[CAMS24] late match Round2: P1 keybounce monopurple vs P2 charnel_mouse [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood

If you haven’t already, I’d look at this post in the rules question thread, which covers some commonly-asked questions: fliers confuse a lot of people.

Thank you. And… thank you also for asking those very interesting timing followup questions. I had the same misunderstanding – if you fully resolve one thing before moving to the next, and resolving this one thing means “these new things happen”, then fully resolving should mean “finish all these new things first”, right?

So I did not understand the timing order.
Nor the flier defenders.

Yeah, the new things get added on to the end of the things to be resolved, not the start. The way this is usually expressed is that Magic: the Gathering uses a stack, whereas Codex uses a queue.