[XCAFS23] Round4 part1: P1 thehug0naut [Feral]/Present/Discipline vs P2 charnel_mouse [Balance]/Blood/Strength

@charnel_mouse time for a little green on green action! GLHF

Relevant Changes
Bird’s Nest Change Upkeep to “Resummon one lost bird (max: 2)”


StartingHand Workers


Young Treant
Rich Earth → Worker
Spore Shambler
Verdant Tree
Merfolk Prospector


Rich Earth


Playful Panda
Rampant Growth
Forest’s Favor
Tiger Cub
Ironbark Treant


Verdant Tree
Young Treant
Spore Shambler

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Prospector - ($2)
Calamandra - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Calamandra Moss 2/3
  • Merfolk Prospector 1/1


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 3


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 5

As P2 this tournament he’s played Ironbark + Prospector, Rook + Cub and Rook + Panda once each.

Rampant Growth + Cal Stealth does give me a way to murder Rook on his backline, but at the expense of dropping to 3 cards unless I get a technician bonus.

The main thing for patrolling to keep in mind Rook midband so I don’t get surprise counter punched.

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@charnel_mouse friendly poke!

Go Green!

EDIT: fixed my starting hand to reflect what happens in the rest of the turn, I forgot to update it properly.



Rampant Growth is a distinct possibility here, so bringing out a hero is asking for trouble.

I haven’t been reading other matches, but looking at thehug0naut’s deck I can probably expect Present II, accompanied by a lot of aggressive heroes. Maybe Discipline II for Training Grounds, actually. Either way, there isn’t much (anti-air) game, at least not that people usually tech: Sentry is unlikely, Huntresses are good, and after that it’s Dragons.

I think Balance II should be OK here: Potent Basilisk has enough HP to stand up to anything that isn’t a TG-ed hero or a Vigour Adept. Unless Ferocity comes out, of course. Actually, I don’t have much in the way of crowd control, so Murkwood Allies could also be a massive problem. Maybe I go with Blood for Bugblatters, then, they can be helpful against Immortals too.

Starting hand: 5

Merfolk Prospector
Young Treant
Ironbark Treant
Forest’s Favour
Rich Earth

Get paid - (5)
Worker - (4)
Ironbark Treant - (1)
Merfolk Prospector - (0)
Discard 2, draw 4

:exhaust: Ironbark Treant 1/2+2A (patrolling: -2/+2A)

Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (exhaust: +1g)

:heart: Base HP: 20

Hand: 4

Playful Panda
Tiger Cub
Spore Shambler
Rampant Growth

Deck: 1

Verdant Tree

Discard: 2

Young Treant
Forest’s Favour

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10
2 on board
4 in hand
1 in deck
2 in discard
1 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 5

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth


Tech StartingHand Workers


Sparring Partner (Cheap)
Huntress (Cheap and anti-bird)


Ironbark Treant → Worker
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth
Playful Panda
Forest’s Favor


Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant


Playful Panda
Young Treant
Sparring Partner
Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Expensive Tech I - ($2)
Rampant Growth Calamandra, safely kills Ironbark, you draw - ($0)
Prospectors trade

Float ($0)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Calamandra Moss 2/3


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 6

So no Rook but Ironbark in Technician and Prospector in backline. Obvious line for me here is to Tech up, Rampant Growth Cal to clear Ironbark and then trade Prospectors to deny him additional gold advantage. That’s a 4g board cleared for 3g and it keeps Cal at full health. I’m assuming he’s playing for a sudden swing with Drakk+Bloodlust on T3/4 so I’ll need to make sure I build a good board next turn. Workering Ironbark seems sensible, I’m more likely to want a number of cheaper bodies over one large one.


Starting hand: 4

Playful Panda
Tiger Cub
Spore Shambler
Rampant Growth

Technician draw: 1

Verdant Tree


Fine to take the -1g/+1c trade on Treant and Rampant Growth, there.

Unlike the CAMS22 game against Dreamfire, Calamandra makes taking Thunderclap to get through weenies an expensive proposition, so I’ll begin by taking a Tiny Basilisk instead.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Tiny Basilisk

Get paid - (6)
Worker - (5)
Expensive Tech I - (3)
Spore Shambler - (0)
Discard 3, reshuffle 9, draw 5

:psblueshield: Spore Shambler 2/3+1A (++; exhaust or 1g: pass a + rune to target unit)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5

Hand: 5

Young Treant
Merfolk Prospector
Ironbark Treant
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth

Deck: 4

Forest’s Favour
Bird’s Nest
Tiny Basilisk
Playful Panda

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 2 teched = 12
1 on board
5 in hand
4 in deck
0 in discard
2 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 7

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Verdant Tree


Tech StartingHand Workers


Ferocity (A good anti Blood spell)
Immortal (A good anti-blood unit and I’m not so worried about Vines when it’s my plan to TD them anyway)


Young Treant → Rampant Growth
Sparring Partner
Playful Panda → Worker
Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree


Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda


Tiger Cub
Spore Shambler
Forest’s Favor


Rampant Growth
Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Young Treant, draw - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Rampant Growth Calamandra, safely kills Shambler - ($1)
Sparring Partner - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Young Treant 0/2A [Can’t Attack]
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Sparring Partner 2/2
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Calamandra Moss 2/3


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 5


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 7

Shambler is actually quite dangerous with Drakk. Unfortunately with my draw I don’t have good options to clear it. I definitely need to have at least one Tech I patroller to account for Tiny B with Bloodlust so I probably want Spartner behind another patroller. Looks like the best I can do while maintaining handsize is YT+Spartner, though depending what I draw I’ll either hit back or or play another unit

Well Rampant Growth will do! Now I can clear the 3g Shambler for a bargain 2g and still patrol two units. I’m not even that bothered about dropping cards as it lets me set up my deck better for my next cycle.

Damn, two Growths in a row.


Starting hand: 5

Young Treant
Merfolk Prospector
Ironbark Treant
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth


Not a great hand, I think I try for a good Young Treant draw here. Going for Tech II would leave me too far behind on board.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Captured Bugblatter, Land Octopus

Get paid - (7)

Young Treant, draw 1 - (5)

Playful Panda


Not great, but I can at least use it to build up a board behind the Young Treant. There can’t be too much aggression after those two Rampant Growths and going down a card, right? Right? Still not risking playing Rook early.

Playful Panda, Wisp arrives - (3)
Worker - (2)
Merfolk Prospector - (1)
Floating 1
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle 5, draw 1

:psblueshield: Young Treant 0/2+1A (can’t attack)
:ps_: Wisp 0/1
:exhaust: Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (exhaust: +1g)

Playful Panda 2/2

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5

Hand: 4

Forest’s Favour
Bird’s Nest
Tiny Basilisk
Captured Bugblatter

Deck: 4

Spore Shambler
Land Octopus
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 4 teched = 14
3 on board
4 in hand
4 in deck
0 in discard
3 in workers

Gold: 1
Workers: 8

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Verdant Tree
T3: Ironbark Treant

Merry Christmas @charnel_mouse


Tech StartingHand Workers


Tricycloid (Get my board neutralisers in play)
Hyperion (Ditto)


Spore Shambler
Tiger Cub
Forest’s Favor → Worker (Keeping my unit balance high)


Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Forest’s Favor


Merfolk Prospector
Tiger Cub

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Tech II Present - ($2)
Spar with Calamandra
Calamandra kills Treant
Huntress - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Young Treant 0/2A [Can’t Attack]
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Huntress 3/3 [Sparkshot, Anti-Air]
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • L1 Calamandra Moss 3/4 [+]
  • Sparring Partner 2/2


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Present)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

Take a tech lead, build board and start clearing his. Calamandra, my board and Present Tech II to contend with.

@charnel_mouse friendly poke

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All the best for the upcoming new year. Also I’d like to place a friendly reminder that the current round is already 17 days old and you’re kind of way behind schedule. I hope you’ll be able to speed it up in the next days.

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And to you! Sorry, I’ll try to speed up now.


Starting hand: 4

Forest’s Favour
Bird’s Nest
Tiny Basilisk
Captured Bugblatter


Either I bring out Bird’s Nest and tech up, or I bring out Drakk now, and kill Calamandra with the Tiny Basilisk. Ferocity is a scary threat, but I also don’t want to be dealing with Immortals at Tech I. Bah, I think I just need to thin down that opposing board right now, or I’m going to be seriously behind.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Captured Bugblatter, Land Octopus
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Kidnapping

Get paid + float - (9)
Drakk Ramhorn - (7)
Maxband Drakk - (2)
Merfolk Prospector and Wisp kill Young Treant
Playful Panda trades with Huntress, you get a gold
Tiny Basilisk, Drakk gives it haste - (0)
Tiny Basilisk trades with Calamanda, levels fizzle
Skip worker!
Discard 3, draw 4, reshuffle 8, draw 1

:psblueshield: Drakk L6 3/4 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gets haste)

Wisp 0/1 (Drakk: frenzy 1)
Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (Drakk: frenzy 1, exhaust: +1g)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5

Hand: 5

Spore Shambler
Land Octopus
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth
Playful Panda

Deck: 7

Young Treant
Captured Bugblatter
Tiny Basilisk
Forest’s Favour
Bird’s Nest
Captured Bugblatter

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 6 teched = 16
1 on board
5 in hand
7 in deck
0 in discard
3 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 8

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Verdant Tree
T3: Ironbark Treant


Excellent! Sadly I’ve been back at work the last few days, but good to see you back at it!


Tech StartingHand Workers


Temporal Distortion (Geiger things)
Now! (Ditto)


Tiger Cub
Merfolk Prospector


Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Forest’s Favor


Spore Shambler
Verdant Tree
Rampant Growth


Young Treant
Tiger Cub
Temporal Distortion

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + Scavenger - ($9)
Immortal - ($3)
Grave - ($1)
Prospector - ($0)
Skip Worker

Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Merfolk Prospector 1/1A
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Sparring Partner 2/2
  • :pschip: Technician: L1 Grave Stormborne 2/3 [Sparkshot]
  • :target: Lookout: Immortal 5/5 [Indestructible]

In Play:


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Present)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 1
  • Disc: 6


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

Bit annoyed with my past decisions here, Hyperion or Now! would have let me kill Drakk fairly easily, but at least I get my Immortal into play to set up for a big burst turn with Geiger. Kidnapping is really face up now and probably costs me my Tech II, so I’d better make sure I use Lookout to make it expensive. If I do that and worker up with 3 patrollers I suspect he still might be able to pull off a double Tech break if he draws well and skips worker again, so to be safe I’ll also skip my Worker and add the Prospector. If I get really lucky, maybe he doesn’t draw Kidnapping and my Tech II is safe, but somehow I doubt it.

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Starting hand: 5

Spore Shambler
Land Octopus
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth
Playful Panda


Not looking good, if Geiger or Tricycloid let thehug0naut kill off my board before I get the Bugblatters down then I’m in big trouble.

I’m not sure why the Immortal is in Lookout rather than Squad Leader. hug0 is probably paranoid about Kidnapping, but Immortals are terrible targets for Kidnapping, due to not being able to trade them. I’ve teched one more to deal with leftover Hyperions or Tricycloids.

I’d like to kill Grave here, and get rid of that sparkshot, but I need to keep defences up so the Immortal can’t just destroy the Tech II. hug0 can’t afford both a Hyperiod/Tricycloid and a maxband Geiger, thankfully, at least if I kill the Prospector or don’t lost Drakk. I think I just need to play Rook instead of a second unit, give him something he has to take out with Immortal or a trained Hyperion. I just hope I don’t draw Bird’s Nest.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Captured Bugblatter, Land Octopus
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Kidnapping
T5: Crash Bomber, Kidnapping

Get paid - (8)
Worker - (7)
Tech II Blood - (3)
Merfolk Prospector exhausts for gold - (4)
Tiger Cub, Drakk gives it haste - (2)
Garus Rook - (0)
Tiger Cub kills Merfolk Prospector, takes 1 damage
Drakk kills Grave, you draw, Rook to level 3, Drakk takes 2 damage
Discard 3, draw 5

:psblueshield: Rook L3 2/4+1A
:ps_: Wisp 0/1 (Drakk: frenzy 1)

Drakk L6 3/2 (dies: 1 to your base; units have frenzy 1; first unit played from hand gets haste; 2 damage)
Tiger Cub 2/1 (haste; Drakk: frenzy 1; 1 damage)
Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (Drakk: frenzy 1, exhaust: +1g)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)

Hand: 5

Young Treant
Tiny Basilisk
Bird’s Nest
Captured Bugblatter

Deck: 2

Captured Bugblatter
Forest’s Favour

Discard: 5

Crash Bomber
Land Octopus
Playful Panda
Rampant Growth

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
2 on board
5 in hand
2 in deck
5 in discard
4 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 9

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Verdant Tree
T3: Ironbark Treant
T5: Spore Shambler


Tech StartingHand Workers


Research & Development (Can’t see how he kills Geiger so let’s go for maximum burst)
Research & Development (ditto)


Rampant Growth → Worker (Don’t think it’s needed now but tree might be)
Spore Shambler
Verdant Tree
Technician Draw → Tricycloid


Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Forest’s Favor
Rampant Growth


Tiger Cub
Sparring Partner
Young Treant
Verdant Tree

Tech 2 card(s)
Technician Draw
Get Paid - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Geiger - ($5)
Tricycloid, guns down Wisp and shoots Tech II twice, you gain 1g - ($0)
Immortal kills Rook, takes 2, Geiger midbands
Spartner trades with Drakk, my base to 19, Geiger maxbands, flicker Tric
Tric guns down Tech II, your base to 18

Float ($0)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Tricycloid 3/3A
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • L5 Max Geiger 3/4 [Sparkshot]
  • Immortal 5/3 [Indestructible]


  • :heart: Base HP: 19
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Present)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 8
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

Can’t be having Tech II, so let’s make sure we break that and get in position to hit him hard again next turn. With both Drakk and Rook dead I think I can keep Tric alive if I put it in SQL.

I’ve started the other match, if you have the time!


Starting hand: 5

Young Treant
Tiny Basilisk
Bird’s Nest
Captured Bugblatter


This turn will be the dealbreaker: if hug0 doesn’t break through, I can get both Bugblatters down, and maybe whittle him down. If he does, I’m on a long cycle with no win condition. No time runes on the Tricycloid and Geiger is already at maxband, let’s see what tricks he’s got left.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Captured Bugblatter, Land Octopus
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Kidnapping
T5: Crash Bomber, Kidnapping
T6: Crash Bomber, Tiny Basilisk

Get paid + Scavenger - (10)
Rebuild Tech II

Young Treant, I draw - (8)

Forest’s Favour

Tiny Basilisk - (6)
Worker - (5)
Tower - (2)
Master Midori - (0)
Merfolk Prospector exhausts for gold - (1)
Floating 1
Discard 3, draw 1, reshuffle 10, draw 4

:psblueshield: Tiger Cub 2/1+1A (haste; 1 damage)
:psfist: Young Treant 1+0/2 (can’t attack)
:ps_: Midori L1 2/3
:exhaust: Tiny Basilisk 1/2 (deathtouch; can ignore Tech 0 patrollers; can’t be attacked by Tech 0 units)

Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (exhaust: +1g)

:heart: Base HP: 18
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 5

Captured Bugblatter
Playful Panda
Tiny Basilisk
Bird’s Nest
Captured Bugblatter

Deck: 6

Crash Bomber
Land Octopus
Rampant Growth
Crash Bomber

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 10 teched = 20
4 on board
5 in hand
6 in deck
0 in discard
5 in workers

Gold: 1
Workers: 10

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Verdant Tree
T3: Ironbark Treant
T5: Spore Shambler
T6: Forest’s Favour


Tech StartingHand Workers


Temporal Distortion (More burst)
Now! (Ditto)


Verdant Tree
Sparring Partner
Young Treant
Tiger Cub → Worker


Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Forest’s Favor
Rampant Growth
Tiger Cub


Research & Development
Research & Development
Spore Shambler


Temporal Distortion
Young Treant
Verdant Tree

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
Grave + Midband - ($5)
Now! on Grave, readily kills Tiger, takes 3, Sparkshot hits Treant - ($4)
Geiger kills Midori, takes 3, Sparkshot kills Treant, Grave to level 5, you gain 1g
Maxband Grave, exhaust and chuck sword at Basilisk, you draw - ($2)
Immortal breaks Tech II, takes 1, your base to 16
Worker - ($1)
Spartner - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Tricycloid 3/3A
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician: Sparring Partner 2/2
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • L7 Grave Stormborne 4/5 [Sparkshot, Readiness]
  • L5 Max Geiger 3/1 [Sparkshot]
  • Immortal 5/2 [Indestructible]


  • :heart: Base HP: 19
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Present)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 5


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

Grave + Now! gives me a straightforward way to clear his board and break his Tech II, only issue is I have to take 3 damage on Geiger which is not ideal, but probably better than chancing 1-2 draws to try for a similar effect. Now regretting the double R&D instead of R&D + Reversal/MM. If Geiger lives I probably win this thing next turn, if he doesn’t it could get ugly.


Starting hand: 5

Captured Bugblatter
Playful Panda
Tiny Basilisk
Bird’s Nest
Captured Bugblatter

Technician draw: 1

Land Octopus


Ugh, should have patrolled with the Prospector.

Teched cards: 0

T2: Bird’s Nest, Tiny Basilisk
T3: Captured Bugblatter, Land Octopus
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Kidnapping
T5: Crash Bomber, Kidnapping
T6: Crash Bomber, Tiny Basilisk

Get paid + Scavenger + float - (12)
Rebuild Tech II
Garus Rook - (10)
Bird’s Nest, Birds arrive - (8)
Maxband Rook - (1)
Merfolk Prospector exhausts for gold - (2)
Tiny Basilisk - (0)
Discard 4, draw 5

:psblueshield: Rook L8 4/6+1A (can ignore lone patrollers; two lives)
:ps_: Bird #1 (flying)
:exhaust: Bird #2 (flying)
:lookout: Tiny Basilisk 1/2 (resist 0+1; deathtouch; can ignore Tech 0 units; can’t be attacked by Tech 0 units)

Merfolk Prospector 1/1 (exhaust: +1g)

Bird’s Nest (channeled by Rook)

:heart: Base HP: 16
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)
:heart: Tower HP: 4

Hand: 5

Crash Bomber
Rampant Growth
Crash Bomber

Deck: 0
Discard: 7

Tiger Cub
Young Treant
Tiny Basilisk
Captured Bugblatter
Playful Panda
Captured Bugblatter
Land Octopus

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 10 teched = 20
3 on board
5 in hand
0 in deck
7 in discard
5 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 10

5 x start
T1: Rich Earth
T2: Verdant Tree
T3: Ironbark Treant
T5: Spore Shambler
T6: Forest’s Favour

GGWP @charnel_mouse, Geiger basically cast timestop here


Tech StartingHand Workers


Reversal (Just need something to get Rook out the way, can guarantee that I draw it with double R&D)


Research & Development
Spore Shambler
Research & Development

R&D1 → Temporal Distortion
R&D1 → Hyperion
R&D1 → Ferocity
R&D1 → Merfolk Prospector
R&D1 → Verdant Tree

R&D2 → Young Treant
R&D2 → Temporal Distortion
R&D2 → Reversal
R&D2 → Now!
R&D2 → Now!


Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Playful Panda
Forest’s Favor
Rampant Growth
Tiger Cub


Merfolk Prospector
Verdant Tree

Tech 1 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
R&D, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1 - ($8)
R&D, draw 5 - ($6)
Reversal on Rook, deal 2 damage after armour, disable the rockman - ($3)
Immortal kills Basilisk, exhausts and heals
TD, bounce Immortal for Elephant - ($1)
Spar with Elephant
Now! on Elephant - ($0)
Grave, Tric and Elephant (twice) hit base for 21 damage, exploding it

Float ($0)
Discard 10, reshuffle, draw 5

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • L7 Grave Stormborne 4/4 [Sparkshot, Readiness]
  • L5 Max Geiger 3/1 [Sparkshot]
  • Rampaging Elephant 7/6 [+]
  • Tricycloid 3/2
  • Sparring Partner 2/2


  • :heart: Base HP: 19
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Present)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 10
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

@zango this one is mine


Of all the things to kill me, I wasn’t expecting an Elephant! Good stuff.