(doing turn now.
He has garth plus 2 (4 gold), pestering haunt (card), and bone collector (2+card). So he has 6 gold and 2 cards worth of board.
I have 2 gold and 1 card worth of board.
This does not bode well. – EDIT, 3 float, so, 5 gold and 1 card, to 6 gold and 2 cards. Not quite as bad.)
Name, purple vs Garth-red P1T4
P1 [Past]/Present/Future vs. P2 [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood
Link to all relevant rule changes
Tech StartingHand Workers
Hive (0/6)
Hive (0/6)
Tinkerer (1/2)
Temporal Research
Knight of the Conclave (4/4, fc3)
Seer (2/1)
Nullcraft (1/1)
Time Spiral
Sentry (3/2)
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Forgotten Fighter
Hardened Mox (1/1)
Tinkerer (1/2)
Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
Seer (2/1)
Seer (2/1)
Hive (0/6)
Battle Suits
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Knight of the Conclave (4/4, fc3)
Temporal Research (draw 2) - ($8)
Sentry (3/2) - ($6)
Plas trades with bone collector (both die)
Tech 2 (Future) - ($2)
Worker - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 2
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician: Sentry (3/2)
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Knight of the Conclave (4/4, fc3)
- Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 4
- Tech II HP: 5 (Future)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 5
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 8
He has garth plus 2 (4 gold), pestering haunt (card), and bone collector (2+card). So he has 6 gold and 2 cards worth of board.
I have 2 gold and 1 card worth of board.
This does not bode well.
He is doing blood. Blood has … well, land octopus. Given what I lack in defense, land octopus can finish me off, and the loss of workers isn’t an issue at all.
… Yea, 2 of them will finish me off, and I can’t stop them.
Things that can stop this:
1, future hive (4 gold for 4 1/1’s per turn)
2, future reaver (speed up his loss of workers so he cannot continue)
3, Present immortal (stops 6 damage on defense)
4, Present also has hero fixer and warp gate, but those can be KO’d without a flag bearer –
this requires prynn and flag bearer spell. This is requirement heavy. Need flag bearer, then they come in, then the special unit, and the special units cannot be reused. Not without a techlab and …
Past, on the other hand, I can get … a good flier, a really good ground, and neither of them is strong enough.
If he is using land octopus – and no good reason not to – the only thing I have that can buy me time is future. And if I want to use present’s flexibility, that has to be a second choice (past is probably the better second choice.)
Starting hand: 4
Skeleton Archery
Bone Collector
Skeleton Javelineer
Oh, Future II. Presumably, that means Hives. That’s going to leave him pretty light on the ground, I think I can just try to kill him.
Teched cards: 2
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
T3: Bloodlust, Land Octopus
T4: Crashbarrow, Land Octopus
Get paid - (8)
Worker - (7)
Drakk Ramhorn - (5)
Maxband Garth, Crashbarrow arrives - (1)
Deteriorate, Sentry is 2/1 - (0)
Crashbarrow trades with Sentry, overpowers to destroy Tech II, your base to 18, you draw 1
Garth and Pestering Haunt destroy Tech I, your base to 16
Discard 2, reshuffle 11, draw 4
Drakk L1 1/3 (dies: 1 to your base)
Garth L7 3/4 (1g, once per turn: summon a Skeleton; sacrifice a Skeleton: draw 1)
Pestering Haunt 1/1 (unstoppable; attack capped at 1; can’t be sacrificed or patrol)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
Hand: 4
Thieving Imp
Land Octopus
Deck: 7
Land Octopus
Sacrifice the Weak
Bone Collector
Bone Collector
Skeleton Javelineer
Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)
Expected: 10 + 6 teched = 16
1 on board
4 in hand
7 in deck
0 in discard
4 in workers
Gold: 0
Workers: 9
5 x start
T1: Jandra, the Negator
T2: Summon Skeletons
T3: Poisonblade Rogue
T4: Skeleton Archery
Hold up, you can’t be casting a spell with no hero
I’m fine letting this one go.
Right. I forgot that Prynn was no longer there.
In all fairness, I was expecting Land Octopus, not … this.
Name, purple vs Garth-red P1T5
P1 [Past]/Present/Future vs. P2 [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood
Link to all relevant rule changes
Tech StartingHand Workers
Argonaut (3/4)
Knight of the Conclave (4/4, fc3)
Seer (2/1)
Battle Suits
Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
Hive (0/6)
Seer (2/1)
Plasmodium (4/4)
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Forgotten Fighter
Hardened Mox (1/1)
Tinkerer (1/2)
Hive (0/6)
Time Spiral
Temporal Research
Hive (0/6)
Argonaut (3/4)
Nullcraft (1/1)
Tech 2 card(s)
Base down to 16
Tech 1 and 2 destroyed
Draw card
Upkeep: Knight fc 2
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3) - ($7)
Hero: Vir (Future) (1; 2/3; peek and swap) - ($5)
Add-on: Tower - ($2)
Worker - ($1)
Rebuild tech 1
Float ($1)
Discard 4, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite: Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Knight of the Conclave (4/4, fc2)
- Vir Garbarean (1; 2/3; peek and swap)
- Base HP: 16
- Tech I HP: 5
- Tower HP: 4
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 6
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 9
I hate that I am putting a hive into worker, but I am not sure I can keep a tier 2 building going.
My thinking now is heroes, battle suits, and stall.
If I can get tech 2, my one hive fliers fill up the patrol slots and stop his incoming.
Not to worry, I have those too!
Starting hand: 4
Thieving Imp
Land Octopus
Teched cards: 2
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
T3: Bloodlust, Land Octopus
T4: Crashbarrow, Land Octopus
T5: 2 x Crash Bomber
Get paid - (9)
Worker - (8)
Maxband Drakk - (3)
Land Octopus, Drakk gives it haste - (0)
Land Octopus kills Fading Argonaut, overpowers to hit base to 10, takes 4 damage
Drakk, Garth, and Pestering Haunt hit base to 3, take 1 damage each, Haunt dies
Discard 2, draw 4
Drakk L6 3/3 (dies: 1 to your base; units get frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gets haste; 1 damage)
Garth L7 3/3 (1g, once per turn: summon a Skeleton; sacrifice a Skeleton: draw 1; 1 damage)
Land Octopus 8/3 (haste; Drakk: frenzy 1; overpower; upkeep: lose two workers or dies; can’t patrol; 4 damage)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
Hand: 4
Land Octopus
Bone Collector
Skeleton Javelineer
Deck: 3
Sacrifice the Weak
Bone Collector
Discard: 5
Crash Bomber
Crash Bomber
Pestering Haunt
Thieving Imp
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)
Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
1 on board
4 in hand
3 in deck
5 in discard
5 in workers
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
5 x start
T1: Jandra, the Negator
T2: Summon Skeletons
T3: Poisonblade Rogue
T4: Skeleton Archery
T5: Deteriorate
Ok, this pairing was not in my expectations …
It gets around the upkeep problem
“Yes. Yes it does.”
EDIT: Uggh, why was I thinking the knight had haste? Plas has haste.
(nevermind, he’s max …)
I may be on the ropes, but I’m not dead yet.
Purple vs Garth-red P1T6
P1 [Past]/Present/Future vs. P2 [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood
Link to all relevant rule changes
Tech StartingHand Workers
Reaver (0/4)
Hive (0/6)
Temporal Research
Nullcraft (1/1)
Time Spiral
Argonaut (3/4)
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Forgotten Fighter
Hardened Mox (1/1)
Tinkerer (1/2)
Hive (0/6)
Seer (2/1)
Plasmodium (4/4 Fc 3)
Hive (0/6)
Knight of the Conclave (4/4, fc3)
Battle Suits
Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
Argonaut (3/4)
Temporal Research
Time Spiral
Reaver (0/4)
Tech 2 card(s)
Argo dies
Base hit to 10
Base hit to 3
Upkeep (Knight Fc 1)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Swap - ($9)
Max Vir (7; 3/5; peek, swap, play). 6/7 Untarget fc2. - ($3)
Seer (2/1) knight comes to present - ($2)
Nullcraft (1/1) - ($0)
Vir attacks Draak, kills Draak. Vir at 2 hp, base to 2.
Rebuild tech 2
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Knight of the Conclave (4/4)
- Elite:
- Scavenger: Seer (2/1)
- Technician: Nullcraft (1/1)
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Vir Garbarean (7; 3/2; peek, swap, play)
- Token (6/7; untargetable; Fc2)
- Base HP: 2
- Tech I HP: 5
- Tech II HP: 5 (Future)
- Tower HP: 4
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 1
- Disc: 6
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 9
So I have to place Hive on the draw. It must be there for next turn. For this turn?
Someone must take out Drak. Ideally, someone takes out Land Shark. But nothing else I can bring out can attack, except nullcraft. So … no, Landshark survives. So his two attackers can kill three defenders, and I must have three defenders.
Peek, and then swap. So what’s the play?
Worst case: Swap (1), Midband Vir (4), Time Spiral (1) knight, attack and trade with Draak, Argo (3), Null (2) – 11 cannot afford. In that case, I cannot swap, no hive for next turn.
Next case: Swap (1), Midband Vir (4), attack and trade, Seer (1) Knight, Null (2) – that’s 8. I could worker and float.
Next: Swap (1), Max Vir (6) Fc2 token, attack and live, Seer (1) Knight, that’s 8 – But only 2 defenders (seer, knight), so Nullcraft (2) and no worker.
If I don’t have Seer?
Swap (1), TS knight (1), Max Vir (6) token, Null, Vir attacks and lives but cannot defend. Knight and null cannot defend. Dead.
Swap (1), TS knight (1), Mid Vir (4), Vir trades. 4 gold left, and I need two defenders. Null (2), and … Sentry(2).
My Peek has to show Seer or Sentry, or I’m dead. I may not get a worker. My best play is no worker and the FC token and surviving Vir. That’s 2 of the 3 possible survivals, so plan for that for the teching.
The big thing it buys is … … Yuck, that midband is almost useless. I can save 1 gold if I don’t need to stash but still want to play. So it keeps one more defender around one more turn / one more attacker next turn.
Either way, the key is: Vir will die next turn after attacking, and I can bring in a new hero. At this point I need draw, so I need Max, which also gives me Now!. Can I survive long enough to afford R&D?
That’s the spirit!
Starting hand: 4
Land Octopus
Bone Collector
Skeleton Javelineer
Teched cards: 0
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
T3: Bloodlust, Land Octopus
T4: Crashbarrow, Land Octopus
T5: 2 x Crash Bomber
Get paid - (10)
Crashbarrow - (7)
Captain Zeno Zane - (5)
Maxband Zane, shoves Seer to Elite and kills it - (0)
Crashbarrow trades with Knight, overpowers to hit base to 1
Garth, Zane and Octopus hit base to -14, GG!
Garth L7 3/2 (1g, once per turn: summon a Skeleton; sacrifice a Skeleton: draw 1; 2 damage)
Zane L6 4/3 (haste; kills scavenger/technician: share bonus; 1 damage)
Land Octopus 8/2 (haste; overpower; upkeep: lose two workers or dies; can’t patrol; 5 damage)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
Remaing hand: 3
Land Octopus
Bone Collector
Skeleton Javelineer
Deck: 3
Sacrifice the Weak
Bone Collector
Discard: 6
Crash Bomber
Crash Bomber
Pestering Haunt
Thieving Imp
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)
Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
1 on board
3 in hand
3 in deck
6 in discard
5 in workers
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
5 x start
T1: Jandra, the Negator
T2: Summon Skeletons
T3: Poisonblade Rogue
T4: Skeleton Archery
T5: Deteriorate
Good game! @zango
Next turn I would have brought out Hive, and 5 throw-aways keep my patrol zone filled. I was ready to make my comeback.
Thank you. Now, can you think of anything major I misplayed? I think I did something bad the first two turns, just not sure what.
EDIT: Oh, right. This spec has 2 haste units. And I suppose either doom grasp or death rites would have done it as well.
With respect to Hives, I think there might be a misunderstanding: fliying patrollers can only block other fliers. Ground attackers can just walk under them, so Hive Stingers would’t have stopped Crashbarrows and Octopi at all. For example, on the last turn I could completely ignore the Nullcraft; I was wondering why it didn’t attack.
Early on, I think the main problem was just letting me get an easy Prynn kill: heroes are pretty vulnerable once the boards have built up a bit. Apart from that, Knights are cool in concept, but they take so long to arrive that it’s difficult to keep up on board presence in the meantime, especially in the faster pace of multicolour.
… Because I thought that since a flying unit can attack down, to the ground, it stops incoming units when it is patrolling.
I’m afraid not. Here’s the description of attacking from the rulebook (page 5):
Your attacker can attack anything of your opponent’s that has hit points: any unit, hero, or building. However, if it CAN attack the opponent’s SQUAD LEADER, then it can’t attack anything else. Otherwise, if your attacker CAN attack any other PATROLLER, then it can’t attack a non-PATROLLER (you can choose which patroller you want to attack).
If your attacker CAN’T attack a certain patroller, that attacker can just ignore that particular patroller. For example, a ground unit without the anti-air keyword can’t attack a flying unit, so if there’s a flying patroller, your ground unit doesn’t have to attack the flier; it still has to attack any other patrollers that it can though, if it chooses to attack at all.
And from the rulings on anti-air:
You don’t have to attack patrolling fliers with your anti-air attacker. You can ignore them and attack something else if you want.
So flying patrollers are always ignorable by non-fliers.
yeah, I just check that very section of the rules, and was coming here …
For example, a ground unit without the anti-air keyword can’t attack a flying unit, so if there’s a flying patroller, your ground unit doesn’t have to attack the flier
I thought the rule was, “Fliers attack across and down, anti-air attacks across and up, normal units only attack across on the ground.”.
When they’re attacking, yes. The rules on whom they can stop going past them when patrolling are different.