[Tournament] Counterpick Cake - Signups Open! - Starts May 31

@vengefulpickle I think I’d like to change my backup character to Setsuki.

I think I’ll also swap my backup character (after that IYL set lol, not sure what I expected the Sets-Lum MU to be like), to Gloria

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After that set, i will consider to change my Set CP from Grave to Lum :smiley: That second game I was too greedy, and you did great job with big combos, but overall I felt far less pressure playing Lum over other characters. :smirk:

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Yeah, I found it hard to have 10* up at the key moments, and I’m not sure whether that was actually bad luck or normal for the MU. Lum’s J is a really important tool and 6 throw is… annoying.

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@mastrblastr, you owe me a main and an alternate.

@MysticDeadman, you owe me an alternate.

Here’s the bracket. Expect matchup threads shortly.


Sorry, been busy this week. Alternate will be :gloria:

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midori, backup gloria

so many backup glorias!

She doesn’t get enough representation. At least I’m being thematic about it.

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Request to @vengefulpickle: can you include the characters being played in the matchup conversations?

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Yes, will do.

EDIT: Done, for any future MU convos that get posted.

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Just as an fyi, since these matches are basically taking place with custom characters, I’ll be flagging all of the characters used with an F (ex. FGrave, FMidori, etc.). I think it’s the best solution to the problem that doesn’t require me to add another column to the spreadsheet, maintains the overall people-level data, and also doesn’t skew the MU data for the standard characters.


Quick match report for me vs vengefulpickle

(w) Ven vs Gloria-10
Gloria-5 vs Ven (w)
Gloria-5 vs Ven (w)
(w) Gloria vs Ven
(w) Ven vs Gloria-5

Detailed report to come later


Press F to pay respects to nerfed characters.


Is there a reason you used “F” in particular?

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Caralad vs @MysticDeadman

:troq: :pschip: :psfist: :gwen: - Troq has 10 hp loss
:gwen: :psfist: :pschip: :troq: - Troq has 7 hp loss
:troq: :pschip: :psfist: :gwen: - Troq has 5 hp loss
:troq: :psfist: :pschip: :gwen: - Troq has 5 hp loss
:troq: :alarm_clock: :pschip: :gwen: - No handicap timeout victory



Thematically, because they’re fat-free fakes.
Practically, the F key is on your left index finger, so it’s probably just for convenience.

Those are my guesses, anyway.

GGs Caralad. I lost track of the deck in the last game, so I was super confused when he GGed after a combo that he blue bursted to stay alive. Then I looked at the whole board and I was like, “OH CRAP THE DECK NOOOOOOOO!”


My “I’m a genius” answer is because none of the cast start with F, so it doesn’t risk messing up the autocomplete for normal games. The actual real answer is that I cook with a lot of soy-based simulated ground beef, and I’ve always abbreviated it to fmeat (for fake meat). So FGrave is just Fake Grave.