Things would have played out quite differently if that had been Kidnapping… For starters, I wouldn’t have just won the game.
Player 1 Turn 8
Tech, Starting Hand, and Workers
Shoddy Glider
Shoddy Glider
Bloodrage Ogre
Chaos Mirror
Captured Bugblatter (Draw from Gorgon)
Careless Musketeer
Nautical Dog
Mad Man
[details=Next Hand]Captured Bugblatter
Flame Arrow
Bloodrage Ogre
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($11)
Drakk casts Kidnapping on Gorgon - ($7)
Gorgon trades with Abomination, I draw a card
Zane trades with Grave, Drakk reaches max level for free
Recruit Captured Bugblatter and give it haste from Drakk’s maxband - ($4)
Recruit Crashbarrow - ($1)
Crashbarrow does 7 damage to your base (9 HP remains) and takes 1 damage from Tower
Bugblatter does 5 to your base (4 HP remains) and takes 1 damage from Tower
Drakk does 3 to your base (1 HP remains) and takes 1 damage from Tower
Crashbarrow dies from ephemeral
Bugblatter’s ability does 1 damage to your base (0 HP remains)
Good game, @lettucemode!
Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 1
[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]
- [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
- [I]Elite[/I]:
- [I]Scavenger[/I]:
- [I]Technician[/I]:
[B]In Play:[/B] - Captured Bugblatter (4/1)
- Drakk Ramhorn Lv. 6 (3/3)
[B]Buildings:[/B] - Base HP: 20
- Tech I HP: 5
- Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
- Heroes’ Hall HP: 4
[B]Economy Info:[/B]
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 10
- Disc: 0
[B]Gold:[/B] - Gold: 1
- Workers: 11
Welp, that all lined up perfectly. I guess I had even better luck with that draw than he did with the Thieving Imp discard! Hasted Bugblatter + Crashbarrow is scary, especially when the opponent’s patrol just got wiped. Ironically, it would have been better for him to put Gorgon in Lookout in this case. Not that it would have mattered, since I had 1 gold left at the end of this play, but that’s the one I ended up wanting to steal! Still, that was a well played game on his part. I didn’t see any glaring mistakes anywhere in his play, so I’m especially happy I was able to win a real match!
@EricF, I did it! I figured out how not to lose!
I wonder what it says that I’ve only won with Red when playing online…