details]
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Worker - ($9)
Forecasted mech arrives
Nullcraft kills Luigi into your codex and dies
Summon Hive and trash Mox - ($3)
Summon Stewardess of the Undone, bouncing none - ($0)
He’s probably won at this point, but I’ll see if I can hold out a bit longer! I’ve patrolled with the goal of making things as awkward for him as possible. For example, if he wants to kill anything with the Stingers, he’ll have to get through a Bird with armor first (meaning only 3 can attack a worthwhile target). It’s quite possible he’ll use the Hive to play an Omegacron, though… If he does, it’s probably Game Over.
Neo Plexus
Origin Story
Fading Argonaut
Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Stewardess of the Undone
Time Spiral
Neo Plexus
Origin Story
Ready or Not
Battle Suits
[details=Notes]That was tricky to handle! Glad I figured it out. Unfortunately, I can’t risk Jade Fox showing up, so I need to just keep burning down Tech III instead.
On the brightest side, double Omegacron is a very promising play, especially if I can combo it with Ready or Not.[/details]
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Worker - ($9)
Summon and maxband Prynn - ($1)
Remove two time runes to hold Porcupine in stasis - ($0)
Two Stingers die in glorious battle against the Cucco, killing it
Three Stingers die ingloriously to your Tower while striking against your Glorious Ninja, killing it; you draw a card
The Mech destroys your Tech III, dealing 2 damage to your base
Aged Sensei
Savior Monk
Jade Fox
Speed of the Fox
Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook
Next Hand
Speed of the Fox
Hidden Ninja
Flying Fox
Sensei’s Advice
Inverse Power Ninja
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Cucco is revived by Bird’s Nest, but can’t attack this turn
Rebuild Tech III Rook casts Snapback on Prynn to swap her out for Vir, Porcupine is freed from stasis (but also can’t attack this turn) - ($7)
Recruit Savior Monk - ($5)
Level Rook to max - ($0) Pipi pecks your Hive for 1 damage
OK, I won’t be able to play Jade Fox next turn (even if he kills Savior Monk, I’ll be shy 1 gold after Setsuki + Hidden Ninja to dig for it). Still, I can get Setsuki out next turn to make him sweat and maybe use Sensei’s Advice on the Birds to take something out. He can’t attack Porcupine or Rook with his Mech without losing the Mech, since one has deathtouch and the other has 5 ATK + tower damage, so I don’t think he can break my patrol this turn. I’m worried about him using that Hive to get an Omegacron, though…
Battle Suits
Ready or Not
Origin Story
Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Stewardess of the Undone
Time Spiral
Neo Plexus
Battle Suits
Fading Argonaut
Ready or Not
Origin Story
Ugh, Snapback. And right in time, to prevent me from hitting Origin Story. Bleh. I should’ve remembered that card. Still, my defenses here seem solid, and at least I have Undo to deal with that pesky Porcupine now. More importantly, next turn I have the option of dumping 10 gold into double hasted Omegacrons, if I should desire.[/details]
Tech 1 card(s)
Get Paid - ($11)
Worker - ($10)
Summon two Omegacrons - ($6)
Summon a Stinger back - ($5)
Build Tech III - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]
[I]Squad Leader[/I]: Stewardess of the Undone 2/3+a
Inverse Power Ninja
Hidden Ninja
Sensei’s Advice
Flying Fox
Speed of the Fox
Glorious Ninja
Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook
Next Hand
Jade Fox
Aged Sensei
Jade Fox
Hidden Ninja
Sensei’s Advice
Inverse Power Ninja
Speed of the Fox
Flying Fox
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Summon Setsuki - ($8)
Setsuki casts Hidden Ninja on herself and Porcupine, I draw a card - ($6) Cucco safely kills Stinger Pipi pecks Mech for 1 damage
Recruit Glorious Ninja - ($1)
Setsuki casts Sensei’s Advice on Porcupine and Glorious Ninja, giving them +1/+a this turn - ($0) Porcupine hugs Stewardess, who gets poked by a prickle and dies Glorious Ninja swiftly kills Mech, you draw 1 card
Glorious Ninja (5/3+a) (Haste, swift strike)
Base HP: 18
Tech I HP: 4
Tech II HP: 5 (Ninjutsu)
Tech III HP: 5
Tower HP: 4
[B]Economy Info:[/B]
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 5
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
This is going to be close… If he pre-teched Nebula, it’s probably over. If he dumps all his money into Stingers to get Omegacrons out, it’s also going to end badly… But if I can get Jade Fox out, I might be able to turn this around.