Uh oh
XCAFS23 R3Part1: Player 2, Turn 4
P2 Miracle Grow vs P1 Balance/Blood/Strength
Link to all relevant rule changes
Starting Hand
Gunpoint Taxman
Makeshift Rambaster
Bird’s Nest
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (8)
- Tech 2 cards in (except turn 1)
All Teched Cards
Blooming Ancient, Gunpoint Taxman
Blooming Ancient, Surprise Attack
Gunpoint Taxman, Bird’s Nest
- Zane + maxband, shove Drakk to Scav (1)
- Zane kills Drakk, my base to 17, we both get 1g (2)
- Mad Man trades with Panda
- Gunpoint Taxman (0)
Careless, Musketeer, Bloodburn, Scorch
- Patrol as below
- Discard 3 rs Draw 5
Board Info:
- Base HP: 17
- Tech1 HP: 4
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Gunpoint Taxman (3/3a)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Zane (4/1 lvl 6)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 7
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Nautical Dog
Mad Man
Blooming Ancient
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Shoulda seen the Drakk Midband chaos… that was really rough. I can tech up but I’ll be asking for pain, I think I should strike Drakk before I get creamed and tech up next turn… Getting GPT down is important though so skip worker as well…