Well I spose we gotta take that Quince kill if it’s just sittin there, can’t have him copying crashbarrows after all
Link to all relevant rule changes
CAMS2022 Round 5 Player 2, Turn 4
P2 Nerfed Nightmare vs P1 [Fire]/Demonology/Finesse
Starting Hand
Summon Skeletons
Poisonblade Rogue
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (8)
- Starlet loses a health and gains a damage
- Tech 2 cards in except turn 1
All Teched Cards
Maestro, Dark Pact
Nimble Fencer x2
Star-Crossed Starlet, Dark Pact
- Starlet trades BC
- Imp trades Imp, you get 1g
- Haunt trades Jav
- Vandy kills Quince, midbands
- Garth (6)
- skeleton (5)
- Worker (4)
- Tech 2 Finesse (0)
Poisonblade Rogue, Jandra, the Negator, Skeleton Javelineer, Skeletal Archery
Patrol as below
- Discard 2 Draw 1 rs Draw 3
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
- Tech1 HP: 5
- Tech2 HP: 5
- Hero’s Hall HP: 4
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Skeleton (1/1a)
Technician: Garth (1/3 lvl 1)
In Play:
- Vandy (3/4 lvl 3)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 8
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 9
End of Turn Hand
Dark Pact
Nimble Fencer
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
So probably Crashbarrow, or Barrow x2. Garth and Skele are only 1 atk so can’t actually trade and rez it so that’s a bonus, but probably I’m losing Vandy or Tech2 here. So I’ll split my techs, one maestro another DP. Gonna be nasty to weather but hopefully I can generate enough counter-pressure and outlast it.