[CAMS22] Round2: P1 Penatronic [Finesse]/Disease/Necromancy vs P2 FrozenStorm [Demonology/Necromancy]/Finesse

Scribes draw too.

i have probably played a lot more scribes than anyone really should.

not good enough, imo. 1 card for 2 gold and 1 tech is not worth it compared to the BC’s ability to spam skellies, better stats, and garth basically drawing 1 card for 1 gold once per turn with midb.

one last bit of advice. One thing i noticed is that people underuse garth’s ult whereas i saw a great win rate for those who did. to give you an idea, it went like this: death rites->BC attacks, trades, DR kills another enemy.->garth sacs skellie to draw, kill another enemy->etc. Imo faced with an enemy spamming troops, midb+death rites can clear the field

It also depends on whether you’re focusing exclusively on the Finesse engine, or whether you just want it to be a sufficiently-threatening option among several.

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wasn’t saying about focusing only on that, just that many ppl use garth maxb and just forget about the ult. imo it’s a nice tool to keep an enemy from spamming units faster than you can kill them.

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Well, my experience with Garth is limited, but whenever I played him and had a good situation for planning the maxband ahead, I still found myself not wanting the card in my deck. It’s 4 gold and a card for nothing on it’s own (I know, create and sac a skel for 1 gold is always possible). It’s a combo piece for which you have to have the proper additional cards (=any units to die) available. Also it very well may end up as a dead card (there is a reason why you are only allowed to cast ultimate spells a turn after reaching maxband) or simply a winmore card.

Setsuki, Geiger, and to a lesser extent Vir also have card draw boons below T2.

I actually had death rites teched, just didn’t draw it when he was already maxband

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having 2 maxbanded heroes and keeping them alive is imo quite hard, unless the opponent had bad luck or misplayed.

I mean, if I’m following correctly we’re talking about how to get the most out of Maestro’s free virtuosos by adding card draw mechanics into the deck without relying on a tech lab.

Since virtuoso’s become free it potentially frees up gold to maxband cheap heroes like Setsuki or Geiger. Even a Surplus is worth considering with Finesse in my opinion.

And if it wasn’t hard it would be an unstoppable snowball.