Rules Questions thread

Just keep in mind that Ephemeral actually means “dies at the end of every turn” so a Soul Stone would only prevent the first death.


Time to get Blood/Demonology/Past up in this business so you can use a Soul Stone and Second Chances to keep an ephemeral unit in play for some ungodly reason. I suppose you really only need Second Chances. The Soul Stone is just because it’s funnier and also more horrifying.


This one’s a bit dumb and it looks like a bug. I’ve exhausted all other ruling sources. I think.

Alice, Bob and Eve are playing FFA.

Alice has Quince in play. Eve has Vandy in play.

It’s Bob’s turn and Bob attacks and kills Vandy with his Bloodrage Ogre. But Bob has no hero in play.

RAW at Rulebook page 21 suggest:

Whenever a hero dies, one (in-play) opposing hero levels up twice for free. The active player chooses which hero if there are multiple opposing heroes, and they can only choose a hero that actually can level up

So Bob, following this, is obliged to let Alice’s Quince get 2 free levels.

That just does not feel right.

That’s absolutely fair and your Magistrate approves this. Move along, good citizen. :chibiquince:


Another FFA question, that came up in a meatspace game a short while ago:

Player A has a Jail.
Player B has played Bamstamper Lizzo, which got sent to Jail.
Now Player C plays a unit, which also gets sent to Jail, freeing B’s Bamstamper Lizzo. Does Lizzo’s Arrive ability trigger? If so, who chooses what it targets?

Going by the rulings on Geiger, Garth, etc. maxbanding off-turn, we decided that Lizzo’s ability wouldn’t target, but I just want to make sure.

Lizzo’s ability fizzles.
Rulebook page 18

In the unusual event that an effect specifically asks an opponent to make a decision on your turn, instead nothing happens.


This is 100% the intended result. Quince would gain 2 free levels from Bob’s actions. In fact, Quince could receive the levels even if Bob has a hero out, if you didn’t want to maxband zane or garth or geiger or something yet for some reason…

Bamstamper Lizzo definitely fizzles.

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2 questions regarding summoning heroes;

  1. Lets say one of my heroes die on my 5:th turn (when I attack). Can I summon that hero on my 6:th turn?
  2. If my hero dies on my opponents turn. Can I summon that hero on my next turn?

No to both. “You can’t re-summon it until after your next turn.” p. 3


Ok thanks!

I think I’ve got this one, but I want to be 100% sure.

There IS a trigger resolution window between Swift Strike damage and normal combat damage, right?

The example provided was a Swift Strike 1/1 Frog attacking a 4/4 Twilight Baron, while attacker has a 4/5 charged Might of Leaf and Claw on his side.

I think the result of the combat is going to be 6/6 Frog with 4 damage and 4/4 Twilight Baron with 1 damage.

Is that correct?

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Pretty sure it would be a 6/2 frog.


@Metalize This is all correct.


Next question on the heels of the previous one.

Green has Might of Leaf and Claw with 4/5 runes in play
Green’s 1/1 Frog attacks Black’s Twilight Baron

Green sees 2 triggers from combat damage happening — Frog’s death and MoLaC rune gain.

Green, as an active player, opts to resolve MoLaC first. MoLaC’s ability is static, so Frog becomes a 6/6.

Now, Frog is a 6/6 with 4 damage, so, TECHNICALLY, it should not be dead to damage, but, because “Frog’s death” trigger is already in the queue, it still resolves and Frog still dies.

Is this correct?

Per my understanding, checking to see if creatures die from combat damage or runes isn’t something that “goes on the stack” to borrow MtG terminology. If a unit or hero or building takes lethal damage, it’s immediately dead right then and there before any other things trigger. See the order of operations conversation earlier in this thread around Earthquake for an example.


The specific key word you can look for is “state based actions.” A good rule of thumb for “what is a state based action” is “something you do because the rules of the game tell you to do it.” For example: units and buildings that take damage equal to or greater than their HP die and go to the discard, or tokens that go to the discard pile or a players hand are immediately removed from play, or when a tech building or add-on dies, your base takes 2 damage.

These types of actions happen immediately and do not enter a “triggered abilities” queue. Only effects written on cards or on the patrol slots are subject to the triggered abilities timing rules.

The 2nd post of this thread contains a couple of examples of how triggered ability timing works. You can also look through the thread for the keywords “bugblatter”, “earthquake”, “shadow blade”, and “gunpoint” for other situations that have been discussed in the past.


Thank you very much.

I somehow even failed to realize that a classic Bugblatter example functions very differently if death goes into queue.

I like that rule of thumb of yours.

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Similarly, you can’t do this:

L1 2/3 River attacks a L1 2/2 Zane with Tower
River kills Zane but takes 3 damage
River levels up twice from the kill, gets midband, heals, survives

Same idea, more common situation.


If the opponent’s Rook is maxbanded and has a crumbling rune, does he die if I cast Free Speech?

I would assume not, since the Two Lives ability is the only thing that gives the crumbling rune meaning—remove the ability and it’s just there for looks.

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That’s kinda what I was thinking too, but I figured I may as well ask. Thanks!

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