Casual: Marto (monopurple) vs. EricF ([Balance/Feral]/Present)


[details=Hand]Seer, Time Spiral, Rememberer, T Research (W), Battle suits from techn
Tech Ebbflow Archon, Seer

Draw KotC, Time Spiral[/details]

Draw from techn
Collect 9 gold + scav + float (12)
KotC lose a rune, one arrives
Worker (11)
Tech III (6)
Rememberer (1)
Tinkerer removes one rune from Rememberer, bringing back the other Rememberer
Seer on Rememberer #2, bringing back Shimmer Ray (0)

discard 2, draw 2, rs, draw 2

Leader: Shimmer Ray 3/4+1 [2]
Scavenger: Seer 2/1
Technician: Knight of the Conclave 4/4

Buildings: Tech I 5hp, Tech II 5hp, Tech III 5hp
Units/Heroes: Tinkerer 1/2, Rememberer 3/3 [2], Rememberer 3/3 [2]
Base: 20
Other: Knight of the Conclave [1]

Workers: 10
Spare gold: 0
Hand: 4
Deck: 3
Discard: 0


Plasmodium, Second Chances, Ebbflow Archon, Seer

P2, turn 6
10 gold (10)
Rampant Growth on Dragon (8)
Dragon kills Shimmer Ray
Geiger (6)
Temporal Distortion (4), return Dragon, bring in Potent Basilisk
Max Midori (1)

Tiger Cub (3/1)
L5 Midori (3/1)
Faerie Dragon (4/2)

Base - 20
Tech I - 5
Tech II Balance - 5
Tower - 4

10 workers, 0 gold
Hand; 4
Deck: 2
Discard: 7

… nevermind. It looks like this plan doesn’t actually work, since it can neither preempt a Tech III nor go over the top of one.

Yep, I bring an Archon from discard, build Second Chances and clear off your board, KotC and Seer trade with Basilisk, I break Tech II and it’s pretty much done.

I suspect you have some work to do for RACE, but when things slow down, I’m open for another series :slight_smile: