[CAMS19 Round4] FrozenStorm [Past/Future]/Finesse vs charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength

did not rs, sorry for that copypasta error. They are both in discard (one you killed last turn after the rs, the other just killed Drakk)

Thanks, feel a bit better about going for Tech II over Tech I in that caseā€¦


Starting hand: 4

Tiger Cub
Shoddy Glider
Spore Shambler


I can boost the Crashbarrow with Spore Shambler runes to wipe FrozenStormā€™s board and destroy a Tech II building. Tech I is the main focus against Finesse, but Fencers are in discard so I donā€™t need to worry about hasted Fencers and Starlets. Iā€™m also worried about Blademasters turning up, because I donā€™t have ways to easily deal with them, so stopping him from teching up seems good here. Anything else Iā€™m worried about seeing? I donā€™t think so, but Iā€™ll bring in a Birdā€™s Nest in case of surprise Cloud Sprites, and to benefit from Drakkā€™s frenzy.

ā€¦ Hah, what a weird next hand. Guess I can spam the spells if Rook gets bounced, if Iā€™ve got money to spare I can psyche him out with a Tech III. Maybe I shouldā€™ve teched an Oathkeeper, heā€™d be great against Blademaster.

Teched cards: 1

T2: Bloodlust, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Crash Bomber, Kidnapping
T4: Crashbarrow, Shoddy Glider
T5: Crashbarrow, Momentā€™s Peace
T7: Birdā€™s Nest

Get paid + float - ($11)
Shoddy Glider - ($10)
Crashbarrow - ($7)
Spore Shambler - ($4)
Spore Shamber gives two runes to Crashbarrow - ($2)
Shoddy Glider kills Vir, you draw, Rook hits level 5 (midband)
Crashbarrow kills Maestro, overpowers into your Tech II for 2, takes 3 damage
Rook destroys your Tech II, your base to 15
Shoddy Glider crashes into Crashbarrow, wreckage flies everywhere
Discard 1, reshuffle, draw 3

:exhaust: Technician: Spore Shambler 0/1

Rook L5 3/5 (ignores lone patrollers)

Rich Earth (workers cost no gold)

:heart: Base HP: 18
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 3

Crash Bomber
Momentā€™s Peace

Deck: 7

Tiny Basilisk
Young Treant
Rampant Growth
Tiger Cub
Birdā€™s Nest

Discard: 2

Shoddy Glider

Card count check (opponent-viewable)

5 workered
2 on board
3 in hand
7 in deck
2 in discard
Total: 19
Expected: 10 + 9 teched = 19 :white_check_mark:

Gold: 2

Workers: 10

5 x start
Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree
Ironbark Treant
Forestā€™s Favor
Playful Panda

Do note that if your units die to Ephemeral, that happens after discard/draw step.


Whoops, Iā€™ve moved the wreckage to discard.

CAMS19 Round 4, Player 1, Turn 8

P1 [Past/Future]/Finesse vs P2 [Demon/Necro]/Finesse

Starting Hand

Star-crossed Starlet
Temporal Research
Fading Argonaut (techn)
Neo Plexus + Discord (TR)

Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (10+1float)
  • Draw 1 techn
  • Tech 1 cards in
All Teched Cards

Star-Crossed Starlet
Maestro, Origin Story
Maestro, Blademaster
Seer, Star-Crossed Starlet
Nimble Fencer, Discord
Nimble Fencer, Seer
Stewardess of the Undone, Two Step


  • Prynn (9)
  • Temporal Research, draw 2 (7)
  • Neo Plexus (5)
  • Fading Argonaut (3)
  • Seer, one rune to Prynn (2)
  • Worker (1)

Discord, Seer, Two Step, Tinkerer, Plasmodium, Forgotten Fighter, Time Spiral

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 1 Draw 1 rs Draw 2
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

Board Info:


  • :heart: Base HP: 15
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 FINESSE
  • Heroā€™s Hall HP: 4

In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Fading Argonaut (3/3+1armor fade 3)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Neo Plexus (3/2)
  • :exhaust: Technician: Seer (3/1)
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Prynn (1/3 lvl 1 fade 5)
  • Battle Suits

Economy Info:


  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 8
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 11

End of Turn Hand

Stewardess of the Undone
Temporal Research
Origin Story

End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts

Teching the other starlet, no Blademaster this time. Guide may be a good choice, as may Lizard, but tbh I just need to shut down that tech 2 of his so the better my draw odds for that, the better off Iā€™ll be
Hmm, would have liked to draw Stewardess but Fargo and Plexus will do. Gonna not lay Starlet as Iā€™d rather have her in the RS
Letā€™s pray Prynn doesnā€™t die, this is a wonderful prynn hand

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I count 21 cards before teching 2 cards and 22 after, including workered cards, am I missing something? EDIT: Ah, you had 19 cards the turn before, so I guess Mox got left in and taken out later? EDIT2: No, because the Mox trash made the card count odd. So a cardā€™s missing on the current turn, I think.

I did not tech 2 cards, sorry, just 1. Card count is correct I double checked that part this time lol, forgot tech area

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Starting hand: 3

Crash Bomber
Momentā€™s Peace


Hmm, I donā€™t think I dare stall with Momentā€™s Peace: Guides could make a board like that get nasty quickly, and I want to keep the pressure on to discourage going for Blademasters. So Drakk gets to wipe the board again. Do I want to worker the Momentā€™s Peace to keep up with FrozenStormā€™s worker count? I think Iā€™d rather keep my hand size up for now, Iā€™m going to need it next turn. Putting the Prynn-kill levels on Drakk so he has 5 health in SQL, and canā€™t be killed by twin Fencers or a Guided Fencer.

ā€¦ Looks like a tech-up hand next turn for me.

Teched cards: 0

T2: Bloodlust, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Crash Bomber, Kidnapping
T4: Crashbarrow, Shoddy Glider
T5: Crashbarrow, Momentā€™s Peace
T7: Birdā€™s Nest

Get paid + float - ($12)
Drakk Ramhorn - ($10)
Midband Drakk - ($7)
Crash Bomber - ($6)
Bloodlust on Crash Bomber and Spore Shambler - ($4)
Crash Bomber trades with Fading Argonaut and Seer, you draw
Spore Shambler trades with Neo Plexus, you get a gold
Rook kills Prynn, takes 1 damage, Drakk hits level 6 (maxband)
Discard 1, draw 3

:psblueshield: Squad Leader: Drakk L6 3/4+1A (1 to your base on death, units get frenzy 1, first unit from hand gets haste)

Rook L5 3/4 (ignores lone patrollers, 1 damage)

Rich Earth (workers cost no gold)

:heart: Base HP: 18
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 3

Tiger Cub
Birdā€™s Nest

Deck: 4

Tiny Basilisk
Young Treant
Rampant Growth

Discard: 6

Shoddy Glider
Crash Bomber
Spore Shambler
Momentā€™s Peace

Card count check (opponent-viewable)

5 workered
1 on board
3 in hand
4 in deck
6 in discard
Total: 19
Expected: 10 + 9 teched = 19 :white_check_mark:

Gold: 4

Workers: 10

5 x start
Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree
Ironbark Treant
Forestā€™s Favor
Playful Panda

CAMS19 Round 4, Player 1, Turn 9

P1 [Past/Future]/Finesse vs P2 [Demon/Necro]/Finesse

Starting Hand

Stewardess of the Undone
Temporal Research
Origin Story
Nullcraft (techn)
Nimble Fencer (topdeck, TR)
Starlet (topdeck)

Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (11+1float+1scav)
  • Draw 1 techn
  • no techs
All Teched Cards

Star-Crossed Starlet
Maestro, Origin Story
Maestro, Blademaster
Seer, Star-Crossed Starlet
Nimble Fencer, Discord
Nimble Fencer, Seer
Stewardess of the Undone, Two Step


  • Vir (11)
  • TR, draw 1 (9)
  • Nimble Fencer (7)
  • Swap topdeck (6)
  • Star-Crossed Starlet (4)
  • Starlet and Fencer kill Drakk, Vir to level 3, my base to 14
  • Maxband Vir, mech forecasted (0)

Discord, Seer, Two Step, Tinkerer, Plasmodium, Forgotten Fighter, Time Spiral

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 4
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

Board Info:


  • :heart: Base HP: 14
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 FINESSE
  • Heroā€™s Hall HP: 4

In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Vir (3/5+1armor lvl 7)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Mech (forecast 2)
  • Battle Suits

Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 2
  • Disc: 8


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 11

End of Turn Hand

Origin Story
Star-Crossed Starlet

End of Turn Discard

Temporal Research
Neo Plexus
Fading Argonaut
Nimble Fencer
Star-Crossed Starlet
Stewardess of the Undone

My Thoughts

Bummmmmerrrr. Not teching anything yet, put am going vir and peeking. Could use a Maestro to block and want to swap the OS to next hand. Letā€™s hope not Blademaster so I can tech up also and threaten that.
Fencer, hmm. That might be worth TR-ing for. 66% for either a Starlet or Maestro, would be nice to put down also
Starlet. Okay, letā€™s kill Drakk and maxband Vir, and hope we get that Mech in time to make a difference

Well, Drakkā€™s no fun, he fell right over.


Starting hand: 3

Tiger Cub
Birdā€™s Nest


Mechā€™s untargetable, good call by Frozen. Going to struggle to deny his tech buildings after a hand like this, maybe itā€™s time to go for base? Letā€™s see what the Commander can do. Iā€™ll tech in the other one next turn, maybe a Bugblatter or a Colossus too.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bloodlust, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Crash Bomber, Kidnapping
T4: Crashbarrow, Shoddy Glider
T5: Crashbarrow, Momentā€™s Peace
T7: Birdā€™s Nest
T8: Bloodlust, Pirate-Gang Commander

Get paid + float - ($14)
Birdā€™s Nest, Birds arrive - ($12)
Maxband Rook - ($9)
Rook walks past Vir and hits your base to 10
Tiger Cub - ($7)
Master Midori - ($5)
Tech III - ($0)
Discard 1, draw 3

:psblueshield: Squad Leader: Tiger Cub 2/2+1A
:psfist: Elite: Bird #1 1+1/1 (flying)
:ps_: Scavenger: Bird #2 1/1 (flying)
:exhaust: Technician: Midori L1 2/3

Rook L8 4/6 (ignores lone patrollers, two lives)

Birdā€™s Nest (respawns Birds at upkeep, channelled by Rook)
Rich Earth (workers cost no gold)

:heart: Base HP: 18
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tech III HP: 5
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 3

Rampant Growth
Tiny Basilisk

Deck: 1

Young Treant

Discard: 9

Shoddy Glider
Crash Bomber
Spore Shambler
Momentā€™s Peace
Pirate-Gang Commander

Card count check (opponent-viewable)

5 workered
3 on board
3 in hand
1 in deck
9 in discard
Total: 21
Expected: 10 + 11 teched = :white_check_mark:

Gold: 0

Workers: 10

5 x start
Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree
Ironbark Treant
Forestā€™s Favor
Playful Panda

Looking very badā€¦

CAMS19 Round 4, Player 1, Turn 10

P1 [Past/Future]/Finesse vs P2 [Demon/Necro]/Finesse

Starting Hand

Origin Story
Star-Crossed Starlet
Blademaster (topdeck, phooey)

Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (11)
  • Tech 2 cards in
All Teched Cards

Blademaster, Cloud Sprite
Star-Crossed Starlet
Maestro, Origin Story
Maestro, Blademaster
Seer, Star-Crossed Starlet
Nimble Fencer, Discord
Nimble Fencer, Seer
Stewardess of the Undone, Two Step


  • Prynn (9)
  • Origin Story Midori away (6)
  • Tech3 (1)

Discord, Seer, Two Step, Tinkerer, Plasmodium, Forgotten Fighter, Time Spiral

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 3 Draw 2 rs Draw 3
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

Board Info:


  • :heart: Base HP: 10
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 FINESSE
  • Tech3 HP: 5
  • Heroā€™s Hall HP: 4

In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Vir (3/5+1armor lvl 7)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician: Prynn (1/3 lvl 1 fade 4)
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Mech (forecast 1)
  • Battle Suits

Economy Info:


  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 10
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 11

End of Turn Hand

Nimble Fencer
Neo Plexus
Nimble Fencer
Stewardess of the Undone

End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts

Okay birds + Midori could be 8 w/ Midband Drakk, combine that with like Bloodlust or Glider or Rampant and Iā€™m dead. So I think I need to OS midori, despite Rook being the prime target for itā€¦

shit shit shit can I edit? I didnā€™t count midori for lethal well, I should OS him instead

Heh. Go ahead.

Okay, done. I forgot to edit my deck state anyway. Probably isnā€™t gonna matter, is it? Oh well, a guy can dreamā€¦

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Given my current hand, I think you actually sped things up by hitting Midori instead of Rook, I was going to be 2 damage short. But I was bringing in Commanders and Bugblatters next, so it probably wouldnā€™t have mattered. Well played, my friend.


Starting hand: 3

Rampant Growth
Tiny Basilisk


OK, 9 health on defence and a 10 HP base. I have 8 damage on the board, Crashbarrow for another 6, 5 to go with $7. Midband Drakk gets me up to 4 more for $5, or $3 with the Vir kill. That leaves $4 to bring in Midori for a Rampant Growth, so I can afford to waste 1 damage. Non-frenzied Crashbarrow killing Vir is the no-brainer wasteage. Bonk.

Teched cards: 0

T2: Bloodlust, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Crash Bomber, Kidnapping
T4: Crashbarrow, Shoddy Glider
T5: Crashbarrow, Momentā€™s Peace
T7: Birdā€™s Nest
T8: Bloodlust, Pirate-Gang Commander

Get paid - ($10)
Drakk Ramhorn - ($8)
Master Midori - ($6)
Crashbarrow - ($3)
Rampant Growth on Rook - ($1)
Crashbarrow trades with Vir, Drakk hits level 3
Midband Drakk - ($0)
Tiger Cub kills Prynn, you draw, takes 1 damage
Rampant Rook (6) and frenzied Birds (4) destroy your base, GG!

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GG WP! Seems we both missed some draws, and I just generally didnā€™t tech great I think (too much hope Iā€™d smash with Two Step early

GL in the rest of the tourney! Seems Iā€™ll need to stick to OP decks to find tourney success

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Thanks! You played a good game, donā€™t knock yourself. For what itā€™s worth, I think hitting Midori with Origin Story was the right call, from your perspective. Mech and Blademaster would have been very scary for me if theyā€™d arrived a bit earlier.

Fighting Finesse is scary enough without Prynn around. Early game was weird, I think of Rich Earth and Tiny Basilisk as terrible cards to open with, but the latter seems decent when expecting River spells and/or Fencers.

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