2g imo is too much. put seeing the hand at 1g fixed and then 3 moreg for a tier 1 or 4g for a tier2, imo.
I do also like this way of doing it but we’ll give @FrozenStorm’s cost plan a shot first
@FrozenStorm We’re off again!
Test 8
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Remove Long Range, Arrives: Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Channeling. Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard then you may pay 2g/3g: put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or Disable a unit or hero |
StartingHand Workers
Porkhand Magistrate → Worker
Traffic Director
Reputable Newsman
Lawful Search
Porkhand Magistrate
Manufactured Truth
Building Inspector
Bluecoat Musketeer
Spectral Aven
Lawful Search
Reputable Newsman
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Oni - ($1)
Traffic Director - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite:
- Scavenger: Traffic Director 1/1 [Untargetable]
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- L1 General Onimaru 2/3 [Frenzy 1]
- Base HP: 20
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 0
- Disc: 3
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 5
Standard P1T1
Edit: Made changes clearer
GL HF @thehug0naut !
Game 8 Player 2, Turn 1
P2 Modified Black vs P2 Modified Blue
Color mods for this game
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Arrives → Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard, 2g/3g → put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or → Disable a unit or hero |
Starting Hand
Thieving Imp
Jandra, the Negator
Sacrifice the Weak
Summon Skeletons
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (5)
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
- Thieving Imp, discard #2 of 5 (2)
- Worker (1)
Jandra, the Negator
- Patrol as below
- Discard 3 Draw 5
- Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 20
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite: Thieving Imp (2+1/2)
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- nothin
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 0
- Disc: 3
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 6
End of Turn Hand
Skeleton Javelineer
Skeletal Archery
Pestering Haunt
Poisonblade Rogue
End of Turn Discard
Summon Skeletons
Sacrifice the Weak
My Thoughts
We’ll see what happens here!
And GLHF to you too @FrozenStorm
Tech StartingHand Workers
Brave Knight (Need a big body)
Elite Training (More Oni pressure)
Spectral Aven → Worker (Don’t fancy going low hand already, pretty useless vs Orpal / Crawler)
Building Inspector → Discard
Manufactured Truth
Bluecoat Musketeer
Porkhand Magistrate
Spectral Aven
Reputable Newsman
Manufactured Truth
Brave Knight
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Tech I - ($3)
Musketeer, shoots Imp - ($1)
TD trades
Oni hits base to 17
Float ($1)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician: Bluecoat Musketeer 1/2
- Lookout:
In Play:
- L1 General Onimaru 2/3 [Frenzy 1]
- Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 5
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 6
Loss of BI is kind of annoying but not a big deal overall. Means my options are: trade Oni and get Bigby into play, pseudo haste Aven to kill Imp but go low hand, Musketeer+TD trade and float 1g. Think I like the latter best here, feel like the longer I can keep Oni pressure going the better.
Bah Musketeer forgot lol did we eliminate long range from it? I think so and I’m patrolling as such, lmk if you disagree
Game 8 Player 2, Turn 2
P2 Modified Black vs P2 Modified Blue
Color mods for this game
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Arrives → Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard, 2g/3g → put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or → Disable a unit or hero |
Starting Hand
Skeleton Javelineer
Skeletal Archery
Pestering Haunt
Poisonblade Rogue
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (6+1float)
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
- Garth (5)
- Skeleton (4)
- Skeleton Javelineer (3)
- Pestering Haunt
- Worker (2)
- Tech 1 (1)
Poisonblade Rogue, Jandra, the Negator
- Patrol as below
- Discard 2 rs Draw 4
- Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 17
- Tech1 HP: 5
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Skeleton (1/1a)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician: Skeleton Javelineer (1/1)
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Garth (1/3 lvl 1)
- Pestering Haunt (1/1)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 4
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 7
End of Turn Hand
Lich’s Bargain
Sacrifice the Weak
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Going to try LB we’ll see if that stands up to Judgment Day
You are correct, no Long Range just the sniping ability
Tech StartingHand Workers
Arresting Constable (Think he’s now the go to Tech II vs Black)
Arresting Constable (Ditto)
Brave Knight
Jail → Worker (It feels generally a lot less useful vs Black)
Reputable Newsman
Manufactured Truth
Porkhand Magistrate
Spectral Aven
Building Inspector
Elite Training
Traffic Director
Manufactured Truth
Arresting Constable
Arresting Constable
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Oni kills SQL, takes 1
Musketeer kills Jav, takes 1, you draw
Knight - ($3)
Newsman, choose 2 - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 1, draw 3
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Brave Knight 3/3A [Readiness]
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician: Reputable Newsman 0/3 [2]
- Lookout:
In Play:
- L1 General Onimaru 2/2 [Frenzy 1]
- Bluecoat Musketeer 1/1
- Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info:
- Hand: 3
- Deck: 2
- Disc: 3
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 7
I think going to 3 cards is worth it here, given I can set up a pretty decent wall. Hoodie is still an issue, hence the Newsman on Technician but I think otherwise I’m feeling ok.
Ack Newsman…
Game 8 Player 2, Turn 3
P2 Modified Black vs P2 Modified Blue
Color mods for this game
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Arrives → Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard, 2g/3g → put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or → Disable a unit or hero |
Starting Hand
Lich’s Bargain
Sacrifice the Weak
Thieving Imp
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (7+1float)
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
Hooded Executioner x2
Lich’s Bargain x2
- Thieving Imp, discard #3 of 3 (5)
- Make a Skeleton (4)
- Deteriorate Musketeer (3)
- Haunt hits Newsman to 2hp
- Worker (2)
- Hero’s Hall (0)
Lich’s Bargain, Poisonblade Rogue, Jandra, the Negator
- Patrol as below
- Discard 2 Draw 3 rs Draw 1
- Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 17
- Tech1 HP: 5
- Hero’s Hall HP: 4
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Thieving Imp (2/2a)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician: Skeleton (1/1)
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Garth (1/3 lvl 1)
- Pestering Haunt (1/1)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 5
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Skeletal Archery
Lich’s Bargain
Summon Skeletons
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Not looking great but at least I’m hitting the card economy…
I have that same reaction every time that imp shows its face
Tech StartingHand Workers
Insurance Agent (Need those premiums)
Justice Juggernaut (Need a big threat)
Elite Training
Traffic Director → Discard
Building Inspector → Worker
Porkhand Magistrate
Spectral Aven
Building Inspector
Lawful Search
Manufactured Truth
Arresting Constable
Arresting Constable
Traffic Director
Bluecoat Musketeer
Elite Training
Insurance Agent
Justice Juggernaut
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Tech II Law - ($3)
Elite Training on Oni and Newsman - ($1)
Knight readily kills Imp, takes 2
Newsman safely kills Skele, you draw
Oni safely kills Garth, to level 3
Float ($1)
Discard 0, draw 2
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician: Brave Knight 3/1 [Readiness]
- Lookout:
In Play:
- L3 General Onimaru 3/2 [Frenzy 1]
- Reputable Newsman 1/2 [2]
- Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 5
- Tech II HP: 5 (Law)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 2
- Deck: 0
- Disc: 8
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 8
My hand size is brutal right now but I’ve gained the tech lead and have pretty good board control. Admittedly I’m now expecting Vandy nonsense so that can all change quickly.
He’s odds on to draw Deteriorate and I’m suspicious of Shadow Blade, if he has both in deck he has an 83% chance of having one of them, so lets go with Knight in Technician.
Imp is a jerk
Game 8 Player 2, Turn 4
P2 Modified Black vs P2 Modified Blue
Color mods for this game
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Arrives → Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard, 2g/3g → put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or → Disable a unit or hero |
Starting Hand
Skeletal Archery
Lich’s Bargain
Summon Skeletons
Skeleton Javelineer (techn)
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (8)
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
Skeletal Lord, Dark Pact
Hooded Executioner x2
Lich’s Bargain x2
- Orpal (6)
- Skeleton Javelineer (5)
- Worker (4)
- Tech 2 Necromancy (0)
- Pestering Haunt trades with BK, BK goes back to your hand, no draw for techn
Graveyard, Lich’s Bargain, Poisonblade Rogue, Jandra, the Negator
- Patrol as below
- Discard 2 Draw 3 rs Draw 1
- Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 17
- Tech1 HP: 5
- Tech2 HP: 5 Necromancy
- Hero’s Hall HP: 4
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Skeleton Javelineer (1/1a)
- Elite: Orpal (1+1/3 lvl 1)
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- nothing
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 6
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 9
End of Turn Hand
Sacrifice the Weak
Hooded Executioner
Hooded Executioner
Skeletal Archery
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Card economy is hit hard, still no LB but I have it floating about…
@thehug0naut friendly poke
@FrozenStorm I got somewhat lucky here with but my deck was also quite stacked for this kind of thing
Also sorry for delays, been trying to make sure I don’t slow down the tournament too much
Tech StartingHand Workers
Insurance Agent (Moar cheap draw)
Boot Camp (Ditto, also JJ combo)
Lawful Search → Insurance Agent
Brave Knight
Insurance Draw → Arresting Constable
Porkhand Magistrate
Spectral Aven
Building Inspector
Traffic Director
Manufactured Truth
Elite Training
Lawful Search
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Lawful Search, draw and look at your hand, lot of unit removal you have there - ($8)
Insurance Agent, Insure Jav - ($7)
Oni kills Jav, takes 1, insurance pays out 1g+1 card - ($8)
Constable, disable Orpal - ($4)
Knight Returns - ($1)
Skip Worker
Float ($1)
Discard 1, draw 3
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Insurance Agent 2/2A
- Elite: Arresting Constable 3/3
- Scavenger: Brave Knight 3/3 [Readiness]
- Technician: Reputable Newsman 0/2 [Blocking: 2]
- Lookout:
In Play:
- L3 General Onimaru 2/1 [Frenzy 1]
- Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 5
- Tech II HP: 5 (Law)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 3
- Deck: 5
- Disc: 2
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 8
Insurance agent was the draw I needed! And Constable was also a great pull! Still needed a worker skip to maintain hand size but now feeling much better
Gosh this is pretty brutal lol
Game 8 Player 2, Turn 5
P2 Modified Black vs P2 Modified Blue
Color mods for this game
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Arrives → Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard, 2g/3g → put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or → Disable a unit or hero |
Starting Hand
Sacrifice the Weak
Hooded Executioner
Hooded Executioner
Skeletal Archery
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (9)
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
Necromancer, Metamorphosis
Skeletal Lord, Dark Pact
Hooded Executioner x2
Lich’s Bargain x2
- Garth (7)
- Make a skeleton (6)
- Hooded Executioner (4)
- Hooded Executioner (2)
- Worker (1)
Sacrifice the Weak, Graveyard, Lich’s Bargain, Poisonblade Rogue, Jandra, the Negator
- Patrol as below
- Discard 2 Draw 4
- Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 17
- Tech1 HP: 5
- Tech2 HP: 5 Necromancy
- Hero’s Hall HP: 4
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Hooded Executioner (3/3a)
- Elite:
- Scavenger: Hooded Executioner (3/3)
- Technician:
- Lookout: Skeleton (1/1)
In Play:
- Orpal (1/3 lvl 1)
- Garth (1/3 lvl 1)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 2
- Disc: 5
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 10
End of Turn Hand
Summon Skeletons
Lich’s Bargain
Pestering Haunt
Skeletal Lord
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Well this is looking bad lol but I spose we’ll see how it goes
Yeah I think I when you can’t bring mass removal to bear Blue can just heap the pressure. Oni and Knight + Newsman have been outstanding this game
Tech StartingHand Workers
The Art of War
The Art of War
Manufactured Truth
Traffic Director → Worker
Elite Training
Porkhand Magistrate
Spectral Aven
Building Inspector
Traffic Director
Bluecoat Musketeer
Arresting Constable
Justice Juggernaut
Lawful Search
Elite Training
The Art of War
The Art of War
Manufactured Truth
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
Exhaust Constable, disable SQL
Knight trades with Scav, returns to hand, you gain 1g
Elite Training on Agent and Newsman - ($6)
Newsman safely kills Skele
Agent safely kills Garth, Oni midbands
Maxband Oni, breaks Tech II, your base to 18, Soldiers - ($3)
Knight returns - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 1, draw 3
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Brave Knight 3/3A [Readiness]
- Elite:
- Scavenger: Soldier 1/1 [Sparkshot]
- Technician: Soldier 1/1 [Sparkshot]
- Lookout: Soldier 1/1 [Sparkshot]
In Play:
- L5 General Onimaru 4/5 [Frenzy 1, Readiness]
- Arresting Constable 2/3
- Insurance Agent 2/2 [Anti-Air, Sparkshot]
- Reputable Newsman 1/2 [Blocking: 2, Anti-Air, Sparkshot]
- Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 5
- Tech II HP: 5 (Law)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 3
- Deck: 2
- Disc: 6
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 9
Just got to keep tightening the noose
Yea pretty rough, think I’ll fold here GG WP! Silly of me to forget about Newsman in going LB hard.
I really like this Constable change, gives him a real useful job
I can go again or we can take a break and reconvene after tourney, either’s good
GG indeed, I would agree, I think Constable is in the right kind of place now for sure.
I’m happy to start another one, probably want a few games as P1 Blue so we can draw some conclusions and then switch to P2 for a few games too.
@FrozenStorm GLHF again, but hopefully I can keep you from having too much fun on the black side
Test 8 - P1 Blue - Game 2
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Remove Long Range, Arrives: Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Channeling. Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard then you may pay 2g/3g: put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or Disable a unit or hero |
StartingHand Workers
Lawful Search
Reputable Newsman
Porkhand Magistrate → Worker
Building Inspector
Porkhand Magistrate
Spectral Aven
Manufactured Truth
Traffic Director
Bluecoat Musketeer
Reputable Newsman
Lawful Search
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Oni - ($1)
Building Inspector - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite:
- Scavenger: Building Inspector 1/1
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- L1 General Onimaru 2/3 [Frenzy 1]
- Base HP: 20
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 0
- Disc: 3
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 5
I think opening BI is fine actually. Just a shame I won’t have Arrest in my P1T2 second hand, means I can’t immediately threaten a hero kill if he uses a chump blocker. The threat is there though, so I imagine that’s enough.
GL HF @thehug0naut ! I’m having no fun at all for sure
Game 9 Player 2, Turn 1
P2 Modified Black vs P2 Modified Blue
Color mods for this game
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Arrives → Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard, 2g/3g → put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or → Disable a unit or hero |
Starting Hand
Sacrifice the Weak
Poisonblade Rogue
Jandra, the Negator
Pestering Haunt
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (5)
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
- Jandra, the Negator (2)
- Pestering Haunt
- Worker (1)
Poisonblade Rogue
- Patrol as below
- Discard 2 Draw 4
- Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 20
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Jandra, the Negator (3/3a)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Pestering Haunt (1/1)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 1
- Disc: 2
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 6
End of Turn Hand
Skeletal Archery
Summon Skeletons
Skeleton Javelineer
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Run it back, try again!
So I think we can officially say that Oni + 1 drop into Musketeer feels like a very strong opening from Blue. I think the card significantly diminishes as the game goes on, and in its current form won’t help P2 anywhere near so much, but as P1 it’s really deadly.
I’ve only just twigged that it’s Tenderfoot + Spark for 1 card. Could it be too strong?
Tech StartingHand Workers
Brave Knight
Traffic Director
Bluecoat Musketeer
Jail → Worker
Spectral Aven
Manufactured Truth
Porkhand Magistrate
Reputable Newsman
Brave Knight
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Tech I - ($3)
Musketeer, ping Jandra armour - ($1)
Oni trades with Jandra, levels whiff, Haunt dies
Traffic Director - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4
Board Info:
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader:
- Elite: Bluecoat Musketeer 2/2
- Scavenger: Building Inspector 1/1
- Technician: Traffic Director 1/1 [Untargetable]
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 3
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 6
New Musketeer strikes again! That 1 damage ping on arrival makes a massive difference to the early game. I’m sticking with Knight but I’m going to throw in Scribe to try and accelerate my draws and flood the board with bodies
Fair point on Musketeer, he does seem to get good value. You could make the 1 damage cost “discard a card” or pay 1 gold, or maybe he has to exhaust/disable to do it? Could also limit to patrolling unit? Worth chatting more about post-game (or just on the side as we play here)
Here’s an idea: what if he’s a 1/1 but has a +1 armor while patrolling?
Game 9 Player 2, Turn 2
P2 Modified Black vs P2 Modified Blue
Color mods for this game
Black Nerfs | |
Deteriorate | Cost →1g, Cannot Target Illusions |
Dark Pact | Cost → 1g |
Vandy Midband | Remove Resist 1, Cannot fetch Metamorphosis |
Vandy Maxband | Remove Targeting |
Blue Buffs | |
Bigby Midband | 2/4 → 3/3 |
Bluecoat Musketeer | Arrives → Deal 1 damage to a patroller without flying |
Jurisdiction | Ongoing Spell: Your Law hero can cast any non-ultimate spell. When this is played, draw a card |
Community Service | Cost → 2g, Look at an opponents hand or discard, 2g/3g → put a Tech I/Tech II unit from there into play under your control |
Guardian of the Gates | If attacked, disable the attacker after combat |
Arresting Constable | Arrives or → Disable a unit or hero |
Starting Hand
Skeletal Archery
Summon Skeletons
Skeleton Javelineer
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (6+1float)
- Tech 2 cards in OR no techs turn 1
All Teched Cards
Hooded Executioner, Dark Pact
- Vandy (5)
- Deteriorate BI, you get 1g (4)
- Tech 1 (3)
- Hero’s Hall (1)
- Worker (0)
Skeletal Archery, Poisonblade Rogue
- Patrol as below
- Discard 2 Draw 1 rs Draw 3
- Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 20
- Tech1 HP: 5
- Hero’s Hall HP: 4
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Vandy (2/3a lvl 1)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- nothin
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 1
- Disc: 2
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 7
End of Turn Hand
Thieving Imp
Sacrifice the Weak
Skeleton Javelineer
Summon Skeletons
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
That’s not so bad, Oni out of the way is helpful. Think I’ll try to play balanced w/ Heroes, threaten Meta, tech up safely