2HD: Team 2 Red/Black

I think I prefer your previous plan, Eric. Wiping their board, killing their Tower, and starting a Tech 2 seems much better than this alternative.

I guess the advantage of this one is keeping the Baron around, and being able to re-max Garth next turn? Although it’s possible Black would be able to start Tech 2 this turn depending on how the Nether Drain fish goes.

Well, my first turn was illegal because it involved playing Charge on the Pestering Haunt.

Most recent turn leaves them at the same board (nothing) as the previous turn, but with us going:
+1 card in hand for red
L6 Zane w/ 2 dage instead of L1 Jaina
Taxman instead of Bombaster
L5 Garth instead of L7 Garth (which is an improvement)
+pestering haunt
Likely still having a skeleton token
Twilight baron has 2 extra damage

Let me know when you’d like to start committing to card draws and how.

This is the one I thought was better:

I thhink your more recent one is better for sure if we get Black T2 out of it. But not killing the Tower and not starting a Tech 2 when we’re way up on board state seems bad. Starting the Black T2 if we Nether Drain Garth is obviously really really good, because then they have to either Origin Story or we get to pick and play a T2 unit immediately for 2 gold.

Hrm. What would we tech this turn, assuming we go with this plan? Maybe T2 stuff for Black anyway if we’re cycling them, almost certainly T2 stuff for Red. Or maybe one T2 card and a spell.

So we should start having a tech discussion? Disease seems pretty strong for Black. I’m torn between Fire and Anarchy for Red. Anarchy if we plan/hope to go to fast T3, Fire otherwise?

Turn due sometime today.

I’m swamped at work this week with a deadline tomorrow, so…

I dunno, but it’s your round!

  • Gamble on Black Card Draw
  • Blow up the Tower with Zane

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We need to pick tech stuff too, though.

true, and there wasnt even the suggestion of techs beyond disease.

Red grabs Kidnapping and a second Kidnapping.
Black techs a Gargoyle and a soul stone (or 2x Ghoul if we build tech 2 disease this turn)

Let’s not try to draw cards, just build the board up

I say the tower kill line is good. Force them to spend resources on that instead of their board or tech

I am okay with the tower-nuking line. In that world we go Tech 2 Disease and I think yes get the Ghouls.

Draft turn:

Tech 2x Kidnapping & 2x Cursed Ghoul
Get gold (red: 8, black: 8)
Jaina suicides on Gilded Glaxx
Max Zane, pushing Brave Knight to elite (1,8)
Twilight Baron kills Traffic Director, overpower kills Glaxx
Bombaster trades with Brave Knight
Garth kills Fading Argo
Worker Careless Musketeer (0, 8)
Zane blows up the Tower
Make a skeleton (0, 7)
Worker Summon Skeletons (0, 6)
Tech II Disease (0, 2)
Skeleton Javelineer (0, 1)
Black: discard 3 , draw 4, rs, draw 1. Float 1 gold
Red: discard 2, draw 4


Scavenger - Skeleton Javelineer (1/1) w/ rune
Lookout - Skeleton Token (1/1)

In Play:

L7 Garth (3/1)
L6 Zane (4/3)
Twilight Baron (4/2)

and various buildings

However, I think we should make a skeleton token and sac it to draw 1 card first, and then use that card if it is a Nether Drain or Deteriorate (and play Pestering Haunt if it is neither). This will help by giving us 2 cards post-reshuffle, for a better shot at drawing Ghouls.

That play is slightly illegal. We cannot attack traffic director while gilded glaxx remains in squad leader.

Good point. Let’s see what we draw, and then re-evaluate.

I hear: before doing anything else, black is spending 1g to make a skeleton to sac to draw a card.

You did in fact draw…
Nether Drain!

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Ay boys we did it

What did we do, anyway?


Tech 2x Kidnapping & 2x Cursed Ghoul
Get gold (red: 8, black: 8)
Garth makes a skeleton, sacrifices it to draw a card (8, 7)
Jaina suicides on Brave Knight
Summon Zane, and level him to 4 (3, 7)
Nether Drain, taking 2 levels away from Garth and giving them to Zane (3, 6)
Max Zane pushes Glaxx to elite, and deals it 1 damage (3, 6)
Bombaster trades with Brave Knight (3, 6)
Twilight Baron kills Traffic Director, Overpower kills Glaxx
Zane kills the Fading Argo, Red draws a card
Garth pokes the Tower for 2 damage
Worker Careless Musketeer (2, 6)
Worker Summon Skeletons (2, 5)
If Red drew Lobber or Rambaster, play that and kill the Tower, otherwise play Gunpoint Taxman (0, 5)
Tech II Disease (0, 1)
Skeleton Javelineer (0, 0)
Black: discard 3, draw 3, rs, draw 2.
Red: discard 2, draw 4


Squad Lead - Gunpoint Taxman (3/3 +1)

Scavenger - Skeleton Javelineer (1/1) w/ rune

In Play:

L5 Garth (2/3)
L6 Zane (4/1)
Twilight Baron (4/2)

and various buildings

That’s a good turn