XCAFS20 Initial Ruleset definition discussion!

That’s not a reasonable question, by which I mean, to accurately answer it would be more trouble than it’s worth, if indeed it can be accurately answered at all. What I can easily say is that the Drill Sergeant sniper strategy would often be less appealing if Dreamscape didn’t exist, and that I have no intention of running Truth, and especially not Peace with Truth, under the current change list.

Yeah I’m with Eric here, I need to see a link to this game where it was instrumental in the win, and an explanation for how Judgment Day or Hallucination (or just Mirrors) would not have done the same job as well / better.

I don’t disagree that there exists a hypothetical situation in which it is demonstrably better, but I have never experienced a practical one

Judgment Day kills your own units too…

Right but with Peace Engine that usually doesn’t matter as much to you as to the opponent :wink:

To a degree that’s true, but the Peace engine strategy tends to go through a growing pains phase what with the purchase of the Tech II, the Garrisons, and the Sergeants, and if the opponent is applying pressure, every gold is precious. Not to mention the price tag on Judgment Day is a considerable $10 including Bigby, and none of that advances the engine at all, plus depending on circumstances he might conflict with a different hero.

At a glance, it looks like I won a game using the Dreamscape / Sergeant combo against you here.

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Checking the forum, this was the first game I found where it was used: Codex Newb [Finesse]/Peace/Truth vs Dreamfire [Demon]/Balance/Anarchy - #29 by codexnewb
If codexnewb had teched a second Drill Sergeant instead of Dreamscape, he would have won 1 turn earlier than he did.

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Be that as it may, it’s a far cry from saying that in one particular situation Dreamscape was suboptimal, than from saying that in every situation it’s suboptimal.

No, no, it’s really not. Find an actual forum game where Ds/DS was used, and I can almost certainly find an alternate tech that would still win the game.

If you’re going to say that any card is mandatory for a win, I think you’d be hard pressed to make that case.

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Another point that hasn’t been mentioned is that sometimes it’s worth playing Dreamscape by itself to interfere with the opponent targeting their own units, and the Drill Sergeant combo can be tacked on as a bonus.

There’s a distinction, though, between mandatory and sub-optimal where a equally / more useful card exists.

The game you linked against me is a good example of it being especially effective, I’ll grant that.

But surely even you can say it was a clear “win more” card; you had the game already locked down (damn I inted levels to Oni hard that game, LOL! and what were those decks? were we randoming or something?).

Hallucination was enough to win the game easily AND you save a gold for more runes XD What’s wrong with making Dreamscape different / more exciting? I never really liked that it and Hallucination overlapped so much in the first place tbh

I didn’t actually read through the game I linked, nor am I especially interested in doing so, as I’ve used the combo enough times that I’m confident that it’s a good option and better than Hallucination + Sergeant sometimes. I mean, supposing I spent the time to read through it and decided that, in that particular case, Hallucination would have been $1 more efficient, that wouldn’t invalidate that there are cases where Dreamscape is more efficient.

That said, I don’t object to modifications to Dreamscape and/or Hallucination, nor do I feel it’s unreasonable to object to the two spells being so similar, even if I personally like having the option to pick whichever version seems more appropriate to a given situation. I just object to claims that Dreamscape and Drill Sergeant are never played (or are never worth playing) together, because in my experience it can be a very powerful, fun, and efficient combo… but of course your mileage may vary. If people don’t want to believe me, that’s fine… I’m not even sure I want to participate in this tournament, so I’m not motivated enough to go searching for game after game until I find one that satisfies everyone here, and besides, I don’t exclusively play on the forums, so some games I’ve played have no record to cite.


I believe you and I think it is a great combo! I’ve actually not landed them before not because I didn’t think it was good but because I didn’t know about this combo. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I want to give it a try!

If we are going into detailed thoughts here, I’ll repost my initial thought on the change to Bone Collector, which is that I’d rather see it as 3/2 than 2/3. Bone Collector is similar to Hyperion, in that its attack ability means that, while facing its high attack value is a pain, the real problem is when it survives to attack twice.

I also think that giving the Owl 1 attack might be too good. Normal Owl already has niche utility blocking Nullcraft or Birds in Squad Leader, while you set up to use Circle of Life. Adding 1 attack, nerfing Birds, and letting Circle of Life fetch non-Green units, makes Owl great against anything that isn’t heavy ground pressure. If the change sticks, I’ll happily take up ol’ faithful [Balance]/Blood/Strength, and try to abuse the hell out of it.

I went through all your games that came up on a search for Dreamscape and Drill. In every case, you didn’t have to use the Dreamscape (or Hallucination), just putting DS runes on your attackers would have been sufficient (especially when you could have Haste guys)

There seems to be an obvious point skipped over here: the distinction between dreamscape and hallucination is meaningless here, because revised drill sergeant can’t target at all, so neither allow the combo.

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If you guys feel so strongly about Dreamscape, why isn’t the change proposed here?

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Also, if you guys are going to get all defensive about people’s comments, why ask for our opinions on these changes?

It blows my mind that my past game plays can be judged like that. It is absolutely meaningless to say “you didn’t have to use that when you could have just done the other” because hindsight is always 20/20 and more importantly I don’t want the other.

Everyone has different views about cards and that is what makes the game fun.

If you guys want everybody to play optimally, then why don’t you just play agaist AI? You guys make it sound like we are all Alpha Gos when clearly we are just humans.

You can change the rules but you can’t change the fact that we are stupid.


Uhhh I can say that Hallucination + DS combo is instrumental in countering any T2 big dude strategy. I’ve won against fully setup Dozer+Shrine boards on multiple occasions with DS sniping.

It’s somewhat under the radar, but I can’t think of any other Blue reactive move that swings the table in Blue’s favor this much. It’s the only cost-efficient Blue reactive play.

And no, Judgement Day can’t really be compared since it occupies an entire turn and leaves you only with 3/4 Bigby facing off against an opposing hero or two. DS+Hallucination leaves you with DS at the very minimum, likely with a couple more fodder units on the board.

Dreamscape aside (I’ve only used it once and it was a 2v2 game), proposed DS change kills Hallucination combo too, so the discussion around Dreamscape is moot imho.

Yeah, big disagree here.

You are basically challenging Sirlin’s design intention with the card at this point. He worded DS in such a way that it’s ability kills Illusions. He designed two cards that can give Illusion tag to non-Illusion opposing units. How can you suggest that this is not an intended interaction and can be removed at a whim I don’t know.

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Well, Metamorphosis IS an ultimate spell that costs SIX gold. These sort of cards are supposed to put opponent on hard clock and demand playing around them. In that case by constructing a Tower.

I don’t disagree that Meta is currently overtuned even with “sacrifice your units” drawback, but I think the issue is not Metamorphosis the spell so much, as it is Vandy the hero who makes Meta too accessible, hence my proposed Vandy levelling nerf.

Cutting Readiness not only keeps the core design intent of the Metamorph intact, but also nerfs it significantly in a strategic sense — Black would have to make a hard choice between utilizing Demon Heroes for offense and patrolling with them.

Putting opponent on a hard 2-turn clock with all-out attack sounds nice, but leaving yourself open to counterattack is very all-in. You will lose your Graveyard, you will lose your Tech I, you will lose all comeback possibilities. Red might just race you outright. Attacking with both Demon Heroes would be very all-eggs-in-one-basket, which IMO is quite in tune with Metamorphosis design intention.