[XCAFS24] Round5: P1 thehug0naut vs P2 Unity

What do you think you would have done if I had patrolled Vandy in SQL?

I put “readily” in my action to remind me to patrol her to specifically avoid Nullcraft + Geiger Maxband but I still forgot. I’m blaming the 3 hours of sleep I had that day :joy:

There is not much I could have done.
But it’s a pity that I missed the Mimic, it would have been a nice line. I was so scared of Kidnapping that I just looked at the untargetable trait of the Basilisk. And I thought that Kidnapping and Surprise attack are the biggest threats, but for some reason I didn’t expect that you have both. And finally, in all honesty: the previous games of this tournament damped my courage a little bit. Time to lick my wounds and come back stronger :upside_down_face: :wink:

Regardless, you played a good game (except for the Vandy hickup :laughing:).