Tiger Magus
80 HP
4 cp
Atk. X.8
throw x.8 KD 4 dmg 2cp
Tiger Companion
When the Tiger Companion is active, you play 2 combat cards. Upon reveal, you designate a combat card to each. You deal damage and apply combo points from whichever combat cards beats the opponent’s and are hit if their combat reveal beats yours. You don’t draw while Tiger Companion is active.
2 b/d
Tiger Summon
ongoing: Tiger Companion is active. The Tiger Companion leaves if Calamandra or the Tiger are hit by an attack or throw
3 a/d
4 a/d
5 a/b
6 a/b
7 a/t
8 t/b
9 t/b
10 t/d
Ferocity: you may Discard a card to rotate 180 degrees if the Tiger Companion is not active.
J savage strike 2.8 spd atk 1cp ender. 7(3) damage
Q Tiger Undercut 1.2 spd atk 3cp ender. 9(2) damage
K Axe Kick 4.0 spd atk 2cp starter 5(1) damage
Behind the Ferns
Draw Phase: your opponent’s attacks are enders this turn
A Call of the Wild 1.0 spd atk can’t combo 10(1)
AAA Murkwood Allies 5.0 spd atk 0cp linker 9 damage
Don’t have time to form an opinion on this yet, but for consistency with things like Dragon Form the conditions for your Tiger Companion leaving should be on the ongoing card rather than in the character innate.
Hmm! I have complicated thoughts on this because my first thought was “Patriot Mirror at will? Busted!” But the damage seems fairly controlled here–and there’s still a cost. That said, the design space of “Calamandra vs. Tiger cards” is something I’d like to see played with more, like what if there were attacks that had different payoffs for Tiger and Calamandra, or basically something to make the decision of what to attach to which character more impactful.
I could even see this getting baked into the base character ability, like if Calamandra is the only one who can combo, but Tiger being hit by something removes Tiger Companion.
I actually have a number of questions about how the Companion ability works; if your opponent plays an attack and Tiger blocks, do you draw? Can you build combos off of both of them, theoretically? More importantly, can you combo off of either one of them? If you block and attack, and your opponent outspeeds your attack, does that count as your opponent winning combat? Do they get to combo, then? If you can start two combos, does your opponent get to facedown against both?
(Also I have a miscellaneous issue with Murkwood Allies in that I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be doing. You’re spending 3 Aces for 9 damage, and the only real other benefit is that you can use it with Tiger up to start a second combo, potentially comboing two cards on Tiger and two on Cal, I guess.)
With it as written, if Cal blocks and the tiger attacks, a faster attack will be blocked by Cal but hit the tiger. You don’t draw from blocking because the tiger was active at the time of the block, since both happened simultaneously. When I said Tiger prevents draws, I meant ALL draws.
Murkwood Allies is basically just supposed to be a really good combo extender