Black vs Blue: FrozenStorm & EricF experiment

What if way back on p2t1 blue opened with Bluecoat Musketeer and General Onimaru?

Having a hero on P2T1 is a very risky play, especially against decks that can easily kill units.

If P1T2 includes “kill hero and yours lives” that’s an incredible advantage.

I don’t think that most P2T1s should include “Cast Hero”. That’s a really fast way to lose the game.

That strongly depends on the matchup. This matchup it is probably true, though.


Feel free to investigate this line - the experiment here was to have player 2 do “nothing” until turn 3, and see if that could work.

Bluecoat doesn’t die to deteriorate and there’s only a 50% chance he’s packing sacrifice the weak on t2. So maybe worth it?

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Codex decks and strategies are really hard to evaluate (for me!), because regardless of what build you have in mind, half the games come down to the coin toss of “Have you drawn your combat trick (rampant growth/charge/deteriorate/sacrifice,etc), this turn?”, in the early game.

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Well, most Codex matchups aren’t as cutthroat as the Blue-Black one. Successfully drawing a combat trick may give one a better board early-game, but most of the time that doesn’t dictate the result of a game nearly as much as proper play by both players during the first few turns and in the follow-up. An example of such play would be to play around the aforementioned combat tricks so they don’t swing the advantage as much in your opponent’s favor. Part of the reason the Blue-Black matchup is so difficult in the first place is Black’s versatile and oppressive early game options coupled with Blue’s extreme lack of proactivity.